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OMNIA HOLDINGS LIMITED - Dealings in securities by a prescribed officer of the company

Release Date: 31/01/2025 07:05
Code(s): OMN     PDF:  
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Dealings in securities by a prescribed officer of the company

Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
(Registration number 1967/003680/06)
JSE code: OMN
ISIN: ZAE000005153
("Omnia" or the "Company")


Shareholders are referred to the announcement released on 10 February 2022, detailing the award of Performance
Forfeitable Shares on 4 February 2022 in terms of the provisions of The Omnia 2020 Share Plan. The Omnia shares
required to satisfy the award of the Performance Forfeitable Shares were purchased on market on 9 February 2022
at an average price per security of R60.00 as detailed in the announcement released on 10 February 2022.

The Performance Forfeitable Shares were due to vest, subject to certain performance conditions, on the soonest
practicable date after 31 January 2025. The performance conditions have been met and the following Performance
Forfeitable Shares have now vested, with the participant electing to commit all vested shares towards the Minimum
Shareholding Requirement ("MSR") in accordance with Omnia's MSR policy.

In compliance with sections 3.63 to 3.74 of the JSE Listings Requirements, shareholders are advised of the
following information relating to the vesting of shares awarded to a prescribed officer.

 Name of prescribed officer:            T Kotze
 Number and class of securities:        70 833 ordinary shares
 Vesting date:                          31 January 2025
 Total deemed value of transaction:     R4 249 980.00
 Nature of transaction:                 Off-market acceptance of the shares vested in terms of The Omnia
                                        2020 Share Plan
 Nature and extent of interest:         Direct beneficial
 Clearance to deal obtained:            Yes

31 January 2025

Java Capital

Date: 31-01-2025 07:05:00
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