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Release Date: 17/03/2025 17:00
Code(s): SCD     PDF:  
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Results of annual general meeting

      Schroder European Real Estate Investment Trust plc
      (Incorporated in England and Wales)
      Registration number: 09382477
      JSE Share Code: SCD
      LSE Ticker: SERE
      ISIN number: GB00BY7R8K77
                                            Results of Annual General Meeting

      Schroder European Real Estate Investment Trust plc announces that, at the Annual General Meeting, held on
      Monday, 17 March 2025, a poll was held on each of the resolutions proposed in the Notice of Meeting and each
      resolution was duly passed.

      The results of the poll were as follows:

                                        Votes for               Votes                               %         Votes
              Resolution              (including         %      against       %    Votes total    I.S.C.       withheld
                                      discretionary)                                              voted**       

01.    To receive the Report of       36,557,866       99.94     20,523      0.06    36,578,389     27.63      240,257
       the Directors and the
       audited accounts

02.    To approve the                  36,218,287      99.21    287,763      0.79    36,506,050     27.57      312,596
       Directors' Remuneration

03.    To approve the                  36,220,385      99.30    256,014      0.70    36,476,399     27.55      342,247
       Directors' Remuneration

04.    To re-elect Sir Julian          27,007,901      73.88    9,546,779   26.12    36,554,680     27.61      263,966
       Berney Bt.

05.    To re-elect Mark Beddy          26,747,752      73.12    9,832,178   26.88    36,579,930     27.63      238,716

06.    To re-elect Elizabeth           27,945,175      76.39    8,634,755   23.61    36,579,930     27.63      238,716

07.    To appoint Ernst &              36,468,167      99.69    111,763      0.31    36,579,930     27.63      238,716
       Young LLP

08.    To authorise the                36,531,399      99.90     37,971      0.10    36,569,370     27.62      249,276
       Directors to determine
       the remuneration of the
       Auditors to the Company

09.    To approve the                  36,577,093      99.98      6,537      0.02    36,583,630     27.63      235,016
       Company's dividend

10.    To renew the authority          36,375,702      99.48    189,743      0.52    36,565,445     27.62      253,201
       to allot shares*

11.    To approve the                  36,154,334      98.90    400,551      1.10    36,554,885     27.61      263,761
       disapplication of pre-
       emption rights*

12.    To renew the authority          36,523,111      99.81     68,505      0.19    36,591,616     27.64      227,030
       to purchase own shares*

13.    To approve a general            35,890,048      98.15    676,685      1.85    36,566,733     27.62      251,913
       meeting, other than
       annual general meeting,
       may be called on not less
       than 14 clear days

*Resolutions 11 to 13 were passed as special resolutions. Copies of resolutions 10, 11, 12 and 13 will be filed at
Companies House.

**Issued share capital excluding treasury shares.

Shareholders are entitled to one vote per share. Votes withheld are not a vote in law and are therefore not
counted in the calculation of the percentages of the votes cast for and against a resolution. Where shareholders
appointed the Chairman as their proxy with discretion as to voting, their votes were cast in favour of the
resolutions and their shares have been included in the "votes for" column.

On the date of this announcement, the Company has a total of 133,734,686 ordinary shares of 10p each in issue,
with 1,413,400 of those shares held in Treasury. The total number of voting rights is 132,321,286.

The Board would like to thank shareholders for their engagement and support ahead of the AGM and
throughout the year. While most of the resolutions were passed with significant majorities in favour, the Board
notes that resolutions 4, 5 and 6 passed with majorities of less than 80.0%. Pursuant to provision 4 of the
Association of Investment Companies' Corporate Governance Code (as also set out in the UK Corporate
Governance Code), the Board therefore undertakes to seek to engage with the concerned shareholders in
respect of these resolutions to ensure their views are understood. A further update as to the outcome of any
engagement will be provided within six months of this AGM and will be reported in the next annual report.

In accordance with UK Listing Rule 6.4.2, a copy of the resolutions passed, other than resolutions concerning
ordinary business, at today's AGM will be submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will be available
for inspection at National Storage Mechanism | FCA.

Jeff O'Dwyer
Schroder Real Estate Investment Management Limited                    Tel: 020 7658 6000

Natalia de Sousa
Schroder Investment Management Limited                                Tel: 020 7658 6000

Dido Laurimore/Richard Gotla/Ollie Parsons
FTI Consulting                                                        Tel: 020 3727 1000

The Company has a primary listing on the London Stock Exchange and a secondary listing on the JSE Limited.


17 March 2025

JSE Sponsor
PSG Capital

Date: 17-03-2025 05:00:00
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