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SOUTH32 LIMITED - Quarterly Report

Release Date: 22/07/2024 07:22
Code(s): S32     PDF:  
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Quarterly Report

South32 Limited
(Incorporated in Australia under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth))
(ACN 093 732 597)
ASX / LSE / JSE Share Code: S32; ADR: SOUHY
ISIN: AU000000S320

June 2024
•   Achieved 98% of current Group FY24 copper equivalent production guidance [note 1], and remain on track to deliver FY24
    Operating unit costs in line with current guidance.

•   Delivered strong sales in the June 2024 quarter, capturing higher commodity prices and releasing working capital to finish the year.

•   Advanced our portfolio transformation, completing key milestones for the sale of Illawarra Metallurgical Coal [note 2], and
    progressing construction at Hermosa's Taylor zinc-lead-silver deposit as planned.

•   Aluminium production was largely unchanged year-on-year, as Hillside Aluminium achieved record production, Brazil Aluminium
    continued to ramp up, and Mozal Aluminium progressed its recovery plan.

•   Alumina production was largely unchanged year-on-year, with improved plant availability at Brazil Alumina partially offsetting a
    temporary bauxite conveyor outage at Worsley Alumina in the quarter.

•   Cannington payable zinc equivalent production [note 3] increased by 10% in FY24, despite adverse weather impacts, as the operation
    realised higher average metal grades.

•   Sierra Gorda payable copper equivalent production [note 4] declined by 15% in FY24, as higher plant throughput was offset by lower
    than planned copper grades and molybdenum recoveries in the current phase of the mine plan.

•   Cerro Matoso nickel production was largely unchanged year-on-year, with higher plant throughput and nickel grades supporting a 6%
    increase in quarterly production.

•   Consistent with guidance, Illawarra Metallurgical Coal saleable production decreased by 24% in FY24, as the operation completed
    planned longwall moves.

•   Australia Manganese progressed recovery plans following Tropical Cyclone Megan, while South Africa Manganese responded to
    stronger manganese prices, achieving record annual production.

•   FY25 production guidance revised lower for alumina (5%), Sierra Gorda payable copper equivalent (7%) and Cannington payable zinc
    equivalent (9%).

•   Impairment expenses for Worsley Alumina (~US$554M pre-tax) and Cerro Matoso (~US$264M pre-tax) will be recognised in our FY24
    financial results.

South32 Chief Executive Officer, Graham Kerr: "We delivered another quarter of improved operating performance, achieving sequentially
higher volumes across the majority of our operations, and remaining on track to achieve FY24 operating unit cost guidance.

"Our performance enabled us to capitalise on stronger commodity prices, lift sales volumes and release working capital, boosting cash
generation in the quarter.
"The sale of Illawarra Metallurgical Coal is expected to be completed later this quarter, further strengthening our balance sheet, simplifying
our business, reducing our capital intensity and unlocking capital to invest in our high-quality development projects in zinc and copper.

"Construction and permitting are tracking to plan at the Taylor zinc-lead-silver deposit at Hermosa, the first phase of a regional-scale
opportunity to supply commodities critical for the global energy transition."

Production summary

South32 share                                                             FY23                FY24                  YoY                  4Q23               3Q24               4Q24               QoQ
Alumina production (kt)                                                  5,101               5,063                 (1%)                 1,249              1,240              1,249                  1%
Aluminium production (kt)                                                1,133               1,138                   0%                    286                278                285                 3%
Payable copper production (kt)                                            70.7                 60.8              (14%)                    17.3               13.9               15.3                10%
Payable silver production (koz)                                        11,813               13,273                 12%                  3,522              3,050              3,224                  6%
Payable lead production (kt)                                             101.7               112.4                 11%                    28.3               24.8               28.8                16%
Payable zinc production (kt)                                              59.2                 60.7                  3%                   16.2               14.3               17.4                22%
Payable nickel production (kt)                                            40.8                 40.6                  0%                   10.2               10.8               11.5                 6%
Metallurgical coal production (kt)                                       5,497               4,305               (22%)                  1,504              1,244              1,274                  2%
Manganese ore production (kwmt)                                          5,653               4,499               (20%)                  1,455              1,175                 534             (55%)
Unless otherwise noted: percentage variance relates to performance during the financial year ended June 2024 compared with the financial year ended June 2023 (YoY), or the June 2024 quarter compared
with the March 2024 quarter (QoQ); production and sales volumes are reported on an attributable basis.


•      We completed planned milestones in our multi-year Safety Improvement Program, deploying our 'Lead Safely Every Day' program
       across our leadership and frontline workforce.

•      We advanced decarbonisation programs to support our target [note 5] to halve our operational greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by
       2035. In FY24, Worsley Alumina converted two coal-fired boilers to natural gas, expected to reduce the refinery's operational GHG
       emissions by over 10% from FY21 levels. Hillside Aluminium has now converted 36% of its pots to AP3XLE energy efficiency technology.


•      The sale of Illawarra Metallurgical Coal to an entity owned by Golden Energy and Resources Pte Ltd and M Resources Pty Ltd, for up to
       US$1,650M [note 6], received Australian Foreign Investment Review Board approval on 5 July 2024 [note 2]. The transaction is
       expected to complete in late Q1 FY25, subject to receipt of the remaining foreign merger clearances. As a result of the transaction, we
       will record an impairment reversal of ~US$200M (~US$140M post-tax) in our FY24 financial results, which will be excluded from FY24
       Underlying earnings.

•      The sale of our 50% interest in the Eagle Downs metallurgical coal project to a subsidiary of Stanmore Resources Limited is expected to
       complete in Q1 FY25. The consideration for the transaction comprises US$15M in cash, a contingent payment of US$20M [note 7] and
       a price-linked royalty of up to US$100M [note 8].

•      On 13 June 2024, Samancor Manganese entered into a binding agreement to divest the Metalloys manganese alloy smelter, subject to
       the satisfaction of conditions [note 9].

Income statement

•      We will record impairment expenses in our FY24 financial results, as set out below, which will be excluded from FY24 Underlying

        -     Worsley Alumina: ~US$554M (~US$389M post-tax) to a carrying value of ~US$2,027M, reflecting increased uncertainty created by
              the Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority's recommended conditions for the Worsley Mine Development
              Project approval and associated challenging operating conditions [note 10]; and

        -     Cerro Matoso: ~US$264M (~US$248M post-tax) to a carrying value of ~US$54M, reflecting structural changes in the nickel market
              which are expected to continue to place pressure on nickel prices and discounts for our ferronickel product.

•      Australia Manganese incurred ~US$90M of idle capacity and other remediation related costs as a result of Tropical Cyclone Megan.
       These costs will be excluded from FY24 Underlying earnings as an earnings adjustment.

South32 Quarterly Report June 2024                                                                                                                                                       Page 2 of 13
•     FY24 Group Underlying depreciation and amortisation is expected to be ~US$915M, including ~US$140M for our manganese business
      and ~US$130M for Sierra Gorda.

•     FY24 Group Underlying net finance costs are expected to be ~US$250M, primarily comprising the unwinding of the discount applied to
      our closure and rehabilitation provisions and interest on lease liabilities and long-dated debt.

Cash flow and balance sheet

•     We delivered a strong sales result in the June 2024 quarter, drawing down inventory and capturing the benefit of higher commodity
      prices. This is expected to support an unwind of working capital of ~US$180M in H2 FY24 (H1 FY24: US$276M build).

•     We received net distributions [note 11] of US$26M from our manganese equity accounted investments (EAI) in FY24, as we provided
      US$30M of initial funding to Australia Manganese in the June 2024 quarter to support recovery plans.

•     We received net distributions [note 11] of US$27M from our Sierra Gorda EAI in FY24, including US$9M in the June 2024 quarter, as
      the operation invested in deferred stripping and study work for the fourth grinding line expansion.

•     FY24 Group capital expenditure (excluding EAIs and Hermosa) is expected to be ~US$670M, reflecting our planned investment in
      productivity and improvement projects across our portfolio, including ~US$340M at Illawarra Metallurgical Coal. Our share of capital
      expenditure for our manganese and Sierra Gorda EAIs is expected to be ~US$315M in FY24.

•     We returned US$198M to shareholders during FY24, including US$163M [note 12] in fully-franked ordinary dividends and US$35M via
      the on-market share buy-back [note 13].


•     Our FY24 Group Underlying effective tax rate (ETR) is expected to be in a range of approximately 40% to 42%, reflecting our
      geographical earnings mix and the corporate tax rates [note 14] and royalty related taxes [note 15] of the jurisdictions in which we

•     We made Group tax payments of US$223M (excluding EAIs) in FY24 as cash tax normalised following one-off portfolio related tax
      payments in the prior period.

Hermosa project

•     We invested US$372M of growth capital expenditure at Hermosa in FY24, as we progressed construction of key infrastructure and
      permitting for the Taylor zinc-lead-silver and Clark battery-grade manganese deposits.

•     Following final investment approval for Taylor in Q3 FY24 [note 16], we completed pre-sink shaft activity and construction of the main
      shaft headframe during the quarter. Shaft construction is on track to commence in Q1 FY25.

•     We completed construction of the final two surface dewatering wells during the quarter, to support critical path dewatering activity for
      both the Taylor and Clark deposits.

•     Permitting activity continued to plan. During the quarter, we received an air permit from the Arizona Department of Environmental
      Quality, the last required state permit to enable full construction of Taylor.

•     FAST-41 federal permitting for both Taylor and Clark progressed to the next stage, with the US Forest Service publishing a Notice of
      Intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement during the quarter.

•     We advanced study and product qualification work for Clark. Construction of an exploration decline to provide access to ore to
      facilitate demonstration scale production remains on track to be completed by the end of CY25.

•     During the quarter, we were awarded a US$20M grant from the US Department of Defense under the Defense Production Act battery
      grant program to support development activity at Clark.

•     We directed US$24M to capitalised exploration during FY24 as we progressed drilling programs at our polymetallic Peake and Flux
      prospects [note 17]. Exploration results are expected across the 2024 calendar year.

Greenfield exploration

•     We invested US$27M in our greenfield exploration opportunities during FY24, as we progressed multiple exploration programs
      targeting base metals in Australia, USA, Canada, Argentina and Ireland.

Other exploration

South32 Quarterly Report June 2024                                                                                                Page 3 of 13
•    We invested US$62M (US$48M capitalised) in exploration programs at our existing operations and development options during FY24,
     including US$24M at the Hermosa project (noted above, all capitalised) and US$13M for our Sierra Gorda EAI (all capitalised).

Production guidance                                                   FY23            FY24    FY24e(a)     %(b) Comments
Worsley share)

Alumina production (kt)                                              3,839            3,777    4,000      94 % Temporary outage      of   the     bauxite
                                                                                                               conveyor in Q4 FY24
Brazil Alumina (non-operated)
Alumina production (kt)                                              1,262            1,286    1,300      99 %
Brazil Aluminium (non-operated)
Aluminium production (kt)                                                69            104       100     104 %
Hillside Aluminium [note 18]
Aluminium production (kt)                                               719            720       720     100 %
Mozal Aluminium [note 18]
Aluminium production (kt)                                               345            314       320      98 %
Sierra Gorda (non-operated)

Payable copper equivalent production (kt) [note 4]                     86.5            73.8      78.7     94 %

Payable copper production (kt)                                         70.7            60.8      67.0     91 % Lower than planned copper grades in Q4
                                                                                                               FY24, partly offset by higher by-product
Payable molybdenum production (kt)                                      1.2             0.9       0.8    113 % volumes
Payable gold production (koz)                                          28.8            24.6      22.5    109 %
Payable silver production (koz)                                         630            607       550     110 %

Payable zinc equivalent production (kt) [note 3]                     259.6            285.2    287.2      99 %

Payable silver production (koz)                                     11,183       12,666       12,500     101 %
Payable lead production (kt)                                         101.7            112.4    115.0      98 %
Payable zinc production (kt)                                           59.2            60.7      62.0     98 %
Cerro Matoso
Payable nickel production (kt)                                         40.8            40.6      40.5    100 %
Illawarra Metallurgical Coal
Total coal production (kt)                                           6,520            4,938    5,000      99 %
Metallurgical coal production (kt)                                   5,497            4,305    4,400      98 %
Energy coal production (kt)                                          1,023             633       600     106 %
Australia Manganese
                                                                                                               Production guidance withdrawn in
Manganese ore production (kwmt)                                      3,545            2,324       N/A      N/A March 2024 due to Tropical Cyclone
South Africa Manganese
Manganese ore production (kwmt)                                      2,108            2,175    2,000     109 %
a.   The denotation (e) refers to an estimate or forecast year.
b.   Reflects percentage of achieved production for FY24 compared to current FY24e.

Commodity markets strengthened in H2 FY24 reflecting constrained supply and improving demand.
The average realised prices achieved for our commodities are summarised below. Outstanding concentrate sales were revalued at 30 June
2024 with the final price of these to be determined in the December 2024 half year.

South32 Quarterly Report June 2024                                                                                                              Page 4 of 13
                                                                                                                                                FY24              2H24
 Realised prices [note 19]                                             FY23              1H24              2H24               FY24                vs                vs
                                                                                                                                                FY23              1H24
Worsley Alumina
Alumina (US$/t)                                                         357                344               376               360                 1%                 9%
Brazil Alumina (non-operated)(a)
Alumina (US$/t)                                                         369                362               394               378                 2%                 9%
Brazil Aluminium (non-operated)(a)
Aluminium (US$/t)                                                     2,452             2,275              2,435             2,373               (3%)                 7%
Hillside Aluminium
Aluminium (US$/t)                                                     2,535             2,318              2,448             2,389               (6%)                 6%
Mozal Aluminium
Aluminium (US$/t)                                                     2,653             2,377              2,610             2,491               (6%)               10%
Sierra Gorda (non-operated) [note 20](a)
Payable copper (US$/lb)                                                 3.51              3.56              4.19               3.86               10%               18%
Payable molybdenum (US$/lb)                                           21.28             20.82              20.35             20.60               (3%)               (2%)
Payable gold (US$/oz)                                                 1,821             1,957              2,342             2,129                17%               20%
Payable silver (US$/oz)                                                 21.9              23.3              26.3               24.8               13%               13%
Cannington [note 20]
Payable silver (US$/oz)                                                 21.1              22.5              27.5               24.8               18%               22%
Payable lead (US$/t)                                                  1,919             1,979              2,031             2,002                 4%                 3%
Payable zinc (US$/t)                                                  2,151             2,085              2,358             2,230                 4%               13%
Cerro Matoso [note 21]
Payable nickel (US$/lb)                                                 7.76              6.00              6.30               6.17             (20%)                 5%
Illawarra Metallurgical Coal
Metallurgical coal (US$/t)                                              279                276               275               275               (1%)                 0%
Energy coal (US$/t)                                                     144                101               113               107              (26%)               12%
Australia Manganese [note 22]
Manganese ore (US$/dmtu, FOB)                                           4.59              3.79              3.71               3.77             (18%)               (2%)
South Africa Manganese [note 22]
Manganese ore (US$/dmtu, FOB)                                           3.58              3.03              4.05               3.53              (1%)               34%
a.   While Brazil Alumina and Brazil Aluminium are non-operated, South32 owns the marketing rights for our share of production. While Sierra Gorda is also non-operated, the
     Joint Venture is responsible for marketing our share of production.

We expect to report FY24 Operating unit costs in line with FY24 guidance, as we continued our focus on driving operating performance and
cost efficiencies.

South32 Quarterly Report June 2024                                                                                                                           Page 5 of 13
Operating unit cost(a)
                                                                  Current Guidance
                                                                                      FY24 Operating unit costs commentary
Worsley Alumina
(US$/t)                                                                           270 Expected to be in line with FY24 guidance.
Brazil Alumina (non-operated)
                                                                                     Expected to be consistent with H1 FY24 Operating unit costs (US$325/t).
Brazil Aluminium (non-operated)
                                                                                 Not Expected to be ~10% below H1 FY24 Operating unit costs (US$4,025/t), as the
                                                                            provided smelter continued to ramp-up all three potlines.
Hillside Aluminium
                                                                                         The cost profile of our South African aluminium smelters is heavily influenced by
                                                                                         the South African rand, and the price of raw materials and energy.

                                                                                 Not FY24 Operating unit costs for Hillside Aluminium are expected to be consistent
                                                                            provided with H1 FY24 (US$2,135/t).
Mozal Aluminium
                                                                                         FY24 Operating unit costs for Mozal Aluminium are expected to be ~4% below H1
                                                                                         FY24 (US$2,461/t), as the smelter progressed its recovery plan.
Sierra Gorda (non-operated)
(US$/t)(d)                                                                       17.0 Expected to be in line with FY24 guidance.
(US$/t)(d)                                                                        155 Expected to be in line with FY24 guidance.
Cerro Matoso
(US$/lb)                                                                         5.20 Expected to be in line with FY24 guidance.
Illawarra Metallurgical Coal
(US$/t)                                                                           150 Expected to be in line with FY24 guidance.
Australia Manganese (FOB)
                                                                                        Operating unit costs for the period are expected to be ~US$2.25/dmtu.
(US$/dmtu)                                                                        N/A Separately, we expect to incur remediation costs and idle capacity losses of
                                                                                        ~US$90M, which will be excluded from FY24 Underlying Earnings.
South Africa Manganese (FOB)
(US$/dmtu)                                                                       2.60 Expected to be in line with FY24 guidance.
a.   Operating unit cost is Revenue less Underlying EBITDA, excluding third party sales, divided by sales volumes.
b.   FY24e Operating unit cost guidance includes royalties (where appropriate) and commodity price and foreign exchange rate forward curves or our internal expectations
     (refer to footnote 23).
c.   The denotation (e) refers to an estimate or forecast year.
d.   US dollar per tonne of ore processed. Periodic movements in finished product inventory may impact Operating unit costs.

                                                                                                                                                        4Q24        4Q24
South32 share                                                           FY23          FY24           YoY             4Q23      3Q24        4Q24           vs          vs
                                                                                                                                                        4Q23        3Q24

Alumina production (kt)                                                 3,839        3,777           (2%)            1,012       927         916         (9%)         (1%)

Alumina sales (kt)                                                      3,817        3,767           (1%)            1,111       895         974        (12%)          9%

Worsley Alumina saleable production decreased by 2% (or 62kt) to 3,777kt in FY24, achieving 94% of guidance, as a temporary outage of
the bauxite conveyor impacted bauxite supply to the refinery during the June 2024 quarter. FY25 production guidance has been revised
lower by 6% to 3,750kt, as we complete additional conveyor maintenance, and manage bauxite inventories due to delays experienced with
regulatory approvals for new mining areas.

On 8 July 2024, the Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority (WA EPA) published its recommendation that the proposal for
the Worsley Mine Development Project may be implemented, subject to conditions. If imposed in their current form, several conditions
recommended by the WA EPA create significant operating challenges for Worsley Alumina and impact its long-term viability. Following what
has been a long and protracted process, Worsley Alumina intends to lodge an appeal in relation to the WA EPA assessment report, and to
work collaboratively with the Western Australian Government to enable Worsley Alumina to continue to meet the State's robust

South32 Quarterly Report June 2024                                                                                                                           Page 6 of 13
environmental standards and to continue the significant contribution Worsley Alumina has made to the South West for the past 40 years.
Worsley Alumina aims to secure environmental approvals for the proposal by the end of CY24.

                                                                                                                           4Q24        4Q24
South32 share                                            FY23      FY24        YoY          4Q23      3Q24       4Q24        vs          vs
                                                                                                                           4Q23        3Q24

Alumina production (kt)                                 1,262      1,286        2%            237       313        333       41%          6%

Alumina sales (kt)                                      1,237      1,282        4%            242       277        358       48%         29%

Brazil Alumina saleable production increased by 2% (or 24kt) to 1,286kt in FY24, achieving 99% of guidance, with improved plant availability
supporting a 6% increase in production during the June 2024 quarter. FY25 production guidance remains unchanged at 1,350kt.

                                                                                                                           4Q24        4Q24
South32 share                                            FY23      FY24        YoY          4Q23      3Q24       4Q24        vs          vs
                                                                                                                           4Q23        3Q24

Aluminium production (kt)                                  69        104       51%             24        26         28       17%          8%

Aluminium sales (kt)                                       68        102       50%             26        32         30       15%         (6%)

Brazil Aluminium saleable production increased by 51% (or 35kt) to 104kt in FY24, exceeding guidance by 4%, as the smelter continued to
ramp up all three potlines. FY25 production guidance remains unchanged at 130kt.

                                                                                                                           4Q24        4Q24
South32 share                                            FY23      FY24        YoY          4Q23      3Q24       4Q24        vs          vs
                                                                                                                           4Q23        3Q24

Aluminium production (kt)                                 719        720        0%            180       181        180        0%         (1%)

Aluminium sales (kt)                                      719        720        0%            185       209        184       (1%)      (12%)

Hillside Aluminium saleable production increased by 1kt to a record 720kt in FY24, achieving 100% of guidance, as the smelter continued to
test its maximum technical capacity, despite the impact of load-shedding. FY25 production guidance remains unchanged at 720kt [note 18].


South32 Quarterly Report June 2024                                                                                              Page 7 of 13
                                                                                                                          4Q24       4Q24
South32 share                                           FY23       FY24       YoY          4Q23      3Q24      4Q24         vs         vs
                                                                                                                          4Q23       3Q24

Aluminium production (kt)                                345        314       (9%)           82         71        77       (6%)         8%

Aluminium sales (kt)                                     334        326       (2%)          114         58       101      (11%)        74%

Mozal Aluminium saleable production decreased by 9% (or 31kt) to 314kt in FY24, achieving 98% of guidance, with production increasing
by 8% during the June 2024 quarter as the smelter progressed its recovery plan, despite the impact of load-shedding. Production is
expected to increase by ~15% to 360kt [note 18] in FY25 (previously 372kt) as the smelter returns toward nameplate capacity.

Sales increased by 74% during the June 2024 quarter as we drew down inventory to normalised levels by the end of the financial year,
capitalising on strengthened market conditions.

As previously disclosed, we continue to work with the Government of the Republic of Mozambique and Eskom to secure the smelter's
hydro-electric power supply beyond Q3 FY26, as there are currently no viable alternative suppliers of renewable energy at the required

                                                                                                                          4Q24       4Q24
South32 share                                           FY23       FY24       YoY          4Q23      3Q24      4Q24         vs         vs
                                                                                                                          4Q23       3Q24

Payable copper equivalent production (kt) [note 4]       86.5      73.8      (15%)          22.5      16.8      18.4      (18%)        10%

Payable copper production (kt)                           70.7      60.8      (14%)          17.3      13.9      15.3      (12%)        10%

Payable copper sales (kt)                                71.8      60.9      (15%)          18.0      13.1      15.3      (15%)        17%

Sierra Gorda payable copper equivalent production [note 4] decreased by 15% (or 12.7kt) to 73.8kt in FY24, achieving 94% of guidance, due
to lower than planned copper grades in the June 2024 quarter.

Looking forward, higher clay content in the current phase of the mine plan is expected to continue to impact molybdenum production in
FY25, with FY25 payable copper equivalent production guidance revised lower by 7% to 85.3kt (copper 70.0kt, molybdenum 1.3kt, gold
25.0koz and silver 550koz).

Sierra Gorda continued to progress the feasibility study for the fourth grinding line expansion, which remains on track to support a final
investment decision in H1 FY25.


South32 Quarterly Report June 2024                                                                                            Page 8 of 13
                                                                                                                           4Q24       4Q24
South32 share                                            FY23      FY24        YoY         4Q23       3Q24      4Q24         vs         vs
                                                                                                                           4Q23       3Q24

Payable zinc equivalent production (kt) [note 3]        259.6     285.2        10%          74.5       64.8      73.2       (2%)        13%

Payable silver production (koz)                        11,183    12,666        13%         3,368      2,897     3,065       (9%)         6%

Payable silver sales (koz)                             10,739    11,793        10%         3,244      2,210     3,054       (6%)        38%

Payable lead production (kt)                            101.7     112.4        11%          28.3       24.8      28.8         2%        16%

Payable lead sales (kt)                                  99.0     102.4         3%          26.0       17.9      27.9         7%        56%

Payable zinc production (kt)                             59.2       60.7        3%          16.2       14.3      17.4         7%        22%

Payable zinc sales (kt)                                  58.1       60.1        3%          21.8       11.6      20.2       (7%)        74%

Cannington payable zinc equivalent production [note 3] increased by 10% (or 25.6kt) to 285.2kt in FY24 as the operation managed the
impact of widespread flooding following Tropical Cyclone Kirrily, and processed a sequence of higher grade stopes in the June 2024 quarter,
achieving 99% of guidance.

Looking forward, a significant increase in underground activity and complexity is expected to drive greater variability in mine performance
as the underground mine progresses towards the end of its life. Due to these factors and the need to re-establish run of mine stocks
following adverse weather impacts in H2 FY24, we have lowered FY25 guidance for mill throughput to 2,100kdmt and payable zinc
equivalent production by 9% to 250.1kt (silver 11,300koz, lead 100.0kt and zinc 50.0kt).

Higher sales volumes in the June 2024 quarter reflected timing differences following widespread flooding in the prior quarter that caused a
temporary outage of a third-party rail line.

                                                                                                                           4Q24       4Q24
South32 share                                            FY23      FY24        YoY         4Q23       3Q24      4Q24         vs         vs
                                                                                                                           4Q23       3Q24

Payable nickel production (kt)                           40.8       40.6        0%          10.2       10.8      11.5       13%          6%

Payable nickel sales (kt)                                40.8       40.9        0%          10.4       10.8      12.1       16%         12%

Cerro Matoso payable nickel production was largely unchanged at 40.6kt in FY24, achieving 100% of guidance, with higher planned
throughput and nickel grades supporting a 6% increase in production during the June 2024 quarter. FY25 production guidance remains
unchanged at 35.0kt, reflecting lower planned nickel grades.

We continue to progress our strategic review of Cerro Matoso and expect to provide information on the outcomes of this review in H2


South32 Quarterly Report June 2024                                                                                             Page 9 of 13
                                                                                                                         4Q24       4Q24
South32 share                                            FY23      FY24        YoY          4Q23     3Q24     4Q24         vs         vs
                                                                                                                         4Q23       3Q24

Total coal production (kt)                              6,520      4,938      (24%)        1,753     1,405    1,488      (15%)         6%

Total coal sales (kt) [note 24]                         6,359      4,871      (23%)        1,697     1,238    1,537       (9%)        24%

Metallurgical coal production (kt)                      5,497      4,305      (22%)        1,504     1,244    1,274      (15%)         2%

Metallurgical coal sales (kt)                           5,402      4,172      (23%)        1,529     1,053    1,360      (11%)        29%

Energy coal production (kt)                             1,023       633       (38%)          249      161       214      (14%)        33%

Energy coal sales (kt)                                    957       699       (27%)          168      185       177         5%        (4%)

Illawarra Metallurgical Coal saleable production decreased by 24% (or 1,582kt) to 4,938kt in FY24, achieving 99% of guidance, as the
operation completed three planned longwall moves and commenced a fourth planned move in the June 2024 quarter.

                                                                                                                         4Q24       4Q24
South32 share                                            FY23      FY24        YoY          4Q23     3Q24     4Q24         vs         vs
                                                                                                                         4Q23       3Q24

Manganese ore production (kwmt)                         3,545      2,324      (34%)          869      645         —        N/A        N/A

Manganese ore sales (kwmt)                              3,261      2,573      (21%)          866      709         —        N/A        N/A

Australia Manganese saleable production decreased by 34% (or 1,221kwmt) to 2,324kwmt in FY24 as we temporarily suspended operations
in March 2024 due to the impacts of Tropical Cyclone Megan.

We continued to implement the operational recovery plan, dewatering targeted mining pits and commencing a phased mining restart
during the quarter. Mining activity is expected to increase, supporting a planned build in stockpiles ahead of the wet season. Wharf
operations are scheduled to commence in Q3 FY25, subject to maintaining construction productivity during the wet season.

FY25 production and capital expenditure guidance will be provided with our FY24 financial results.

We are working closely with our insurers to assess the timing and value of recoveries under our property damage and business interruption

                                                                                                                         4Q24       4Q24
South32 share                                            FY23      FY24        YoY          4Q23     3Q24     4Q24         vs         vs
                                                                                                                         4Q23       3Q24

Manganese ore production (kwmt)                         2,108      2,175        3%           586      530       534       (9%)         1%

Manganese ore sales (kwmt)                              2,065      2,116        2%           541      485       549         1%        13%

South Africa Manganese saleable production increased by 3% (or 67kwmt) to a record 2,175kwmt in FY24, exceeding guidance by 9%, as
the operation delivered improved mining performance and lifted output of secondary products to capitalise on stronger manganese prices.
FY25 production guidance will be provided with our FY24 financial results.

South32 Quarterly Report June 2024                                                                                          Page 10 of 13
1.    Group payable copper equivalent production based on current FY24 production guidance, calculated by applying FY23 realised prices for all operations.

2.    Refer to market release "Illawarra Metallurgical Coal Sale Update" dated 5 July 2024.

3.    Payable zinc equivalent production (kt) was calculated by aggregating revenues from payable silver, lead and zinc, and dividing the total Revenue by the price of zinc. FY23 realised prices for zinc
      (US$2,151/t), lead (US$1,919/t) and silver (US$21.1/oz) have been used for FY23, FY24 and FY24e.
4.    Payable copper equivalent production (kt) was calculated by aggregating revenues from copper, molybdenum, gold and silver, and dividing the total Revenue by the price of copper. FY23 realised
      prices for copper (US$3.51/lb), molybdenum (US$21.28/lb), gold (US$1,821/oz) and silver (US$21.9/oz) have been used for FY23, FY24 and FY24e.
5.    Target is defined as an intended outcome in relation to which we have identified one or more pathways for delivery of that outcome, subject to certain assumptions or conditions. Our medium-
      term target is to halve our operational greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2035 compared to our FY21 baseline. FY21 baseline adjusted to exclude GHG emissions from South Africa Energy Coal
      and TEMCO, which were divested in FY21.
6.    Refer to market release "Sale of Illawarra Metallurgical Coal" dated 29 February 2024.
7.    Subject to the Eagle Downs project reaching metallurgical coal production of 100,000 tonnes.

8.    Price-linked royalty calculated based on potential future metallurgical coal production and a metallurgical coal index price of at least US$170/t.

9.    Refer to media release "Agreement to divest Metalloys manganese alloy smelter" dated 13 June 2024.
10.   Refer to market release "Worsley Alumina Approvals Update" dated 22 July 2024.

11.   Net distributions from our material equity accounted investments (EAI) (manganese and Sierra Gorda) includes dividends, capital contributions and net repayments/drawdowns of shareholder
      loans, which are unaudited and should not be considered as an indication of or alternative to an IFRS measure of profitability, financial performance or liquidity.
12.   Comprised of US$145M in respect of the June 2023 half year paid in the December 2023 quarter and US$18M in respect of the December 2023 half year paid in the June 2024 quarter.

13.   We returned US$35M via the on-market share buy-back in FY24, purchasing 16M shares at an average price of A$3.37. Since inception, US$1.7B has been returned via the on-market share buy-
      back (795M shares at an average price of A$3.05 per share).
14.   The corporate tax rates of the geographies where the Group operates include: Australia 30%, South Africa 27%, Colombia 35%, Mozambique 0%, Brazil 34%, and Chile 27%. The Mozambique
      operations are subject to a royalty on revenues instead of income tax.
15.   Australia Manganese is subject to a royalty related tax equal to 20% of adjusted EBIT. Sierra Gorda is subject to a royalty related tax based on the amount of copper sold and the mining operating
      margin, the rate is between 5% and 14% for annual sales over 50kt of refined copper. These royalties are included in Underlying tax expense.
16.   Refer to market release "Final investment approval to develop Hermosa's Taylor deposit" dated 15 February 2024.

17.   Exploration Results and Exploration Targets: The information in this announcement that relates to the Exploration Results and Targets for Taylor, Clark, Peake and Flux is extracted from the market
      release "Final investment approval to develop Hermosa's Taylor deposit" dated 15 February 2024. The information was prepared by D Bertuch, Competent Person in accordance with the
      requirements of the JORC Code. South32 confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in the original market announcement.
      South32 confirms that the form and context in which the Competent Person's findings are presented have not been materially changed from the original market announcement.
18.   Production guidance for Hillside Aluminium and Mozal Aluminium does not assume any load-shedding impact on production.
19.   Realised prices are unaudited. Volumes and prices do not include any third party trading that may be undertaken independently of equity production. Realised sales price is calculated as sales
      Revenue divided by sales volume unless otherwise stated.
20    Realised prices for Sierra Gorda and Cannington are net of treatment and refining charges.

21    Realised nickel sales prices are inclusive of by-products.

22    Realised ore prices are calculated as external sales Revenue less freight and marketing costs, divided by external sales volumes.

23.   FY24 Operating unit cost guidance includes royalties (where appropriate) and the influence of exchange rates, and includes various assumptions for FY24, including: an alumina price of US$340/t;
      an average blended coal price of US$296/t for Illawarra Metallurgical Coal; a manganese ore price of US$4.58/dmtu for 44% manganese product; a nickel price of US$8.67/lb; a silver price of
      US$22.7/troy oz; a lead price of US$2,105/t (gross of treatment and refining charges); a zinc price of US$2,446/t (gross of treatment and refining charges); a copper price of US$3.67/lb (gross of
      treatment and refining charges); a molybdenum price of US$19.22/lb (gross of treatment and refining charges); a gold price of US$1,892/troy oz; an AUD:USD exchange rate of 0.64; a USD:ZAR
      exchange rate of 19.12; a USD:COP exchange rate of 4,050; USD:CLP exchange rate of 924; and a reference price for caustic soda; which reflect forward markets as at January 2024 or our internal
24.   Illawarra Metallurgical Coal sales are adjusted for moisture and will not reconcile directly to Illawarra Metallurgical Coal production.

The following abbreviations have been used throughout this report: US$ million (US$M); US$ billion (US$B); grams per tonne (g/t); tonnes (t); thousand tonnes (kt); thousand tonnes per annum (ktpa);
million tonnes (Mt); million tonnes per annum (Mtpa); ounces (oz); thousand ounces (koz); million ounces (Moz); thousand wet metric tonnes (kwmt); million wet metric tonnes (Mwmt); million wet
metric tonnes per annum (Mwmt pa); dry metric tonne unit (dmtu); thousand dry metric tonnes (kdmt).

Figures in Italics indicate that an adjustment has been made since the figures were previously reported. The denotation (e) refers to an estimate or forecast year.


South32 share                                                                                 FY23             FY24               4Q23           1Q24           2Q24         3Q24           4Q24

Worsley Alumina (86% share)

Alumina hydrate production (kt)                                                              3,833            3,779                 957            973            961          926             919

Alumina production (kt)                                                                      3,839            3,777               1,012            972            962          927             916

Alumina sales (kt)                                                                           3,817            3,767               1,111            913            985          895             974

Brazil Alumina (36% share)

South32 Quarterly Report June 2024                                                                                                                                                    Page 11 of 13
Alumina production (kt)                               1,262    1,286    237     318     322     313           333

Alumina sales (kt)                                    1,237    1,282    242     272     375     277           358

Brazil Aluminium (40% share)

Aluminium production (kt)                               69      104      24      24      26      26             28

Aluminium sales (kt)                                    68      102      26       8      32      32             30

Hillside Aluminium (100% share)

Aluminium production (kt)                              719      720     180     180     179     181           180

Aluminium sales (kt)                                   719      720     185     170     157     209           184

Mozal Aluminium (63.7% share)

Aluminium production (kt)                              345      314      82      84      82      71             77

Aluminium sales (kt)                                   334      326     114      77      90      58           101

Sierra Gorda (45% share)

Ore mined (Mt)                                         26.0     19.9     5.5     5.9     6.0     3.1           4.9

Ore processed (Mt)                                     21.2     21.9     5.4     5.5     5.4     5.5           5.5

Copper ore grade processed (%, Cu)                     0.42     0.36    0.40    0.37    0.38    0.34          0.37

Payable copper equivalent production (kt) [note 4]     86.5     73.8    22.5    20.3    18.3    16.8          18.4

Payable copper production (kt)                         70.7     60.8    17.3    16.0    15.6    13.9          15.3

Payable copper sales (kt)                              71.8     60.9    18.0    15.3    17.2    13.1          15.3

Payable molybdenum production (kt)                      1.2      0.9     0.5     0.4     0.1     0.2           0.2

Payable molybdenum sales (kt)                           1.3      1.3     0.3     0.4     0.3     0.4           0.2

Payable gold production (koz)                          28.8     24.6     7.3     6.3     7.1     5.3           5.9

Payable gold sales (koz)                               29.1     24.9     7.3     6.3     7.5     5.2           5.9

Payable silver production (koz)                        630      607     154     145     150     153           159

Payable silver sales (koz)                             639      605     157     140     160     141           164

Cannington (100% share)

Ore mined (kwmt)                                      2,223    2,252    631     551     599     529           573

Ore processed (kdmt)                                  2,156    2,221    562     562     577     525           557

Silver ore grade processed (g/t, Ag)                   187      205     210     206     216     200           199

Lead ore grade processed (%, Pb)                        5.6      5.9     5.8     5.8     6.2     5.6           5.9

Zinc ore grade processed (%, Zn)                        3.8      3.7     4.0     3.2     3.6     3.8           4.1
Payable zinc equivalent production (kt) [note 3]      259.6    285.2    74.5    70.3    76.9    64.8          73.2

Payable silver production (koz)                      11,183   12,666   3,368   3,230   3,474   2,897        3,065

Payable silver sales (koz)                           10,739   11,793   3,244   2,873   3,656   2,210        3,054

Payable lead production (kt)                          101.7    112.4    28.3    28.5    30.3    24.8          28.8

Payable lead sales (kt)                                99.0    102.4    26.0    25.6    31.0    17.9          27.9

Payable zinc production (kt)                           59.2     60.7    16.2    13.2    15.8    14.3          17.4

Payable zinc sales (kt)                                58.1     60.1    21.8    13.9    14.4    11.6          20.2

Cerro Matoso (99.9% share)

Ore mined (kwmt)                                      5,560    5,195   1,619    940    1,243   1,486        1,526

Ore processed (kdmt)                                  2,807    2,774    702     594     723     711           746

South32 Quarterly Report June 2024                                                                     Page 12 of 13
Ore grade processed (%, Ni)                                                       1.62           1.60             1.62         1.57          1.53          1.61          1.70

Payable nickel production (kt)                                                    40.8           40.6             10.2           8.3         10.0          10.8          11.5

Payable nickel sales (kt)                                                         40.8           40.9             10.4           8.5           9.5         10.8          12.1

Illawarra Metallurgical Coal (100% share)

Total coal production (kt)                                                       6,520         4,938            1,753         1,168           877         1,405         1,488
Total coal sales (kt) [note 24]                                                  6,359         4,871            1,697         1,196           900         1,238         1,537

Metallurgical coal production (kt)                                               5,497         4,305            1,504         1,043           744         1,244         1,274

Metallurgical coal sales (kt)                                                    5,402         4,172            1,529           996           763         1,053         1,360

Energy coal production (kt)                                                      1,023            633             249           125           133           161           214

Energy coal sales (kt)                                                             957            699             168           200           137           185           177

Australia Manganese (60% share)

Manganese ore production (kwmt)                                                  3,545         2,324              869           890           789           645             —

Manganese ore sales (kwmt)                                                       3,261         2,573              866           940           924           709             —

Ore grade sold (%, Mn)                                                            43.9           42.5             43.1         42.9          42.2          42.2             —

South Africa Manganese (54.6% share)

Manganese ore production (kwmt)                                                  2,108         2,175              586           628           483           530           534

Manganese ore sales (kwmt)                                                       2,065         2,116              541           518           564           485           549

Ore grade sold (%, Mn)                                                            39.2           38.8             39.4         39.0          38.4          38.7          39.1

Forward-looking statements
This release contains forward-looking statements, including statements about trends in commodity prices and currency exchange rates; demand for commodities; production
forecasts; plans, strategies and objectives of management; capital costs and scheduling; operating costs; anticipated productive lives of projects, mines and facilities; and
provisions and contingent liabilities. These forward-looking statements reflect expectations at the date of this release, however they are not guarantees or predictions of future
performance. They involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are beyond our control, and which may cause actual results to differ
materially from those expressed in the statements contained in this release. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Except as required
by applicable laws or regulations, the South32 Group does not undertake to publicly update or review any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information or
future events. Past performance cannot be relied on as a guide to future performance. South32 cautions against reliance on any forward-looking statements or guidance.

INVESTOR RELATIONS                                           MEDIA RELATIONS
Ben Baker                                                    Jamie Macdonald                                             Miles Godfrey
M +61 403 763 086                                            M +61 408 925 140                                           M +61 415 325 906
E                                      E                               E

Approved for release to the market by Graham Kerr, Chief Executive Officer
JSE Sponsor: The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited
22 July 2024

South32 Limited
(Incorporated in Australia under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth))
(ACN 093 732 597)
ASX / LSE / JSE Share Code: S32; ADR: SOUHY
ISIN: AU000000S320

South32 Quarterly Report June 2024                                                                                                                                Page 13 of 13

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