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General SENS Submitter Company - Informative Notice 20240318 Review Timetable Informative Notice - March and June 2024

Release Date: 05/02/2024 17:41
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Informative Notice – 20240318 Review Timetable Informative Notice - March and June 2024

March 2024 and June 2024 Shares and Free Floats Updates – Timetable

                                                        FTSE/JSE Indexes

                                                           05 February 2024
 The FTSE/JSE Africa Index Series will be reviewed during March 2024. The review timetable is as follows:

  Event                                               Date                                 Description
  Free Float and Shares In Issue                      31 January 2024                      Cut date to determine free float changes in
  Changes Cut Date                                                                         excess of 3% and cumulative shares in issue
                                                                                           changes in excess of 1%.

  Ranking Cut Date                                    19 February 2024                     Market capitalisation snapshot for ranking and
                                                                                           selection purposes.

  Indicative Free Float                               19 February 2024                     Publication of the indicative free float changes.

  Review ICA                                          28 February 2024                     Review additions, deletions and weighting
                                                                                           changes published.

  FTSE/JSE AC Meeting                                 29 February 2024                     FTSE/JSE Advisory Committee Meeting.

  Capping Cut Date                                    08 March 2024                        Closing prices snapshot for portfolio factor

  Portfolio Factors                                   11 March 2024*                       Publication of portfolio factors for capped,
                                                                                           equally weighted and fundamental weighted

  Effective Date                                      18 March 2024                        Review changes applied from start of trading.

 *Portfolio Factors Publication: Please note that a market notice was published on 30 April 2021 pertaining to the Final availability of FTSE/JSE Capping
 Factors on the JSE Website. The notice can be accessed here.

 Wednesday 31 January 2024: Cut-off date for new information. Information available prior to the end of day on 31
 January 2024 will be considered when determining March's shares and free float updates.

 Friday 16 February 2024: The shares and float files will be released (and will be available on the FTSE/JSE website
 on 19 February 2024). Clients are welcome to query the data included within these files and FTSE Russell will review
 appropriately. Any changes will be visible within the files which will be published daily between 16 February and 01
 March. These files are strictly indicative until end of day on 01 March 2024 and are subject to daily changes.

 The FTSE/JSE Index Review files will be released on Wednesday 28 February 2024.

 Monday 19 February to Friday 01 March 2024: Query period. Clients are welcome to query the data visible within
 the files between 19 February 2024 and end of day on 01 March 2024.

 The quarterly updates will be considered final at end of day on Friday 01 March 2024.

 Monday 04 March 2024: Effective start of trading on 04 March 2024, the scheduled changes will be "locked down"
 across the FTSE/JSE Indexes, with no further corrections applied this quarter*.
 *During the quarterly review / annual reconstitution lock-down period, FTSE Russell will generally avoid implementing corrections to ensure stability
 during the period prior to the review / reconstitution implementation. However egregious shares and free float errors discovered within the lock-down
 period or during the week following the review / reconstitution may be corrected if an erroneous change compromises the replicability of the index OR
 if the change places potential price pressure on the company OR if there is a material error of 50% or greater (relative) to index shares. Any corrections
 during the lock-down period or the week following the review will be implemented with appropriate notice. All other shares and free float errors will be
 corrected at the following quarterly index review.

 Monday 18 March 2024: From start of trading on 18 March 2024 the quarterly changes will become effective across
 the FTSE/JSE indexes.
Additional Clarifications

Stocks Suspended during the Review Period: Constituents which are suspended on Friday 01 March 2024* will
not have their scheduled review changes implemented regardless of a resumption of trade prior to the review effective
date. The scheduled review changes will be implemented T+5 after the review effective date, at the earliest, upon
resumption of trade.

If an active constituent suspends on or prior to Thursday 14 March 2024*, the scheduled review changes will be
reversed and applied T+5 after the resumption of trade (T+5 after the review effective date, at the earliest). For
securities that suspend on the Friday prior to the review effective date, the review changes will proceed as previously
*If there is a confirmed resumption of trade date which occurs prior to the review effective date, the review changes will proceed as scheduled.
**In exceptional circumstances, it may be deemed necessary to reverse the review changes when a company suspends on 15 March 2024.

Please note that Section 4.2 of the FTSE Russell Index Policy for Trading Halts and Market Closures guideline was updated on 4 Dec 2023. The notice
can be accessed here.

Equity Offerings: In accordance with standard methodology, primary and secondary offerings will continue to be
applied with two days' notice when discovered after the review announcement date. However, offerings which would
ordinarily become effective at the open on the Tuesday - Friday prior to the review will instead be implemented
simultaneously in conjunction with the review effective date on 18 March 2024 (open). Offerings discovered on the
Thursday and Friday prior to the review will be implemented with two days' notice and therefore subsequent to the

Timetable Summary

  Date                                                                     Action
  Wednesday 31 January                                                     Shares and Float cut-off date
  Friday 16 February to Friday 01 March                                    Shares in issue and free float changes published
  Wednesday 28 February                                                    The review files will be published.
  Monday 19 February to Friday 01 March                                    Query period
  Monday 04 March                                                          Lock down period commences from the open
  Monday 18 March                                                          Index review effective from the open
FTSE Russell is also pleased to announce the June 2024 Index Review timetable as follows:

 Event                                                Date                                    Description
 Free Float and Shares In Issue                       30 April 2024*                          Cut date to determine free float                        and
 Changes Cut Date                                                                             cumulative shares in issue changes.

 Ranking Cut Date                                     27 May 2024                             Market capitalisation snapshot for ranking and
                                                                                              selection purposes.

 Indicative Free Float                                27 May 2024                             Publication       of   the     indicative     free     float

 Review ICA                                           05 June 2024                            Review additions, deletions and weighting
                                                                                              changes published.

 FTSE/JSE AC Meeting                                  06 June 2024                            FTSE/JSE Advisory Committee Meeting.

 Capping Cut Date                                     14 June 2024                            Closing prices snapshot for portfolio factor

 Portfolio Factors                                    18 June 2024*                           Publication of portfolio factors for capped,
                                                                                              equally weighted and fundamental weighted

 Effective Date                                       24 June 2024                            Review changes applied from start of trading.

*Portfolio Factors Publication: Please note that a market notice was published on 30 April 2021 pertaining to the Final availability of FTSE/JSE Capping
Factors on the JSE Website. The notice can be accessed here.

Tuesday 30 April 2024: Cut-off date for new information. Information available prior to the end of day on 30 April 2024
will be considered when determining June's shares and free float updates.

Friday 24 May 2024: The shares and float files will be released (and will be available on the FTSE/JSE website on 27
May 2024). Clients are welcome to query the data included within these files and FTSE Russell will review appropriately.
Any changes will be visible within the files which will be published daily between 24 May and 07 June. These files are
strictly indicative until end of day on 07 June 2024 and are subject to daily changes.

The FTSE/JSE index review files will also be released on Wednesday 05 June 2024.

Monday 27 May to Friday 07 June 2024: Query period. Clients are welcome to query the data visible within the files
between 27 May 2024 and end of day on 07 June 2024.

The quarterly updates will be considered final at end of day on Friday 07 June 2024.

Monday 10 June 2024: Effective start of trading on 10 June 2024, the scheduled changes will be "locked down" across
the FTSE/JSE Indexes, with no further corrections applied this quarter*.
*During the quarterly review / annual reconstitution lock-down period, FTSE Russell will generally avoid implementing corrections to ensure stability during
the period prior to the review / reconstitution implementation. However egregious shares and free float errors discovered within the lock-down period or
during the week following the review / reconstitution may be corrected if an erroneous change compromises the replicability of the index OR if the change
places potential price pressure on the company OR if there is a material error of 50% or greater (relative) to index shares. Any corrections during the lock-
down period or the week following the review will be implemented with appropriate notice. All other shares and free float errors will be corrected at the
following quarterly index review.

Monday 24 June 2024: From start of trading on 24 June 2024 the quarterly changes will become effective across the
FTSE/JSE indexes.

Additional Clarifications

Stocks Suspended during the Review Period: Constituents which are suspended on Friday 07 June 2024* will not
have their scheduled review changes implemented regardless of a resumption of trade prior to the review effective date.
The scheduled review changes will be implemented T+5 after the review effective date, at the earliest, upon resumption
of trade.

If an active constituent suspends on or prior to Thursday 20 June 2024*, the scheduled review changes will be reversed
and applied T+5 after the resumption of trade (T+5 after the review effective date, at the earliest). For securities that
suspend on the Friday prior to the review effective date, the review changes will proceed as previously communicated**.
 *If there is a confirmed resumption of trade date which occurs prior to the review effective date, the review changes will proceed as scheduled.
 **In exceptional circumstances, it may be deemed necessary to reverse the review changes when a company suspends on 21 June 2024.

 Please note that Section 4.2 of the FTSE Russell Index Policy for Trading Halts and Market Closures guideline was updated on 4 Dec 2023. The notice
 can be accessed here.

 Equity Offerings: In accordance with standard methodology, primary and secondary offerings will continue to be
 applied with two days' notice when discovered after the review announcement date. However, offerings which would
 ordinarily become effective at the open on the Tuesday - Friday prior to the review will instead be implemented
 simultaneously in conjunction with the review effective date on 24 June 2024 (open). Offerings discovered on the
 Thursday and Friday prior to the review will be implemented with two days' notice and therefore subsequent to the

 Timetable Summary

   Date                                                                      Action
   Tuesday 30 April                                                          Shares and Float cut-off date
   Friday 24 May to Friday 07 June                                           Shares in issue and free float changes published
   Wednesday 05 June                                                         The review files will be published.
   Monday 27 May to Friday 07 June                                           Query period
   Monday 10 June                                                            Lock down period commences from the open
   Monday 24 June                                                            Index review effective from the open

 Should you require further information, please refer to the FTSE/JSE Ground Rules available at the link below or
 contact the JSE on +27 11 520 7000 or

 FTSE/JSE Ground Rules

For further information please contact FTSE Russell Client Services at or call:

 Australia                  +61 (0) 2 7228 5659
 Hong Kong                  +852 2164 3333
 Japan                      +81 3 6441 1430
 London                     +44 (0) 20 7866 1810
 New York                   +1877 503 6437

Alternatively please visit our website at

                                            Terms of Use | Copyright © 2024 FTSE Russell

Date: 05-02-2024 05:41:00
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