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ABSA GROUP LIMITED - Absa Group Basel III Pillar 3 Disclosure as at 31 March 2024

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Absa Group – Basel III Pillar 3 Disclosure as at 31 March 2024

ABSA GROUP LIMITED                                                       ABSA BANK LIMITED
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)                           (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 1986/003934/06)                                    (Registration number: 1986/004794/06)
ISIN: ZAE000255915                                                       ISIN: ZAE000079810
JSE share code: ABG                                                      JSE share code: ABSP
Bond code: ABGI                                                          Bond code: BIABS
(Absa Group or the Group)                                                (Absa Bank or the Bank)


1.    Key prudential metrics and RWA

In line with regulatory and accounting requirements, the capital and leverage positions of the Group and the Bank in this document are reflected on a
regulatory basis (which requires unappropriated profits to be excluded).
The Group liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) reflects an aggregation of the Bank LCR and the LCR of the Absa Regional Operations (ARO). For this
purpose, a simple average of the relevant three month-end data points is used for ARO, noting that ARO LCR is capped at 100% per the minimum
regulatory requirements. For the Bank, the LCR was calculated as a simple average of 90 calendar-day LCR observations.

1.1 KM1: Key metrics

The summary tables to follow provide key capital adequacy and liquidity information on a regulatory basis as at 31 March 2024.
Common equity tier 1 (CET1) capital increased during the quarter mainly due to movements in foreign currency movements attributable to the Group
and minority shareholders equity in the ARO entities combined with an increase in the share-based payment reserve.
RWA increase was primarily attributed to higher credit risk and equity risk which was marginally offset by a reduction in market risk and threshold risk.
Leverage exposure increase was mainly driven by an increase in on-balance sheet exposure, combined with marginal increase in off-balance sheet
items. This was offset by a decrease in derivatives exposure quarter-on.
The net stable funding ratio (NSFR) decrease was mainly attributable to the five-year phase-out of the national discretion.
The Group continued to lengthen and diversify the funding base, while optimizing funding costs, to support asset growth, other strategic initiatives
and maintain the strong NSFR.
The liquidity risk position remained healthy and key liquidity metrics were within risk appetite and above the minimum regulatory requirements.
Absa Group (1, 2)

                                                                               a            b            c            d            e
                                                                                          31            30
                                                                       31 March                                 30 June    31 March
                                                                                    December     September
                                                                           2024                                    2023        2023
                                                                                     2023 (3)         2023

 Available capital (Rm)
  1     CET1                                                            129 841      127 914       123 582     125 138      119 299
  2     Tier 1                                                          148 970      146 549       141 373     142 705      136 206
  3     Total capital                                                   165 306      162 529       159 205     158 388      159 247
 RWA (Rm)
  4     Total RWA                                                      1 080 525    1 058 380    1 020 992    1 018 726    1 017 928
 Risk-based capital ratios as a percentage of RWA (%)
  5     CET1 ratio                                                          12.0         12.1         12.1         12.3         11.7
  6     Tier 1 ratio                                                        13.8         13.8         13.8         14.0         13.4
  7     Total capital ratio                                                 15.3         15.4         15.6         15.5         15.6
 Additional CET1 buffer requirements as a percentage of RWA (%)
  8     Capital conservation buffer requirement                              2.5          2.5          2.5          2.5          2.5
  9     Countercyclical buffer requirement (4)                                 -            -            -            -            -
  10    Global systemically important banks (G-SIB) and/or domestic          1.0          1.0          1.0          1.0          1.0
        systemically important banks (D-SIB) additional requirements
  11    Total of bank CET1 specific buffer requirements (Row 8 + row         3.5          3.5          3.5          3.5          3.5
        9 + row 10)
  12    CET1 available after meeting the bank's minimum capital              3.5          3.6          3.6          3.8          3.2
 Basel III leverage ratio
  13    Total Basel III leverage ratio exposure measure (Rm)           2 001 360    1 955 432    1 964 177    1 947 965    1 902 576
  14    Basel III leverage ratio (%) (row 2 / row 13)                         7.4          7.5          7.2          7.3          7.2
  15    Total high-quality liquid assets (HQLA) (Rm)                    259 304      257 309       265 705     259 337      245 024
  16    Total net cash outflow (Rm)                                     209 283      207 665       192 400     184 175      185 132
  17    LCR (%)                                                           123.9        123.9         138.1       140.8        132.4
  18    Total available stable funding (ASF) (Rm)                      1 211 706    1 191 407    1 181 066    1 156 346    1 116 892
  19    Total required stable funding (RSF) (Rm)                       1 034 357    1 008 962      997 896      980 161      969 803
  20    NSFR (%)                                                           117.1        118.1        118.4        118.0        115.2
Absa Bank (1, 2, 5)
                                                                               a            b            c            d            e
                                                                                          31            30
                                                                       31 March                                 30 June    31 March
                                                                                    December     September
                                                                           2024                                    2023        2023
                                                                                     2023 (3)         2023

 Available capital (Rm)
  1     CET1                                                             79 064       79 019        76 011      78 350       79 704
  2     Tier 1                                                           96 240       95 797        92 147      94 324       95 402
  3     Total capital                                                   108 497      108 034       106 192     106 235      114 701
 RWA (Rm)
  4     Total RWA                                                       687 881      683 018       643 430     637 677      660 250
 Risk-based capital ratios as a percentage of RWA (%)
  5     CET1 ratio                                                          11.5         11.6         11.8         12.3         12.1
  6     Tier 1 ratio                                                        14.0         14.0         14.3         14.8         14.4
  7     Total capital ratio                                                 15.8         15.8         16.5         16.7         17.4
 Additional CET1 buffer requirements as a percentage of RWA (%)
  8     Capital conservation buffer requirement                              2.5          2.5          2.5          2.5          2.5
  9     Countercyclical buffer requirement (4)                                                                        -            -
  10    Global systemically important banks (G-SIB) and/or domestic          1.0          1.0          1.0          1.0          1.0
        systemically important banks (D-SIB) additional requirements
  11    Total of bank CET1 specific buffer requirements (Row 8 + row         3.5          3.5          3.5          3.5          3.5
        9 + row 10)
  12    CET1 available after meeting the bank's minimum capital              3.0          3.1          3.3          3.8          3.6
 Basel III leverage ratio
  13    Total Basel III leverage ratio exposure measure (Rm)           1 645 860    1 614 778    1 618 848    1 599 001    1 578 254
  14    Basel III leverage ratio (%) (row 2 / row 13)                         5.9          5.9          5.7          5.9          6.0
  15    Total high-quality liquid assets (HQLA) (Rm)                    231 637      229 944       234 755     227 997      215 111
  16    Total net cash outflow (Rm)                                     181 616      180 301       161 451     154 992      157 519
  17    LCR (%)                                                           127.5        127.5         145.4       147.1        136.6
  18    Total available stable funding (ASF) (Rm)                       982 999      973 368       959 933     936 587      917 129
  19    Total required stable funding (RSF) (Rm)                        886 261      869 787       854 405     838 695      837 645
  20    NSFR (%)                                                          110.9        111.9         112.4       111.7        109.5
1.2 OV1: Overview of RWA

                                                                                 Group                                      Bank (5)
                                                                          a              b             c               a           b               c
                                                                   31 March    31 December    31 March         31 March     December     31 March
                                                                       2024           2023        2024             2024         2023         2024
                                                                       RWA         RWA (3)     MRC (6)             RWA       RWA (3)      MRC (6)
                                                                        Rm             Rm          Rm               Rm           Rm           Rm

    1   Credit risk (excluding counterparty credit risk (CCR))      792 953        769 714       99 119         498 962       491 033       62 371
    2      Of which: standardised approach (SA)                     280 779        264 426       35 097             966         1 078          121
    3      Of which: foundation internal ratings based (FIRB)             -              -            -               -             -            -
    4      Of which: supervisory slotting approach                        -              -            -               -             -            -
    5      Of which: advanced internal ratings based (AIRB)         512 174        505 288       64 022         497 996       489 955       62 250
    6   CCR                                                          18 969         19 268        2 371          16 651         17 742       2 081
    7      Of which: standardised approach for CCR (SA-              18 969         19 268        2 371          16 651         17 742       2 081
   8       Of which: internal model method (IMM)                          -              -            -                -             -           -
   9       Of which: other CCR                                            -              -            -                -             -           -
  10    Credit valuation adjustment (CVA)                             8 834          9 679        1 104            7 005         8 187         876
  11    Equity positions under the simple risk weight                 3 388          3 409          424            1 653         1 725         207
  12    Equity investments in funds – look-through approach           6 235          6 166          779              349           376          44
  13    Equity investments in funds – mandate-based                   2 188          1 462          274            2 188         1 462         274
  14    Equity investments in funds – fall-back approach                730            633           91              526           526          66
  15    Settlement risk                                               1 717          1 846          215            1 654         1 781         207
  16    Securitisation exposures in banking book                        119            122           15              119           122          15
  17       Of which: IRB ratings-based approach (SEC-IRBA)                -              -            -                -             -           -
  18       Of which: securitisation external ratings-based                -              -            -                -             -           -
           approach (RBA) (SEC-ERBA), including internal
           assessment approach (IAA)
  19       Of which: securitisation SA (SEC-SA)                         119            122           15             119            122          15
  20    Traded market risk                                           44 524         45 215        5 566          34 963         36 669       4 371
  21       Of which: SA                                              17 431         18 611        2 179           7 869         10 065         984
  22       Of which: internal model approach (IMA)                   27 093         26 604        3 387          27 094         26 604       3 387
  23    Capital charge for switch between trading book and                -              -            -               -              -           -
        banking book
  24    Operational risk                                            125 976        125 976       15 747          74 609         74 609       9 326
        Non-customer assets                                          30 411         30 287        3 801          17 897         17 601       2 237
  25    Amounts below the thresholds for deduction (subject          26 020         26 141        3 253          13 586         13 466       1 698
        to 250% risk weight)
  26    Floor adjustment (after application of transitional cap)     18 461         18 462        2 308          17 719         17 719       2 215
  27    Total (1+6+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+20+23+24+                  1 080 525     1 058 380      135 067         687 881       683 018       85 988
        25+26+non-customer assets)

1.3 CR8: RWA flow statements of credit risk exposures under IRB

                                                                                                                       a                      a
                                                                                                           31 March 2024       31 December 2023
                                                                                                           RWA amounts          RWA amounts (3)
                                                                                                                     Rm                     Rm

    1   RWA as at end of previous quarter                                                                         505 288                 480 075
    2   Asset size                                                                                                     96                  15 704
    3   Asset quality                                                                                               5 882                   5 705
    4   Model updates                                                                                                   -                      53
    5   Methodology and policy                                                                                          -                       -
    6   Acquisitions and disposals                                                                                      -                       -
    7   Foreign exchange movements                                                                                  1 370                   (940)
    8   Other (8)                                                                                                   (462)                   4 691
    9   RWA as at end of reporting period                                                                         512 174                 505 288

The increase in credit risk RWA over the quarter was mainly due to changes in asset quality as well as from foreign exchange (FX) movements
resulting from South African rand depreciation. There was limited impact on RWA from asset growth due to offsetting movements in exposure across
different asset classes. The net decrease in RWA for non-performing loans resulted from higher impairments.
1.4 MR2: RWA flow statements of market risk exposures under IMA

                                                                                   a              b              c           d                e             f
                                                                                                           31 March 2024
                                                                                          Stressed     Increment
                                                                                           value at        al risk Credit risk
                                                                            Value at           risk       charge    mitigation
                                                                          risk (VaR)        (sVaR)          (IRC)       (CRM)            Other    Total RWA
                                                                                 Rm            Rm             Rm           Rm              Rm            Rm

          1     RWA at previous quarter end                                  13 499         13 105               -           -                -       26 604
          2     Movements in risk levels                                      (415)            904               -           -                -          489
          3     Model updates/changes                                             -              -               -           -                -            -
          4     Methodology and policy                                            -              -               -           -                -            -
          5     Acquisitions and disposals                                        -              -               -           -                -            -
          6     Other                                                             -              -               -           -                -            -
          7     RWA at end of reporting period                               13 084         14 009               -           -                -       27 093

                                                                                   a              b             c            d                e             f
                                                                                                         31 December 2023(3)
                                                                                VaR           sVaR            IRC        CRM             Other    Total RWA
                                                                                 Rm             Rm             Rm          Rm              Rm            Rm

          1     RWA at previous quarter end                                   8 726          9 580               -           -                -       18 306
          2     Movements in risk levels                                      4 773          3 525               -           -                -        8 298
          3     Model updates/changes                                             -              -               -           -                -            -
          4     Methodology and policy                                            -              -               -           -                -            -
          5     Acquisitions and disposals                                        -              -               -           -                -            -
          6     Other                                                             -              -               -           -                -            -
          7     RWA at end of reporting period                               13 499         13 105               -           -                -       26 604

2.            Leverage

Consistent with the treatment in table KM1, the leverage position below is shown on a regulatory basis.

2.1           LR1: Summary comparison of accounting assets versus leverage ratio exposure measure

                                                                                                                                 31 March     31 December
                                                                                                                                     2024         2023 (3)
                                                                                                                                      Rm              Rm

      1        Total consolidated assets                                                                                         1 923 315         1 874 876
      2        Adjustment for investments in banking, financial, insurance or commercial entities that are consolidated            (36 431)          (34 536)
               for accounting purposes but outside the scope of regulatory consolidation
      3        Adjustment for fiduciary assets recognised on the balance sheet pursuant to the operative accounting                       -                 -
               framework but excluded from the leverage ratio exposure measure
      4        Adjustments for derivative financial instruments                                                                     6 894             8 230
      5        Adjustments for securities financing transactions (i.e. repos and similar secured lending)                               -                 -
      6        Adjustments for off-balance sheet items (i.e. conversion to credit equivalent amounts of off-balance sheet         123 756           122 241
      7        Other adjustments                                                                                                   (16 174)          (15 379)
      8        Leverage ratio exposure measure                                                                                   2 001 360         1 955 432
                                                                                                                                        Bank (5)
                                                                                                                                  31 March     31 December
                                                                                                                                      2024         2023 (3)
                                                                                                                                       Rm              Rm

      1    Total consolidated assets                                                                                              1 563 961          1 530 207
      2    Adjustment for investments in banking, financial, insurance or commercial entities that are consolidated                       -                  -
           for accounting purposes but outside the scope of regulatory consolidation
      3    Adjustment for fiduciary assets recognised on the balance sheet pursuant to the operative accounting                            -                  -
           framework but excluded from the leverage ratio exposure measure
      4    Adjustments for derivative financial instruments                                                                           5 395              6 990
      5    Adjustments for securities financing transactions (i.e. repos and similar secured lending)                                     -                  -
      6    Adjustments for off-balance sheet items (i.e. conversion to credit equivalent amounts of off-balance sheet                92 087             91 699
      7    Other adjustments                                                                                                        (15 583)           (14 118)
      8    Leverage ratio exposure measure                                                                                        1 645 860          1 614 778

2.2       LR2: Leverage ratio common disclosure template

                                                                                                          Group                             Bank (5)
                                                                                                          a            b                     a              b
                                                                                                   31 March 31 December               31 March 31 December
                                                                                                       2024     2023 (3)                  2024       2023 (3)
                                                                                                        Rm          Rm                     Rm            Rm

 On-balance sheet exposures
   1 On-balance sheet exposures (excluding derivatives and securities financing                    1 755 155       1 704 916          1 433 074      1 397 117
      transactions (SFTs), but including collateral)
   2 (Asset amounts deducted in determining Basel III Tier 1 capital)                                (16 174)        (15 379)           (15 583)       (14 118)
   3 Total on-balance sheet exposures (excluding derivatives and SFTs) (sum of                     1 738 981       1 689 537          1 417 491      1 382 999
      rows 1 and 2)
 Derivative exposures
   4 Replacement cost associated with all derivative transactions (where applicable net               15 676            19 884           14 868         19 355
      of eligible cash variation margin and/ or with bilateral netting)
   5 Add-on amounts for potential future exposure (PFE) associated with all derivative                33 355            34 538           32 241         33 671
   6 Gross-up for derivatives collateral provided where deducted from the balance                            -                -                  -            -
      sheet assets pursuant to the operative accounting framework
   7 (Deductions of receivable assets for cash variation margin provided in derivatives               (2 673)           (1 263)          (2 673)        (1 263)
   8 (Exempted central counterparty (CCP) leg of client-cleared trade exposures)                           -                 -                -              -
   9 Adjusted effective notional amount of written credit derivative                                  13 595            11 963           13 595         11 963
  10 (Adjusted effective notional offsets and add-on deductions for written credit                         -                 -                -              -
  11 Total derivative exposures (sum of rows 4 to 10)                                                 59 953            65 122           58 031         63 726
 Security financing transaction exposures
  12 Gross SFT assets (with no recognition of netting), after adjusting for sale                      78 670            78 532           78 251         76 354
      accounting transactions
  13 (Netted amounts of cash payables and cash receivables of gross SFT assets)                            -                 -                -              -
  14 CCR exposure for SFT assets                                                                           -                 -                -              -
  15 Agent transaction exposures                                                                           -                 -                -              -
  16 Total securities financing transaction exposures (sum of rows 12 to 15)                          78 670            78 532           78 251         76 354
 Other off-balance sheet exposures
  17 Off-balance sheet exposures at gross notional amount                                             466 064        462 210            391 713        392 668
  18 (Adjustments for conversion to credit equivalent amounts)                                      (342 308)      (339 969)          (299 626)      (300 969)
  19 Off-balance sheet items (sum of rows 17 and 18)                                                  123 756        122 241             92 087         91 699
 Capital and total exposures
  20 Tier 1 capital (excluding unappropriated profits)                                               148 970         146 549             96 240         95 797
  21 Total exposures (sum of lines 3, 11, 16 and 19)                                               2 001 360       1 955 432          1 645 860      1 614 778
 Leverage ratio
  22 Basel III leverage ratio                                                                             7.4              7.5                 5.9          5.9
3.    Liquidity

3.1   LIQ1: Liquidity coverage ratio (LCR)

                                                                                          a             b             a             b
                                                                                     31 Mach 2024            31 December 2023 (3)
                                                                                      Total         Total         Total         Total
                                                                                unweighted      weighted    unweighted      weighted
                                                                                      value        value          value         value
                                                                                  (average)    (average)      (average)    (average)
 Group (9)                                                                              Rm           Rm             Rm            Rm

 High-quality liquid assets (HQLA)
   1 Total HQLA                                                                                  259 304                      257 309
 Cash outflows
   2 Retail deposits and deposits from small business customers of which:          488 601        41 440       485 799         40 837
   3    Stable deposits                                                                  -             -             -              -
   4    Less stable deposits                                                       488 601        41 440       485 799         40 837
   5 Unsecured wholesale funding of which:                                         577 483       278 523       543 079        270 722
   6    Operational deposits (all counterparties) and deposits in networks of      162 077        40 520       143 100         35 775
        cooperative banks
   7    Non-operational deposits (all counterparties)                              405 085       227 682       391 572        226 540
   8    Unsecured debt                                                              10 321        10 321         8 407          8 407
   9 Secured wholesale funding                                                                     2 323                        1 058
 10 Additional requirements of which:                                              388 935        42 947       367 699         42 799
 11     Outflows related to derivative exposures and other collateral               15 621        15 621        16 185         16 185
 12     Outflows related to loss of funding on debt products                             -             -             -              -
 13     Credit and liquidity facilities                                            373 314        27 326       351 514         26 614
 14 Other contractual funding obligations                                              289           289             -              -
 15 Other contingent funding obligations                                           247 725        10 367       240 189         10 234
 16 Total cash outflows (Sum of lines 2+5+9+10+14+15)                                            375 889                      365 650
 Cash inflows
 17 Secured lending (e.g., reverse repos)                                           56 260        13 861        48 348          8 950
 18 Inflows from fully performing exposures                                        170 977       139 637       166 246        135 181
 19 Other cash inflows                                                              13 932        13 108        15 271         13 854
 20 Total cash inflows (Sum of lines 17-19)                                        241 169       166 606       229 865        157 985

                                                                                     Total weighted value         Total weighted value

 High-quality liquid assets (HQLA)
  21 Total HQLA (Rm)                                                                             259 304                      257 309
  22 Total net cash outflows (Rm)                                                                209 283                      207 665
  23 LCR (%)                                                                                       123.9                        123.9
                                                                                          a             b            a             b
                                                                                     31 Mach 2024             31 December 2023
                                                                                      Total         Total         Total         Total
                                                                                unweighted      weighted    unweighted      weighted
                                                                                      value        value         value         value
                                                                                  (average)    (average)     (average)     (average)
 Bank (5, 10)                                                                           Rm           Rm            Rm            Rm

 High-quality liquid assets (HQLA)
   1 Total HQLA                                                                                  231 637                     229 944
 Cash outflows
   2 Retail deposits and deposits from small business customers of which:          384 339        32 445       384 582        32 399
   3    Stable deposits                                                                  -             -             -             -
   4    Less stable deposits                                                       384 339        32 445       384 582        32 399
   5 Unsecured wholesale funding of which:                                         460 399       228 699       429 506       220 552
   6    Operational deposits (all counterparties) and deposits in networks of      162 077        40 519       143 100        35 775
        cooperative banks
   7    Non-operational deposits (all counterparties)                              288 041       177 899       278 055       176 426
   8    Unsecured debt                                                              10 281        10 281         8 351         8 351
   9 Secured wholesale funding                                                                     2 323                       1 058
 10 Additional requirements of which:                                              352 307        37 188       336 301        37 544
 11     Outflows related to derivative exposures and other collateral               12 841        12 841        13 520        13 520
 12     Outflows related to loss of funding on debt products                             -             -             -             -
 13     Credit and liquidity facilities                                            339 466        24 347       322 781        24 024
 14 Other contractual funding obligations                                              289           289             -             -
 15 Other contingent funding obligations                                           213 311         8 911       207 256         8 845
 16 Total cash outflows (Sum of lines 2+5+9+10+14+15)                                            309 855                     300 398
 Cash inflows
 17 Secured lending (e.g. reverse repos)                                            56 260        13 861        48 349         8 950
 18 Inflows from fully performing exposures                                        130 615       108 559       125 547       103 452
 19 Other cash inflows                                                               6 643         5 819         9 112         7 695
 20 Total cash inflows (Sum of lines 17-19)                                        193 518       128 239       183 008       120 097

                                                                                     Total weighted value        Total weighted value

 High-quality liquid assets (HQLA)
 21 Total HQLA (Rm)                                                                              231 637                     229 944
 22 Total net cash outflows (Rm)                                                                 181 616                     180 301
 23 LCR (%)                                                                                        127.5                       127.5

31 May 2024

Alan Hartdegen

Lead Independent Sponsor:
J.P. Morgan Equities South Africa Proprietary Limited

Joint Sponsor and Debt Sponsor:
Corporate and Investment Bank – a division of Absa Bank Limited
1 The fully loaded accounted expected credit loss (ECL) basis has been fully transitioned in.
2 The numbers are excluding unappropriated profits.
3 The December 2023 figures were revised to align with final regulatory submissions.
4 The countercyclical buffer in South Africa is currently zero.
5 Absa Bank Limited includes subsidiary undertakings, special-purpose entities, joint ventures, associates and offshore holdings.
6 The 2024 minimum total regulatory capital adequacy requirement of 12.5% includes the capital conservation buffer, Pillar 2A and the D-SIB add-
  on but excludes the bank specific individual capital requirement (Pillar 2B add-on) as required by regulatory guidance.
7 Includes the operational risk floor.
8 Other reflects RWA movements on non-performing loans due to differences in the definition of default between IFRS 9 impairment and regulatory
  capital models.
9 The Group LCR reflects an aggregation of the Bank LCR and the LCR of ARO. For this purpose, a simple average of the relevant three month-end
  data points is used for ARO, noting that ARO LCR is capped at 100% per the minimum regulatory requirements. For the Bank, the LCR was
  calculated as a simple average of 90 calendar-day LCR observations.
10 The Bank LCR was calculated as a simple average of 90 calendar-day LCR observations.

Date: 31-05-2024 12:20:00
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