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ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SA/NV - AB InBev Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2023 Results Short Form Announcement

Release Date: 29/02/2024 09:07
Code(s): ANH     PDF:  
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AB InBev Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2023 Results Short Form Announcement

Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV
(Incorporated in the Kingdom of Belgium)
Register of Companies Number: 0417.497.106
Euronext Brussels Share Code: ABI
Mexican Stock Exchange Share Code: ANB
JSE Share Code: ANH
ISIN: BE0974293251
("AB InBev" or the "Company")

AB InBev Reports Fourth Quarter and
Full Year 2023 Results
Short Form Announcement

 Total Revenue                                                  Underlying Profit (million USD)
 4Q +6.2% | FY + 7.8%                                           4Q 1 661 | FY 6 158
 Revenue increased by 6.2% in 4Q23 with revenue per hl          Underlying profit (profit attributable to equity holders of AB
 growth of 9.3% and by 7.8% in FY23 with revenue per hl         InBev excluding non-underlying items and the impact of
 growth of 9.9%.                                                hyperinflation) was 1 661 million USD in 4Q23 compared
                                                                to 1 739 million USD in 4Q22 and was 6 158 million USD
 24.6% increase in combined revenues of our global brands,
 Budweiser, Stella Artois, Corona and Michelob Ultra, outside   in FY23 compared to 6 093 million USD in FY22.
 of their respective home markets in 4Q23, and 18.2% in
                                                                Underlying EPS (USD)
 Approximately 70% of our revenue through B2B digital
 platforms with the monthly active user base of BEES            4Q 0.82 | FY 3.05
 reaching 3.7 million users.                                    Underlying EPS was 0.82 USD in 4Q23, a decrease from
 Over 550 million USD of revenue generated by our digital       0.86 USD in 4Q22 and was 3.05 USD in FY23, an increase
 direct-to-consumer ecosystem.                                  from 3.03 USD in FY22.

 Total Volume                                                   Net Debt to EBITDA
 4Q - 2.6% | FY - 1.7%                                          3.38x
 In 4Q23, total volumes declined by 2.6%, with own beer         Net debt to normalized EBITDA ratio was 3.38x at 31
 volumes down by 3.6% and non-beer volumes up by 3.0%.          December 2023, compared to 3.51x at 31 December 2022.
 In FY23, total volumes declined by 1.7% with own beer
 volumes down by 2.3% and non-beer volumes up by 2.1%.
                                                                Capital Allocation
 Normalized EBITDA                                              Dividend 0.82 EUR
                                                                The AB InBev Board proposes a full year 2023 dividend of
 4Q + 6.2% | FY +7.0%                                           0.82 EUR per share, subject to shareholder approval at the
 In 4Q23, normalized EBITDA increased by 6.2% to 4 877          AGM on 24 April 2024. A timeline showing the ex-dividend,
 million USD with a normalized EBITDA margin contraction of     record and payment dates can be found on page 16 of the
 2 bps to 33.7%. In FY23, normalized EBITDA increased by        detailed financial results announcement.
 7.0% to 19 976 million USD and normalized EBITDA margin
 contracted by 23 bps to 33.6%. Normalized EBITDA figures       Out of the one billion USD share buyback program
 of FY23 and FY22 include an impact of 44 million USD and       announced on 31 October 2023, 870 million USD was
 201 million USD, respectively, from tax credits in Brazil.     completed as of 23 February 2024.

The 2023 Full Year Financial Report is available on our website at
    (i) Overall Performance: We expect our EBITDA to grow in line with our medium-term outlook of between 4-8%1. The outlook
         for FY24 reflects our current assessment of inflation and other macroeconomic conditions.

    (ii) Net Finance Costs: Net pension interest expenses and accretion expenses are expected to be in the range of 220 to 250
         million USD per quarter, depending on currency and interest rate fluctuations. We expect the average gross debt coupon in
         FY24 to be approximately 4%.

    (iii) Effective Tax Rates (ETR): We expect the normalized ETR in FY24 to be in the range of 27% to 29%. The ETR outlook
         does not consider the impact of potential future changes in legislation.

    (iv) Net Capital Expenditure: We expect net capital expenditure of between 4.0 and 4.5 billion USD in FY24.

Due to the secondary listing of the ordinary shares of AB InBev on the main board of the JSE Limited (JSE) in South Africa, the Group
is required to present headline earnings per share and diluted headline earnings per share, as alternative measures of earnings per
share, calculated in accordance with the circular entitled 'Headline Earnings' issued by the South African Institute of Chartered
Accountants, as amended from time to time.

The calculation of headline earnings per share is based on the headline earnings and a weighted average number of ordinary and
restricted shares outstanding (including deferred share instruments and stock lending) per end of the period, calculated as follows:

                                                                                          FY23                       FY22
                                                                                            Net of taxes               Net of taxes
                                                                                                 & non-                     & non-
                                                                                     Gross   controlling        Gross   controlling
 Million US dollar                                                                  amount     interests       amount     interests

 Profit attributable to equity holders of AB InBev                                       -           5 341            -        5 969
 After tax impairment of goodwill, PP&E and intangible assets                          232             179         179           100
 After tax impairment of investment in associates                                       35              35       1 143         1 143
 After tax net (gain)/loss on disposal of PP&E, intangible and other assets            322             324         (21)          (10)
 Headline earnings                                                                                   5 878                     7 202
 Weighted average number of ordinary and restricted shares (million)                                 2 016                     2 013
 Headline earnings per share (US dollar)                                                              2.92                      3.58
 Weighted average number of ordinary and restricted shares (diluted) (million)                       2 054                     2 050
 Diluted headline earnings per share (US dollar)                                                      2.86                      3.51

The board of directors of AB InBev has proposed a full year 2023 dividend of €0.82 per share (the "Dividend"), subject to obtaining
approval at the Annual General meeting to be held on Wednesday, 24 April 2024.

The proposed timetable for the Dividend is as follows:

 Dividend declaration announcement released on SENS                                                          Thursday, 29 February
 Annual General Meeting of shareholders to approve the Dividend                                                Wednesday, 24 April
 Results of Annual General Meeting and finalisation of Dividend announced on SENS                                Thursday, 25 April
 Currency conversion announcement released on SENS (by 11h00 SA time)                                             Monday, 29 April
 Last day to trade on Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) to qualify for the Dividend                               Tuesday, 30 April
 Ex-Dividend on JSE from commencement of trading on                                                                Thursday, 2 May
 Last day to trade on Euronext to qualify for the Dividend                                                         Thursday, 2 May
 Ex-Dividend on Euronext from commencement of trading on                                                             Friday, 3 May
 Record date (Euronext and JSE)                                                                                       Monday, 6 May
 Dividend payable (Euronext and JSE)                                                                                  Tuesday, 7 May

Additional information required by the JSE Listings Requirements

1.   No transfers of shareholdings to and from South Africa will be permitted between Monday, 29 April 2024 and Monday, 6 May
     2024 (both dates inclusive). No dematerialisation or rematerialisation orders will be permitted between Thursday, 2 May 2024
     and Monday, 6 May 2024 (both dates inclusive).

2.   The gross amount of the Dividend will be subject to a Belgian withholding tax of 30%. Such withholding tax may be reduced to
     15% in terms of the double tax treaty in force between Belgium and South Africa. A rebate of the additional Belgian withholding
     tax imposed must be claimed in accordance with the relevant reimbursement process noted below. The Dividend will also be
     subject to South African dividends tax at the rate of 20% unless a shareholder qualifies for an exemption. Any shareholder who
     receives a dividend which is subject to South African dividends tax (i.e., where no exemption is available) will qualify for a 15%
     reduction in dividends tax. The ultimate result in such a case is that a dividend will be subject to a reduced Belgian withholding
     tax rate of 15% and subject to South African dividends tax at a rate of 5%.

4.   The Dividend will be paid out of the Company's operating results for 2023, increased with the profits carried over, without
     drawing on any capital reserves.

5.   The Dividend is payable in South African Rand to shareholders whose shares are held through Central Securities Participants
     and brokers traded on the JSE.

South African income tax and dividends tax consequences

The Dividend should be regarded as a 'foreign dividend' for South African income tax and South African dividends tax purposes.

Foreign dividends received in respect of shares which are dual listed on the JSE are, however, exempt from income tax.
Consequently, no South African income tax should be incurred by the shareholders in respect of the Dividend received.

The Dividend may, however, be subject to South African dividends tax at 20%. There is though, amongst others, an exemption from
South African dividends tax if the Dividend is paid to a South African resident corporate shareholder. This exemption operates in a
manner similar to other local shares listed on the JSE and the dividends paid in respect thereof to resident corporate shareholders
and retirement funds. Intermediaries may only allow an exemption from South African dividends tax, provided shareholders have
completed and lodged a valid exemption form, which is obtainable from their intermediary.

Belgian withholding tax

The gross amount of the Dividend will as a rule be subject to a Belgian withholding tax of 30%. Such withholding tax can under certain
circumstances be reduced.

Belgian dividend withholding tax can be reduced to 15% pursuant to the Belgian-South African double tax treaty in force. Such
reduced rate can be applied provided that Form N°/NR. 276 Div.-Aut. is filed by the shareholder with the Bureau Central de Taxation
de Bruxelles-Etranger, boulevard du Jardin Botanique 50 boîte 3429, 1000 Brussels, Belgium (hereinafter the "Central Bureau of
Taxation") before the expiry of a period of five years from January 1st of the year in which the withholding tax was paid, in which case
the differential between the standard withholding tax rate of 30% and the reduced treaty rate of 15% will be reimbursed.

An explanatory note is available through this link, or through the Belgian Tax authorities' official website:

The current version of Form N°/NR. 276 Div.-Aut. is available through this link, or through the Belgian Tax authorities' official

A Belgian withholding tax exemption is also applicable to dividends paid to South African corporate shareholders that hold a
participation of less than 10% in the capital of AB InBev but with an acquisition value of at least €2.5 million. This regime is subject
to the cumulative conditions that (i) the company is treated as a body corporate for tax purposes in the meaning of Article 3, 1), d) of
the Double Tax Treaty between Belgium and South Africa and has a legal form considered similar to the ones listed in Annex I, Part
A, to the Council Directive 2011/96/EU of 30 November 2011 on the common system of taxation applicable in the case of parent
companies and subsidiaries of different Member States, as amended by Directive 2014/863/EU of 8 July 2014; (ii) it is subject to
corporate income tax or a similar tax without benefiting from a tax regime that deviates from the ordinary domestic tax regime; (iii)
the dividends relate to AB InBev shares which it has held or will hold in full legal ownership for an uninterrupted period of at least one
year; and (iv) it cannot in principle credit the Belgian withholding tax paid on the AB InBev dividends or obtain a refund thereof
according to the legal provisions in force on December 31 of the year preceding the year of the payment or attribution of the dividends.

In order to benefit from this reduced withholding tax, the shareholder must provide the Central Bureau of Taxation with a South African
residency certificate confirming that it fulfils the abovementioned conditions and indicating to what extent the Belgian withholding tax
is in principle creditable or reimbursable on the basis of the South African laws applicable on 31 December of the year preceding the
one during which the Dividend is paid or attributed.

South African dividends tax rebate in respect of Belgian withholding tax

A rebate must, for South African dividends tax purposes, be deducted from any South African dividends tax payable in respect of the
Dividend (i.e. where no exemption is available). This rebate will be equal to the amount of any Belgian withholding tax paid in respect
of the Dividend, without any right of recovery, and must not exceed the amount of the South African dividends tax imposed in respect
of the Dividend.

The CSDPs and/or brokers, in their capacity as the regulated intermediaries, must obtain proof of any Belgian withholding tax paid
and deducted from the South African tax payable, as above, in the form and manner prescribed by the South African Revenue

For the avoidance of doubt, the income tax and dividends tax information provided above is only relevant to shareholders whose
shares are held through CSDPs and brokers and are traded on the JSE.

Any shareholder who is in any doubt as to their tax position should seek independent professional advice.

The consolidated financial statements of AB InBev for the year ended 31 December 2023 have been audited by our statutory auditors
PwC Bedrijfsrevisoren/Réviseurs d'Entreprises BV/SRL in accordance with International Standards on Auditing as adopted by the
European Union, and they have issued an unqualified audit report on these consolidated financial statements.

Shareholders should refer to the full audit report for an overview of the audit engagement and for the key audit matters identified by
the group's statutory auditors during the audit engagement. The annual report containing the auditors' full audit report can be
accessed at the following link: from close of business today.

This short-form announcement is the responsibility of the board of directors of AB InBev and is a summary of the information in the
detailed financial results announcement and does not contain full or complete details. Any investment decision in relation to the
Company's shares should be based on the full announcement.

The full announcement may be downloaded from

or from the Company's website at

Copies may be requested from the Company and the Johannesburg office of the Company's JSE Sponsor at no charge during
business hours for a period of 30 calendar days following the date of this announcement.

Investors                                                         Media
Shaun Fullalove                                                   Fallon Buckelew
Tel.: +1 212 573 9287                                             Tel.: +1 310 592 6319
E-mail:                              E-mail:

Maria Glukhova                                                    Michaël Cloots
Tel.: +32 16 276 888                                              Tel.: +32 497 167 183
E-mail:                               E-mail:
Cyrus Nentin
Tel.: +1 646 746 9673

29 February 2024
JSE Sponsor: Questco Corporate Advisory Proprietary Limited

Anheuser-Busch InBev is a publicly traded company (Euronext: ABI) based in Leuven, Belgium, with secondary listings on the Mexico
(MEXBOL: ANB) and South Africa (JSE: ANH) stock exchanges and with American Depositary Receipts on the New York Stock
Exchange (NYSE: BUD).

Date: 29-02-2024 09:07:00
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