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INVESTEC BANK LIMITED - New Financial Instrument Listing Announcement IVC331

Release Date: 13/03/2025 14:45
Code(s): IVC331     PDF:  
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New Financial Instrument Listing Announcement – IVC331

 Investec Bank Limited
 (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
 (Registration number: 1969/004763/06)
 Issuer code: BIINLP
 LEI No: 549300RH5FFHO48FXT69

New Financial Instrument Listing Announcement – IVC331

Application has been made to the JSE Limited ("JSE") for the listing of R250,000,000 (two hundred
and fifty million Rand) senior unsecured floating rate credit linked Notes (stock code IVC331), under
Investec Bank Limited's Credit Linked Note Programme dated 17 March 2021 ("Programme

The IVC331 Notes will be issued to Noteholders on the date of listing being with effect from
14 March 2025 commencement of trade.

Salient features of the IVC331 Notes are listed below:

Issuer                             Investec Bank Limited

Principal Amount                   R1,000,000 per Note on the Issue Date

Instrument                         Senior unsecured credit linked Notes

Issue Date                         14 March 2025

Nominal Amount per Note            R1,000,000

Interest Rate                      The Reference Rate plus a margin of:
                                   1,69% (one point six nine percent) for
                                   the period beginning on and including
                                   the Issue Date to but excluding the
                                   applicable Redemption Date (adjusted
                                   in accordance with the applicable
                                   Business Day Convention)

Reference Rate                     ZAR-JIBAR-SAFEX             with      a
                                   Designated Maturity of 3 months or, if
                                   ZAR-JIBAR-SAFEX ceases to be the
                                   approved      Reference     Rate,   the
                                   replacement Reference Rate (together
                                   with a spread (if applicable))
                                   determined by the Calculation Agent in
                                   its sole discretion taking into account
                                   prevailing market practice and any
                                   spread published by a governmental
                                   authority or industry body and notified
                                   to the Noteholders in accordance with
                                   Condition 34 (Notices)

Scheduled Maturity Date            28 February 2035

Optional Redemption Date (Call)    N/A

Issue price per Note               100%

Final Redemption Amount per Note   The outstanding Principal Amount per
                                   Note (plus accrued unpaid interest, if
                                   any, to, but excluding, the Scheduled
                                   Maturity Date)

Interest Commencement Date         Issue Date

Books Close Period                 The Register will be closed from
                                   (i)    The Register will be closed
                                          from      18      February     to
                                          28 February, 21 May to 31 May,
                                          21 August to 31 August and
                                          20 November to 30 November
                                          in each year (including the first
                                          day but excluding the last day of
                                          each     period),    until    the
                                          applicable Redemption Date; or
                                   (ii)   From the date that is 10 (ten)
                                          days prior to any Payment Day
                                          until (but excluding) the
                                          Payment Date

Last Day to Register               17 February, 20 May, 20 August and
                                   19 November in each year, or if such
                                   day is not a Business Day, the Business
                                   Day before each Books Closed Period,
                                   or the last Business Day immediately
                                   preceding the commencement of the
                                   Books Closed Period

Interest Payment Dates             28 February, 31 May, 31 August and
                                   30 November in each year and the
                                   applicable Redemption Date and with
                                   the first Interest Payment Date being
                                   30 April 2025 or, if such day is not a
                                   Business Day, the Business Day on
                                   which interest will be paid, as
                                   determined in accordance with the
                                   applicable Business Day Convention
                                   (as specified in the Applicable Pricing

Business Day Convention            Following Business Day

JSE Stock Code                     IVC331

ISIN                               ZAG000213513

Aggregate Nominal                  ZAR13,955,495,226 (thirteen billion
Amount of Notes Outstanding        nine hundred and fifty five million four
under the Programme after this     hundred and ninety five thousand two
issuance                           hundred and twenty six Rand)
                                   An additional early redemption event,
                                   the Reference Obligation Early
                                   Redemption Event was included. The
                                   calculation of the Early Redemption
                                   Amount when a Reference Obligation
                                   Early Redemption Event, Tax Event,
                                   illegality or an Event of Default differs
                                   from the calculation of an early
                                   redemption amount stipulated in the
                                   Programme Memorandum. The Credit
                                   Event Redemption Amount per Note
                                   (the fall back settlement) also differs
                                   from the formula stipulated in the
                                   Programme Memorandum.

The Pricing Supplement contains any additional terms
and conditions or changes to the terms and conditions
as contained in the Programme Memorandum.

Investors should study the Applicable Pricing
Supplement for full details of the terms and conditions
applicable to these Notes.

Date: 13 March 2025

Debt Sponsor:
Investec Bank Limited

Date: 13-03-2025 02:45:00
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