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MR PRICE GROUP LIMITED - Dealings in Securities on behalf of the Employee Share Scheme

Release Date: 13/12/2023 15:00
Code(s): MRP     PDF:  
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Dealings in Securities on behalf of the Employee Share Scheme

Mr Price Group Limited
(Registration number 1933/004418/06)
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
ISIN: ZAE000200457
LEI number: 378900D3417C35C5D733
JSE and A2X share code: MRP ("Mr Price Group")


In terms of paragraphs 3.63 to 3.65 of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, notice is hereby
given of hedging transactions in terms of the Mr Price Group Long Term Incentive Scheme (LTI).

Name of the Scheme:                 Mr Price Group Long Term Incentive Scheme
Class of security:                  Ordinary Shares
Nature of transaction:              On-market purchase of securities to satisfy future
                                    obligations towards Scheme participants.
Type of trade:                      Forward purchases
Date of transaction:                08 December 2023
Expiry date:                        01 September 2026
Number of securities:               550,009
Purchase Price:                     R155.32901386
Notional value:                     R85,432,355.58
Nature of interest:                 Indirect beneficial
Clearance obtained:                 Yes

13 December 2023

JSE Equity Sponsor and Corporate Broker
Investec Bank Limited

Date: 13-12-2023 03:00:00
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