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DIPULA INCOME FUND LIMITED - Results of annual general meeting

Release Date: 18/02/2025 14:45
Code(s): DIB     PDF:  
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Results of annual general meeting

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 2005/013963/06)
JSE share code: DIB     ISIN: ZAE000203394
(Approved as a REIT by the JSE)
("Dipula" or "Company")


Shareholders are advised that at the annual general meeting of shareholders held on Tuesday, 18 February 2025 (in terms
of the notice of annual general meeting dispatched to shareholders on Tuesday, 10 December 2024), all the resolutions
tabled were passed by the requisite majority of Dipula shareholders.

Details of the results of voting at the annual general meeting are as follows:

-        total number of Dipula ordinary shares in issue as at the date of the annual general meeting: 910 452 117;
-        total number of Dipula ordinary shares that could have been voted at the annual general meeting (excluding
         treasury shares): 910 368 805;
-        total number of Dipula ordinary shares that were present/represented at the annual general meeting: 781 787 192,
         being 85.88% of the total number of Dipula ordinary shares that could have voted at the annual general meeting.

 Ordinary resolution number 1: Re-election of ZJ Matlala as a director

 Shares voted*                  For                            Against                     Abstentions^
 781 787 192, being 85.87%      711 586 069, being 91.02%      70 201 123, being 8.98%     -

 Ordinary resolution number 2: Re-election of BH Azizollahoff as a director

 Shares voted*                  For                            Against                     Abstentions^
 781 787 192, being 85.87%      712 324 131, being 91.11%      69 463 061, being 8.89%     -

 Ordinary resolution number 3: Re-election of IS Petersen as a director

 Shares voted*                  For                            Against                     Abstentions^
 781 787 192, being 85.87%      781 787 192, being 100.00%     -                           -

 Ordinary resolution number 4: Re-election of S Moodley as a director

 Shares voted*                  For                            Against                     Abstentions^
 781 787 192, being 85.87%      781 787 192, being 100.00%     -                           -

 Ordinary resolution number 5: Re-appointment of Z Adams as a member and chairman of the Audit and Risk

 Shares voted*                  For                            Against                     Abstentions^
 781 787 192, being 85.87%      781 787 192, being 100.00%     -                           -

 Ordinary resolution number 6: Re-appointment of BH Azizollahoff as a member of the Audit and Risk committee

 Shares voted*                  For                            Against                     Abstentions^
 781 787 192, being 85.87%      702 657 093, being 89.88%      79 130 099, being 10.12%    -

 Ordinary resolution number 7: Re-appointment of N Khoele as a member of the Audit and Risk committee

 Shares voted*                  For                            Against                     Abstentions^
 781 787 192, being 85.87%      781 787 192, being 100.00%     -                           -

 Ordinary resolution number 8: Re-appointment of Forvis Mazars as the independent external auditor

 Shares voted*                  For                            Against                     Abstentions^
 781 787 192, being 85.87%      742 384 067, being 94.96%      39 403 125, being 5.04%     -

 Ordinary resolution number 9: General authority to issue shares for cash

 Shares voted*                  For                            Against                     Abstentions^
 781 787 192, being 85.87%      686 290 140, being 87.78%      95 497 052, being 12.22%    -

 Ordinary resolution number 10: Specific authority to issue shares pursuant to a reinvestment option

 Shares voted*                  For                            Against                     Abstentions^
 781 787 192, being 85.87%      776 847 973, being 99.37%      4 939 219, being 0.63%      -

 Non-binding advisory resolution number 1: Endorsement of the remuneration policy

 Shares voted*                  For                            Against                     Abstentions^
 781 125 192, being 85.80%      613 440 768, being 78.53%      167 684 424, being 21.47%   662 000, being 0.07%

 Non-binding advisory resolution number 2: Endorsement of the remuneration implementation report

 Shares voted*                  For                            Against                     Abstentions^
 781 125 192, being 85.80%      692 440 218, being 88.65%      88 684 974, being 11.35%    662 000, being 0.07%

 Ordinary resolution number 11: To authorise the signature of documentation

 Shares voted*                  For                            Against                     Abstentions^
 781 787 192, being 85.87%      781 787 192, being 100.00%     -                           -

 Special resolution number 1: Financial assistance to related or inter-related parties

 Shares voted*                  For                            Against                     Abstentions^
 781 787 192, being 85.87%      776 493 911, being 99.32%      5 293 281, being 0.68%      -

 Special resolution number 2: Financial assistance for the subscription and/or purchase of securities in the Company
 or in related or inter-related companies

 Shares voted*                  For                            Against                     Abstentions^
 781 787 192, being 85.87%      665 493 289, being 85.12%      116 293 903, being 14.88%   -

 Special resolution number 3: Approval of share repurchases

 Shares voted*                  For                            Against                     Abstentions^
 781 787 192, being 85.87%      708 254 751, being 90.59%      73 532 441, being 9.41%     -

 Special resolution number 4: Approval of non-executive directors' remuneration

 Shares voted*                  For                            Against                     Abstentions^
 781 787 192, being 85.87%      778 855 580, being 99.63%      2 931 612, being 0.37%      -

 Special resolution number 5: Approval to issue shares in terms of section 41(1) of the Companies Act

 Shares voted*                  For                            Against                     Abstentions^
 781 787 192, being 85.87%      752 405 634, being 96.24%      29 381 558, being 3.76%     -

 Special resolution number 6: Change of name and amendment to MOI of the Company

 Shares voted*                  For                            Against                     Abstentions^
 781 787 192, being 85.87%      781 787 192, being 100.00%     -                           -

* shares voted (excluding abstentions) in relation to total shares in issue
^ in relation to total shares in issue

18 February 2025

Java Capital

Date: 18-02-2025 02:45:00
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