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SANLAM LIMITED - Dealings in securities

Release Date: 14/06/2024 15:00
Code(s): SLM SLI5 SLI6 SLI7 SLI8 SLI9     PDF:  
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Dealings in securities

Sanlam Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration number 1959/001562/06
JSE share code: SLM
NSX share code: SLA
A2X share code: SLM
ISIN: ZAE000070660

Sanlam Life Insurance Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration No. 1998/021121/06)
LEI: 378900E10332DF012A23
Bond Issuer Code: BISLI
("Sanlam Life")

Director, director of major subsidiary, company secretary and prescribed officers' dealings
in Sanlam securities

In compliance with paragraphs 3.63 – 3.66 of the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited, we
hereby advise the following dealings by an executive director, director of major subsidiary,
company secretary and prescribed officers in Sanlam securities:

 Name:                                                 A Mukhuba
 Designation:                                          Executive director
 Date of transaction:                                  10 June 2024
 Total number of shares:                               81 968
 Total transaction value:                              R nil (Conditional value of R5 859 072.64 based on
                                                       closing price of R71.48 per share on 10 June 2024)
 Nature and extent of the director's interest in the   Direct beneficial
 Class of securities:                                  Ordinary shares
 Nature of transaction:                                Transfer of Sanlam ordinary shares due for delivery
                                                       or release under the Restricted Share Plan, the
                                                       Deferred/Performance Share Plans to the Sanlam
                                                       Minimum Shareholder Requirement Plan ("MSRP")
                                                       following the pledge of these shares to the Sanlam
 On market/Off market trade:                           Off market
 Prior authority to transact obtained:                 Yes

 Name:                                                 B Madikiza
 Designation:                                          Prescribed Officer
 Date of transaction:                                  10 June 2024
 Total number of shares:                               47 780
 Total transaction value:                              R nil (Conditional value of R3 415 314.40 based on
                                                       closing price of R71.48 per share on 10 June 2024)
 Nature and extent of the director's interest in the   Direct beneficial
 Class of securities:                                  Ordinary shares
 Nature of transaction:                                Transfer of Sanlam ordinary shares due for delivery
                                                       or release under the Restricted Share Plan, the
                                                       Deferred/Performance Share Plans to the MSRP
                                                       following the pledge of these shares to the Sanlam
On market/Off market trade:                           Off market
Prior authority to transact obtained:                 Yes

Name:                                                 K Mkhize
Designation:                                          Prescribed Officer
Date of transaction:                                  10 June 2024
Total number of shares:                               15 794
Total transaction value:                              R nil (Conditional value of R1 128 955.12 based on
                                                      closing price of R71.48 per share on 10 June 2024)
Nature and extent of the director's interest in the   Direct beneficial
Class of securities:                                  Ordinary shares
Nature of transaction:                                Transfer of Sanlam ordinary shares due for delivery
                                                      or release under the Restricted Share Plan, the
                                                      Deferred/Performance Share Plans to MSRP
                                                      following the pledge of these shares to the Sanlam
On market/Off market trade:                           Off market
Prior authority to transact obtained:                 Yes

Name:                                                 K Socikwa
Designation:                                          Prescribed Officer
Date of transaction:                                  10 June 2024
Total number of shares:                               38 729
Total transaction value:                              R nil (Conditional value of R2 768 348.92 based on
                                                      closing price of R71.48 per share on 10 June 2024)
Nature and extent of the director's interest in the   Direct beneficial
Class of securities:                                  Ordinary shares
Nature of transaction:                                Transfer of Sanlam ordinary shares due for delivery
                                                      or release under the Restricted Share Plan, the
                                                      Deferred/Performance Share Plans to the MSRP
                                                      following the pledge of these shares to the Sanlam
On market/Off market trade:                           Off market
Prior authority to transact obtained:                 Yes

Name:                                                 T Mabaso
Designation:                                          Prescribed Officer
Date of transaction:                                  10 June 2024
Total number of shares:                               2 582
Total transaction value:                              R nil (Conditional value of R184 561.36 based on
                                                      closing price of R71.48 per share on 10 June 2024)
Nature and extent of the director's interest in the   Direct beneficial
Class of securities:                                  Ordinary shares
Nature of transaction:                                Transfer of Sanlam ordinary shares due for delivery
                                                      or release under the Restricted Share Plan, the
                                                      Deferred/Performance Share Plans to the MSRP
                                                      following the pledge of these shares to the Sanlam
On market/Off market trade:                           Off market
Prior authority to transact obtained:                 Yes

Name:                                                 S Bray
Designation:                                          Prescribed Officer
Date of transaction:                                  10 June 2024
Total number of shares:                               15 065
Total transaction value:                              R nil (Conditional value of R1 076 846.20 based on
                                                      closing price of R71.48 per share on 10 June 2024)
Nature and extent of the director's interest in the   Direct beneficial
Class of securities:                                  Ordinary shares
Nature of transaction:                                Transfer of Sanlam ordinary shares due for delivery
                                                      or release under the Restricted Share Plan, the
                                                      Deferred/Performance Share Plans to the MSRP
                                                      following the pledge of these shares to the Sanlam
On market/Off market trade:                           Off market
Prior authority to transact obtained:                 Yes

Name:                                                 M Mahlangeni
Designation:                                          Prescribed Officer
Date of transaction:                                  10 June 2024
Total number of shares:                               58 399
Market value per share:                               R71.28
Total deemed value:                                   R4 162 680.72
Nature and extent of the director's interest in the   Direct beneficial
Class of securities:                                  Ordinary shares
Nature of transaction:                                Delivery of Sanlam ordinary shares under Deferred
                                                      and Performance Share Plans
On market/Off market trade:                           Off market
Prior authority to transact obtained:                 Yes

Name:                                                 M Mahlangeni
Designation:                                          Prescribed Officer
Date of transaction:                                  10 June 2024
Total number of shares:                               58 399
Market value per share:                               R71.28
Total transaction value:                              R4 162 680.72
Nature and extent of the director's interest in the   Direct beneficial
Class of securities:                                  Ordinary shares
Nature of transaction:                                Sale of Sanlam ordinary shares under Deferred and
                                                      Performance Share Plans to meet income tax
                                                      obligations on vesting of shares and diversify
                                                      investment portfolio
On market/Off market trade:                           On market
Prior authority to transact obtained:                 Yes

Name:                                                 K Mkhize
Designation:                                          Prescribed Officer
Date of transaction:                                  10 June 2024
Total number of shares:                               29 331
Market value per share:                               R71.28
Total deemed value:                                   R2 090 713.68
Nature and extent of the director's interest in the   Direct beneficial
Class of securities:                                  Ordinary shares
Nature of transaction:                                Delivery of Sanlam ordinary shares under Deferred
                                                      and Performance Share Plans
On market/Off market trade:                           Off market
Prior authority to transact obtained:                 Yes

Name:                                                 K Mkhize
Designation:                                          Prescribed Officer
Date of transaction:                                  10 June 2024
Total number of shares:                               29 331
Market value per share:                               R71.28
Total transaction value:                              R2 090 713.68
Nature and extent of the director's interest in the   Direct beneficial
Class of securities:                                  Ordinary shares
Nature of transaction:                                Sale of Sanlam ordinary shares under Deferred and
                                                      Performance Share Plans to meet income tax
                                                      obligations on vesting of shares and diversify
                                                      investment portfolio
On market/Off market trade:                           On market
Prior authority to transact obtained:                 Yes

Name:                                                 C Roothman
Designation:                                          Prescribed Officer
Date of transaction:                                  10 June 2024
Total number of shares:                               38 755
Market value per share:                               R71.28
Total deemed value:                                   R2 762 456.40
Nature and extent of the director's interest in the   Direct beneficial
Class of securities:                                  Ordinary shares
Nature of transaction:                                Delivery of Sanlam ordinary shares under Deferred
                                                      and Performance Share Plans
On market/Off market trade:                           Off market
Prior authority to transact obtained:                 Yes

Name:                                                 C Roothman
Designation:                                          Prescribed Officer
Date of transaction:                                  10 June 2024
Total number of shares:                               38 755
Market value per share:                               R71.28
Total transaction value:                              R2 762 456.40
Nature and extent of the director's interest in the   Direct beneficial
Class of securities:                                  Ordinary shares
Nature of transaction:                                Sale of Sanlam ordinary shares under Deferred and
                                                      Performance Share Plans to meet income tax
                                                      obligations on vesting of shares and diversify
                                                      investment portfolio
On market/Off market trade:                           On market
Prior authority to transact obtained:                 Yes

Name:                                                 T Mabaso
Designation:                                          Prescribed Officer
Date of transaction:                                  10 June 2024
Total number of shares:                               23 240
Market value per share:                               R71.28
Total deemed value:                                   R1 656 547.20
Nature and extent of the director's interest in the   Direct beneficial
Class of securities:                                  Ordinary shares
Nature of transaction:                                Delivery of Sanlam ordinary shares under Deferred
                                                      and Performance Share Plans
On market/Off market trade:                           Off market
Prior authority to transact obtained:                 Yes

Name:                                                 T Mabaso
Designation:                                          Prescribed Officer
Date of transaction:                                  10 June 2024
Total number of shares:                               23 240
Market value per share:                               R71.28
Total transaction value:                              R1 656 547.20
Nature and extent of the director's interest in the   Direct beneficial
Class of securities:                                  Ordinary shares
Nature of transaction:                                Sale of Sanlam ordinary shares under Deferred and
                                                      Performance Share Plans to meet income tax
                                                      obligations on vesting of shares and diversify
                                                      investment portfolio
On market/Off market trade:                           On market
Prior authority to transact obtained:                 Yes

Name:                                                 T Fick
Designation:                                          Director, Sanlam Emerging Markets Pty Limited, a
                                                      major subsidiary of Sanlam
Date of transaction:                                  10 June 2024
Total number of shares:                               13 506
Market value per share:                               R71.28
Total deemed value:                                   R962 707.68
Nature and extent of the director's interest in the   Direct beneficial
Class of securities:                                  Ordinary shares
Nature of transaction:                                Delivery of Sanlam ordinary shares under Deferred
                                                      and Performance Share Plans
On market/Off market trade:                           Off market
Prior authority to transact obtained:                 Yes

Name:                                                 T Fick
Designation:                                          Director, Sanlam Emerging Markets Pty Limited, a
                                                      major subsidiary of Sanlam
Date of transaction:                                  10 June 2024
Total number of shares:                               6 132
Market value per share:                               R71.28
Total transaction value:                              R437 088.96
Nature and extent of the director's interest in the   Direct beneficial
Class of securities:                                  Ordinary shares
Nature of transaction:                                Sale of Sanlam ordinary shares under Deferred and
                                                      Performance Share Plans to meet income tax
                                                      obligations on vesting of shares
On market/Off market trade:                           On market
Prior authority to transact obtained:                 Yes

Name:                                                 A Mukhuba
Designation:                                          Executive Director
Date of transaction:                                  11 June 2024
Total number of shares:                               82 972
Nature of transaction:                                Acceptance of a conditional undertaking under the
                                                      Performance Deferred Share Plan to receive fully
                                                      paid-up shares in future should certain pre-
                                                      determined performance hurdles be met over the
                                                      period 01 June 2024 until 01 June 2029
On Market/Off market trade:                           Off market
Market Value per share:                               R nil
Total transaction value:                              R nil (Conditional value of R5 946 603.24 based on
                                                      closing price of R71.67 per share on 11 June 2024)
Nature and extent of the director's interest in the   Direct beneficial
Prior authority to transact obtained:                 Yes

Name:                                                 A Gildenhuys
Designation:                                          Prescribed Officer
Date of transaction:                                  11 June 2024
Total number of shares:                               144 118
Nature of transaction:                                Acceptance of a conditional undertaking under the
                                                      Performance Deferred Share Plan to receive fully
                                                      paid-up shares in future should certain pre-
                                                      determined performance hurdles be met over the
                                                      period 01 June 2024 until 01 June 2029
On Market/Off market trade:                           Off market
Market Value per share:                               R nil
Total transaction value:                              R nil (Conditional value of R10 328 937.06 based on
                                                      closing price of R71.67 per share on 11 June 2024)
Nature and extent of the director's interest in the   Direct beneficial
Prior authority to transact obtained:                 Yes

Name:                                                 M Mahlangeni
Designation:                                          Prescribed Officer
Date of transaction:                                  11 June 2024
Total number of shares:                               63 232
Nature of transaction:                                Acceptance of a conditional undertaking under the
                                                      Performance Deferred Share Plan to receive fully
                                                      paid-up shares in future should certain pre-
                                                      determined performance hurdles be met over the
                                                      period 01 June 2024 until 01 June 2029
On Market/Off market trade:                           Off market
Market Value per share:                               R nil
Total transaction value:                              R nil (Conditional value of R4 531 837.44 based on
                                                      closing price of R71.67 per share on 11 June 2024)
Nature and extent of the director's interest in the   Direct beneficial
Prior authority to transact obtained:                 Yes

Name:                                                 B Madikiza
Designation:                                          Prescribed Officer
Date of transaction:                                  11 June 2024
Total number of shares:                               58 578
Nature of transaction:                                Acceptance of a conditional undertaking under the
                                                      Performance Deferred Share Plan to receive fully
                                                      paid-up shares in future should certain pre-
                                                      determined performance hurdles be met over the
                                                      period 01 June 2024 until 01 June 2029
On Market/Off market trade:                           Off market
Market Value per share:                               R nil
Total transaction value:                              R nil (Conditional value of R4 198 285.26 based on
                                                      closing price of R71.67 per share on 11 June 2024)
Nature and extent of the director's interest in the   Direct beneficial
Prior authority to transact obtained:                 Yes

Name:                                                 K Mkhize
Designation:                                          Prescribed Officer
Date of transaction:                                  11 June 2024
Total number of shares:                               54 887
Nature of transaction:                                Acceptance of a conditional undertaking under the
                                                      Performance Deferred Share Plan to receive fully
                                                      paid-up shares in future should certain pre-
                                                      determined performance hurdles be met over the
                                                      period 01 June 2024 until 01 June 2029
On Market/Off market trade:                           Off market
Market Value per share:                               R nil
Total transaction value:                              R nil (Conditional value of R3 933 751.29 based on
                                                      closing price of R71.67 per share on 11 June 2024)
Nature and extent of the director's interest in the   Direct beneficial
Prior authority to transact obtained:                 Yes

Name:                                                 C Roothman
Designation:                                          Prescribed Officer
Date of transaction:                                  11 June 2024
Total number of shares:                               47 344
Nature of transaction:                                Acceptance of a conditional undertaking under the
                                                      Performance Deferred Share Plan to receive fully
                                                      paid-up shares in future should certain pre-
                                                      determined performance hurdles be met over the
                                                      period 01 June 2024 until 01 June 2029
On Market/Off market trade:                           Off market
Market Value per share:                               R nil
Total transaction value:                              R nil (Conditional value of R3 393 144.48 based on
                                                      closing price of R71.67 per share on 11 June 2024)
Nature and extent of the director's interest in the   Direct beneficial
Prior authority to transact obtained:                 Yes

Name:                                                 K Socikwa
Designation:                                          Prescribed Officer
Date of transaction:                                  11 June 2024
Total number of shares:                               39 480
Nature of transaction:                                Acceptance of a conditional undertaking under the
                                                      Performance Deferred Share Plan to receive fully
                                                      paid-up shares in future should certain pre-
                                                      determined performance hurdles be met over the
                                                      period 01 June 2024 until 01 June 2029
On Market/Off market trade:                           Off market
Market Value per share:                               R nil
Total transaction value:                              R nil (Conditional value of R2 829 531.60 based on
                                                      closing price of R71.67 per share on 11 June 2024)
Nature and extent of the director's interest in the   Direct beneficial
Prior authority to transact obtained:                 Yes

Name:                                                 T Mabaso
Designation:                                          Prescribed Officer
Date of transaction:                                  11 June 2024
Total number of shares:                               46 221
Nature of transaction:                                Acceptance of a conditional undertaking under the
                                                      Performance Deferred Share Plan to receive fully
                                                      paid-up shares in future should certain pre-
                                                      determined performance hurdles be met over the
                                                      period 01 June 2024 until 01 June 2029
On Market/Off market trade:                           Off market
Market Value per share:                               R nil
Total transaction value:                              R nil (Conditional value of R3 312 659.07 based on
                                                      closing price of R71.67 per share on 11 June 2024)
Nature and extent of the director's interest in the   Direct beneficial
Prior authority to transact obtained:                 Yes

Name:                                                 S Bray
Designation:                                          Prescribed Officer
Date of transaction:                                  11 June 2024
Total number of shares:                               57 455
Nature of transaction:                                Acceptance of a conditional undertaking under the
                                                      Performance Deferred Share Plan to receive fully
                                                      paid-up shares in future should certain pre-
                                                      determined performance hurdles be met over the
                                                      period 01 June 2024 until 01 June 2029
On Market/Off market trade:                           Off market
Market Value per share:                               R nil
Total transaction value:                              R nil (Conditional value of R4 117 799.85 based on
                                                      closing price of R71.67 per share on 11 June 2024)
Nature and extent of the director's interest in the   Direct beneficial
Prior authority to transact obtained:                 Yes

Name:                                                 C van Dyk
Designation:                                          Prescribed Officer
Date of transaction:                                  11 June 2024
Total number of shares:                               76 874
Nature of transaction:                                Acceptance of a conditional undertaking under the
                                                      Performance Deferred Share Plan to receive fully
                                                      paid-up shares in future should certain pre-
                                                      determined performance hurdles be met over the
                                                      period 01 June 2024 until 01 June 2029
On Market/Off market trade:                           Off market
Market Value per share:                               R nil
Total transaction value:                              R nil (Conditional value of R5 509 559.58 based on
                                                      closing price of R71.67 per share on 11 June 2024)
Nature and extent of the director's interest in the   Direct beneficial
Prior authority to transact obtained:                 Yes

Name:                                                 A Fortune
Designation:                                          Company Secretary
Date of transaction:                                  11 June 2024
Total number of shares:                               18 947
Nature of transaction:                                Acceptance of a conditional undertaking under the
                                                      Performance Deferred Share Plan to receive fully
                                                      paid-up shares in future should certain pre-
                                                      determined performance hurdles be met over the
                                                      period 01 June 2024 until 01 June 2029
On Market/Off market trade:                           Off market
Market Value per share:                               R nil
Total transaction value:                              R nil (Conditional value of R1 357 931.49 based on
                                                      closing price of R71.67 per share on 11 June 2024)
Nature and extent of the director's interest in the   Direct beneficial
Prior authority to transact obtained:                 Yes

Name:                                                 T Fick
Designation:                                          Director, Sanlam Emerging Markets Pty Limited, a
                                                      major subsidiary of Sanlam
Date of transaction:                                  11 June 2024
Total number of shares:                               23 079
Nature of transaction:                                Acceptance of a conditional undertaking under the
                                                      Performance Deferred Share Plan to receive fully
                                                      paid-up shares in future should certain pre-
                                                      determined performance hurdles be met over the
                                                      period 01 June 2024 until 01 June 2029
On Market/Off market trade:                           Off market
Market Value per share:                               R nil
Total transaction value:                              R nil (Conditional value of R1 654 071.93 based on
                                                      closing price of R71.67 per share on 11 June 2024)
Nature and extent of the director's interest in the   Direct beneficial
Prior authority to transact obtained:                 Yes

Name:                                                 Z Osman Latib
Designation:                                          Company Secretary, Sanlam Emerging Markets Pty
                                                      Limited, a major subsidiary of Sanlam
Date of transaction:                                  11 June 2024
Total number of shares:                               10 097
Nature of transaction:                                Acceptance of a conditional undertaking under the
                                                      Performance Deferred Share Plan to receive fully
                                                      paid-up shares in future should certain pre-
                                                      determined performance hurdles be met over the
                                                      period 01 June 2024 until 01 June 2029
 On Market/Off market trade:                           Off market
 Market Value per share:                               R nil
 Total transaction value:                              R nil (Conditional value of R723 651.99 based on
                                                       closing price of R71.67 per share on 11 June 2024)
 Nature and extent of the director's interest in the   Direct beneficial
 Prior authority to transact obtained:                 Yes

 Name:                                                 T Mabaso
 Designation:                                          Prescribed Officer
 Date of transaction:                                  11 June 2024
 Total number of shares:                               108 054
 Nature of transaction:                                Acceptance of a conditional award under the
                                                       Restricted Share Plan of fully paid-up shares in future
                                                       should certain pre-determined performance hurdles
                                                       be met over the period 01 June 2024 until 01 June
 On Market/Off market trade:                           Off market
 Market Value per share:                               R nil
 Total transaction value:                              R nil (Conditional value of R7 744 230.18 based on
                                                       closing price of R71.67 per share on 11 June 2024)
 Nature and extent of the director's interest in the   Direct beneficial
 Prior authority to transact obtained:                 Yes

14 June 2024

The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited

Debt sponsor to Sanlam Life Insurance Limited
Rand Merchant Bank, a division of FirstRand Bank Limited

Date: 14-06-2024 03:00:00
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