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MOMENTUM METROPOLITAN HOLDINGS LIMITED - Dealings In Securities By An Associate Of A Director

Release Date: 20/05/2024 16:25
Code(s): MTM     PDF:  
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Dealings In Securities By An Associate Of A Director

Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
Registration number: 2000/031756/06
ISIN Code: ZAE000269890
JSE Share Code: MTM
A2X Share Code: MTM
NSX Share Code: MMT

("MMH" or the "Company")


The Company announces that on 17 May 2024, it received a conversion
notice from Off The Shelf Investments 108 (Pty) Limited to convert the
remaining 28 060 898 convertible redeemable preference shares
(preference shares) to ordinary shares (the Conversion). This relates
to the preference shares issued pursuant to a BEE scheme announced on
17 June 2004. Shareholders should note that these preference shares
have already been treated as dilutive (i.e. treated as converted) for
Diluted Normalised Headline Earnings per share and for Embedded Value
per share calculations. The Conversion is subject to Prudential
Authority approval. Application to list the new ordinary shares will be
made to the JSE upon receipt of Prudential Authority approval.

In terms of paragraph 3.63 of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements
(Listings Requirements), the following information is disclosed:

Name of Associate:               Off The Shelf Investments 108 (Pty)
Name of director and
relationship to associate:       Paballo Joel Makosholo [Mr Makosholo is
                                 a non-executive director of MMH and
                                 executive   director  of   Kagiso   Tiso
                                 Holdings (Pty) Limited (KTH).    Off The
                                 Shelf Investments 108 (Pty) Limited is a
                                 wholly owned subsidiary of KTH

Class of securities:             MMH ordinary shares

Nature of transaction:           Conversion of convertible redeemable
                                 preference shares into ordinary shares

Date of conversion:              28 June 2024

Number of securities:            28 060 898

Deemed conversion price:         R9.18 per share

Deemed transaction value:        R257 599 043.64
Nature and extent of
interest:                        Indirect beneficial

Clearance obtained:              Yes

20 May 2024

Sponsor in South Africa
Merrill Lynch South Africa (Pty) Limited t/a BofA Securities

Sponsor in Namibia
Simonis Storm Securities (Pty) Limited

Date: 20-05-2024 04:25:00
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