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GEN - General - Kansai Paint Co., Ltd - Announcement Regarding Competition

Release Date: 19/04/2011 17:08
Code(s): JSE
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GEN - General - Kansai Paint Co., Ltd - Announcement Regarding Competition Commission Approval of Kansai`s Offer For Freeworld Coatings Limited and Earlier Fulfilment and Payment Date Kansai Paint Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan) (Registration number 1402-01-001093) (Tokyo Stock Exchange share code: 4613) (ISIN: JP3229400001) ("Kansai") ANNOUNCEMENT REGARDING COMPETITION COMMISSION APPROVAL OF KANSAI`S OFFER FOR FREEWORLD COATINGS LIMITED AND EARLIER FULFILMENT AND PAYMENT DATE 1. INTRODUCTION The shareholders of Freeworld Coatings Limited ("Freeworld") are referred to Kansai`s offer circular to Freeworld shareholders dated 15 December 2010 ("Kansai`s circular"), which sets out the terms and conditions of Kansai`s cash offer of R12.00 per Freeworld share to Freeworld`s shareholders ("Kansai`s offer"). Terms used but not separately defined in this announcement shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in pages 9 to 11 of Kansai`s circular in accordance with the rules of interpretation set out on page 12 of Kansai`s circular. Copies of Kansai`s circular can be found at 2. COMPETITION COMMISSION APPROVAL Kansai is pleased to report that, on 18 April 2011, the Competition Commission conditionally approved the proposed merger of Kansai and Freeworld. To the extent that the conditions may result in a material adverse change to Freeworld (as defined in Kansai`s circular), Kansai has elected to accept such conditions for the purpose of implementing Kansai`s offer. Kansai has always believed that the merger would be cleared in view of the the substantial pro-competitive and public interest gains that are likely to arise from its participation in the South African coatings market. The Competition Commission has approved the merger subject to public interest conditions which are primarily aimed at limiting any retrenchments as a result of the merger, ensuring that Freeworld maintains or expands Freeworld`s local manufacturing facilities and continues with research and development in South Africa. In addition, the Competition Commission requires the merged entity to divest of Freeworld`s automotive coatings business and to conclude a BEE transaction within a period of 2 years or, upon consent of the Competition Commission, within an additional period of 1 year. 3. STATEMENT BY THE CHAIRMAN OF KANSAI In a statement released this morning, the Chairman of the Board of Kansai, Shoju Kobayashi, stated that: "Having received the approval of the South African competition authorities, Kansai looks forward to engaging with the management and employees of Freeworld in respect of the future strategic development and direction of Freeworld. Kansai appreciates the loyalty that the Freeworld employees have shown through this period of uncertainty, and looks forward to a strong partnership with them in the future. As has been indicated in the past, Kansai views Freeworld as a platform for further development in South Africa and Africa, and sees its acquisition as an opportunity to strengthen the linkages between Japan and South Africa in building a strong African business benefiting from Kansai`s global reach and capabilities." 4. OFFER DECLARED UNCONDITIONAL IN ALL RESPECTS Freeworld shareholders are advised that following: * the Competition Commission`s conditional approval of Kansai`s offer and Kansai`s subsequent acceptance of those conditions for the purpose of implementing Kansai`s offer; and * the clearance by the Zambian competition authorities and ring-fencing measures which have been implemented in Namibia and Swaziland enabling the implementation of Kansai`s offer in South Africa pending competition clearance in the aforementioned jurisdictions, Kansai`s offer is hereby declared unconditional in all respects. 5. EARLIER FULFILMENT DATE AND PAYMENT DATE Following the conditional approval of Kansai`s offer, Kansai is pleased to announce that it has decided to proceed with the implementation of the transaction without delay, such that the fulfilment date has been brought forward from the anticipated date of 9 May 2011 to today, 19 April 2011, and payment shall occur within 7 calendar days of this announcement. 6. SECTION 440K(3) OF THE COMPANIES ACT Freeworld shareholders that have not tendered all of their Freeworld shares under Kansai`s offer ("Remaining Shareholders") are reminded that they are entitled to invoke the provisions of section 440K(3)(b) of the Companies Act to have all of their Freeworld shares not tendered under Kansai`s offer ("Remaining Shares") compulsorily acquired by Kansai. As set out in Kansai`s notice which was posted to Remaining Shareholders on 17 March 2011 ("Kansai`s Notice") and Kansai`s announcement released on SENS on 18 March 2011, Remaining Shareholders have until 12:00 on 18 June 2011 to invoke the provisions of section 440K(3)(b) of the Companies Act in terms of which Kansai will be required to acquire all (and not some only) of their Remaining Shares, and Kansai shall be entitled and bound to acquire such Remaining Shares on the conditions under which the Freeworld shares of the offerees who have accepted Kansai`s offer are to be transferred to Kansai, including, without limitation, a consideration of R12.00 per Freeworld share, or on such other conditions as may be agreed or as the Court, on the application of either Kansai or a Remaining Shareholder, may think fit to order. 7. REVISED TIMETABLE As a consequence of the change of the fulfilment date for Kansai`s offer to today, 19 April 2011, as opposed to 9 May 2011 as indicated in Kansai`s previous announcement released on SENS on 11 March 2011 and published in the South African press on 14 March 2011, the important dates and times of Kansai`s offer are as follows: The offer opened at 09:00 on Wednesday, 15 December 2010 Date on which the offer was declared unconditional as to acceptances, as released on SENS on Thursday, 3 February 2011 Announcement of the offer being declared unconditional as to acceptances published in the South African press on Friday, 4 February 2011 Last day to trade in Freeworld shares in order to participate in the offer Friday, 11 February 2011 Freeworld shares traded "ex" the offer Monday, 14 February 2011 Record date in order to participate in the offer at 12:00 on Friday, 18 February 2011 The offer closed at 12:00 on ("closing date") Friday, 18 February 2011 Results of the offer released on SENS and published in the South African press on Monday, 21 February 2011 Date on which Competition clearance was granted Monday, 18 April 2011 Fulfilment date Tuesday, 19 April 2011 Announcement of the fulfilment of the conditions published in the South African press on Wednesday, 20 April 2011 Last date on which Freeworld shareholders who did not accept the offer may invoke section 440K(3)(b) of the Companies Act to require Kansai to acquire all of their Freeworld shares Saturday, 18 June 2011 Payment date Note 2 below refers Notes: 1. The abovementioned dates and times are South African dates and times. 2. The offer consideration payable to: 2.1 dematerialised shareholders will be paid into their accounts with their Central Securities Depository Participants ("CSDPs") or brokers at their risk, and dealt with in terms of the custody agreements entered into between such dematerialised shareholders and their CSDPs or brokers, within 7 calendar days of the fulfilment date; 2.2 certificated shareholders will be transferred or posted (as the case may be), by ordinary mail, at the risk of the certificated shareholders concerned, provided the transfer secretaries have received the form of acceptance, transfer and surrender as attached to Kansai`s circular, together with the relevant documents of title (in negotiable form), within 7 calendar days of the fulfilment date. 8. RESTRICTIONS ON SALE AND TRADE Offerees are advised that the contract of sale and purchase contemplated by Kansai`s offer has come into effect today and that if they have notified their CSDPs or brokers, as the case may be, of their acceptance of Kansai`s offer, in the case of dematerialised shareholders, or if they have surrendered documents of title and accepted the offer, in the case of certificated shareholders, for their offer shares on or before 12:00 on the closing date of 18 February 2011, they are not permitted to sell or trade their offer shares. Remaining Shareholders are advised that the contract of sale and purchase contemplated by Kansai`s offer has come into effect today and that should they notify their CSDPs or brokers, as the case may be, of their notice in terms of section 440K(3)(b) of the Companies Act (or the analogous provision of the Companies Act, 2008) in respect of their Remaining Shares, in the case of Remaining Shareholders holding dematerialised shares, in terms of Kansai`s Notice, or should they surrender their documents of title in respect of their Remaining Shares, in terms of Kansai`s Notice, in the case of Remaining Shareholders holding certificated shares ("Certificated Remaining Shareholders") on or before 12:00 on 18 June 2011, they are not permitted to sell or trade such Freeworld shares. 9. DIRECTORS` RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT The board of directors of Kansai, having considered all information contained in this announcement, accepts full responsibility for the accuracy of such information and certifies that, to the best of its knowledge and belief (having taken all reasonable care to ensure that this is the case), the information contained in this document is in accordance with the facts and that nothing that is likely to affect the import of this information has been omitted. Enquiries Kansai Nauman Malik Head of Corporate Strategy +603 3341 5333 Nomura Andrew McNaught Jason Hutchings +44 (0)207 102 1000 Newman Lowther & Associates Jan Newman Ben Lowther +27 (0)21 673 7000 Financial Dynamics Grant Henry, +27 (0)11 214 2406 or +27 (0)82 561 7172 Ravin Maharaj, +27 (0)11 214 2410 or +27 (0)83 447 5158 Financial advisors NOMURA NEWMAN LOWTHER & ASSOCIATES Legal advisors BOWMAN GILFILLAN ATTORNEYS PR advisors FD Date: 19/04/2011 17:08:49 Supplied by Produced by the JSE SENS Department.

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