Results of Annual General Meeting ENX GROUP LIMITED Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa (Registration number 2001/029771/06) JSE share code: ENX ISIN: ZAE000195723 ("enX" or "the Company") General Segment _________________________________________________________________________ RESULTS OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ("AGM") _________________________________________________________________________ Shareholders are advised that, at the AGM of enX held on Thursday, 13 March 2025, the board decided to withdraw special resolution 1 prior to the commencement of the meeting and no voting was casted for this resolution. Special resolutions 2 to 4 and ordinary resolutions 1 to 8 as set out in the notice of AGM were passed by the requisite majority of shareholders. Details of the results of the voting at the AGM are as follows: - Total number of enX shares in issue as at the date of the AGM: 182 312 650 - Total number of enX shares that could have been voted at the AGM (excluding 945 887 treasury shares): 181 366 763 - Total number of enX shares that were present or represented at the AGM: 169 851 178, being 93.65% of the total number of enX shares that could have been voted at the AGM. The resolutions proposed at the meeting, as well as the percentage of votes carried for and against each resolution, are set out below: Special resolution 2 – Approval of non-executive directors' fees for their services as directors and committee members For Against Abstain Share voted 167 664 556 2 186 622 - 169 851 178 98.71% 1.29% 0.00%* 93.65%* 0.00%^ 93.16%^ Special resolution number 3: Authority for financial assistance in terms of section 45 of the Companies Act For Against Abstain Share voted 169 715 143 - 136 035 169 715 143 100.00% 0.00% 0.08%* 93.58%* 0.07%^ 93.09%^ Special resolution number 4: Authority for financial assistance in terms of section 44 of the Companies Act For Against Abstain Share voted 169 715 143 - 136 035 169 715 143 100.00% 0.00% 0.08%* 93.58%* 0.07%^ 93.09%^ Ordinary resolution number 1: Re-election of ZK Matthews as director of the company For Against Abstain Share voted 157 700 565 12 150 613 - 169 851 178 92.85% 7.15% 0.00%* 93.65%* 0.00%^ 93.16%^ Ordinary resolution number 2: Re-election of RD Mokhobo as director of the company For Against Abstain Share voted 167 799 873 2 051 305 - 169 851 178 98.79% 1.21% 0.00%* 93.65%* 0.00%^ 93.16%^ Ordinary resolution number 3: Election of J Dawson as executive director of the company For Against Abstain Share voted 167 799 873 718 - 167 800 591 100.00% 0.00% 0.00%* 92.52%* 0.00%^ 92.04%^ Ordinary resolution number 4: Appointment of KPMG Inc. as external auditors For Against Abstain Share voted 167 799 873 718 - 167 800 591 100.00% 0.00% 0.00%* 92.52%* 0.00%^ 92.04%^ Ordinary resolution number 5.1: Appointment of audit and risk committee members - RD Mokhobo as member For Against Abstain Share voted 167 799 873 2 050 587 718 169 850 460 98.79% 1.21% 0.00%* 93.65%* 0.00%^ 93.16%^ Ordinary resolution number 5.2: Appointment of audit and risk committee members – NV Simamane as member For Against Abstain Share voted 167 799 873 2 050 587 718 169 850 460 98.79% 1.21% 0.00%* 93.65%* 0.00%^ 93.16%^ Ordinary resolution number 5.3 Appointment of audit and risk committee members – ZK Matthews as member For Against Abstain Share voted 157 700 565 12 149 895 718 169 850 460 92.85% 7.15% 0.00%* 93.65%* 0.00%^ 93.16%^ Ordinary resolution number 6: Advisory endorsement of the remuneration policy For Against Abstain Share voted 138 217 931 24 342 142 7 291 105 162 560 073 85.03% 14.97% 4.02%* 89.63%* 4.00%^ 89.17%^ Ordinary resolution number 7: Advisory endorsement of the implementation of remuneration policy For Against Abstain Share voted 138 217 931 22 291 555 9 341 692 160 509 486 86.11% 13.89% 5.15%* 88.50%* 5.12%^ 88.04%^ Ordinary resolution number 8: To authorise signature of the documents For Against Abstain Share voted 169 850 460 - 718 169 850 460 100.00% 0.00% 0.00%* 93.65%* 0.00%^ 93.16%^ ^ In relation to total shares in issue * Shares voted in relation to total votable shares in issue Johannesburg 13 March 2025 ______________________________________________________________________ Sponsor The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited Date: 13-03-2025 02:02:00 Produced by the JSE SENS Department. The SENS service is an information dissemination service administered by the JSE Limited ('JSE'). The JSE does not, whether expressly, tacitly or implicitly, represent, warrant or in any way guarantee the truth, accuracy or completeness of the information published on SENS. The JSE, their officers, employees and agents accept no liability for (or in respect of) any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential loss or damage of any kind or nature, howsoever arising, from the use of SENS or the use of, or reliance on, information disseminated through SENS.