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ADVTECH LIMITED - Dealings in securities by directors, prescribed officers, and a director of a major subsidiary: share vesting

Release Date: 03/06/2024 09:30
Code(s): ADH     PDF:  
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Dealings in securities by directors, prescribed officers, and a director of a major subsidiary: share vesting

ADvTECH Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1990/001119/06)
Share code: ADH           ISIN: ZAE000031035


In compliance with paragraphs 3.63 to 3.74 of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, the following
transactions relating to directors, prescribed officers and a director of a major subsidiary dealings are
hereby disclosed, in terms of the provisions of the ADvTECH Management Share Incentive Scheme
(MSI), regarding performance and retention shares which have vested after 3 years.

 Name of Director:                                   JDR Oesch

 Designation:                                        Group Commercial Director

 Nature of transaction:                              Off-Market vesting of shares obtained in terms
                                                     of the ADvTECH Limited Management Share
                                                     Incentive Scheme (MSI).
 Number of securities:                               213 120

 Date of Award                                       21 May 2021

 Class of securities:                                Ordinary

 Price of share:                                     R27.50

 Total value of transaction:                         R5 860 800

 Date of transaction:                                31 May 2024

 Nature of interest:                                 Direct beneficial

 Name of Officer:                                    L Wiseman

 Designation:                                        Prescribed Officer

 Nature of transaction:                              Off-Market vesting of shares obtained in terms of
                                                     the ADvTECH Limited Management Share
                                                     Incentive Scheme (MSI).
 Number of securities:                               82 394

 Date of Award                                       21 May 2021

 Class of securities:                                Ordinary
Price of share:               R27.50

Total value of transaction:   R2 265 835

Date of transaction:          31 May 2024

Nature of interest:           Direct beneficial

Name of Officer:              DL Honey

Designation:                  Prescribed Officer

Nature of transaction:        Off-Market vesting of shares obtained in terms of
                              the ADvTECH Limited Management Share
                              Incentive Scheme (MSI).
Number of securities:         203 759

Date of Award                 21 May 2021

Class of securities:          Ordinary

Price of share:               R27.50

Total value of transaction:   R5 603 372.50

Date of transaction:          31 May 2024

Nature of interest:           Direct beneficial

Name of Officer:              MD Aitken

Designation:                  Prescribed Officer
Nature of transaction:        Off-Market vesting of shares obtained in terms of
                              the ADvTECH Limited Management Share
                              Incentive Scheme (MSI).
Number of securities:         181 993

Date of Award                 21 May 2021

Class of securities:          Ordinary

Price of share:               R27.50

Total value of transaction:   R5 004 807.50

Date of transaction:          31 May 2024

Nature of interest:           Direct beneficial
 Name of Officer:                                   SCD Lurie

 Designation:                                       A Director of a major subsidiary of ADvTECH
                                                    (The Independent Institute of Education (Pty)
 Nature of transaction:                             Off-Market vesting of shares obtained in terms of
                                                    the ADvTECH Limited Management Share
                                                    Incentive Scheme (MSI).
 Number of securities:                              44 698

 Date of Award                                      21 May 2021

 Class of securities:                               Ordinary

 Price of share:                                    R27.50

 Total value of transaction:                        R1 229 195

 Date of transaction:                               31 May 2024

 Nature of interest:                                Direct beneficial

The date of vesting is 21 May 2024. In terms of paragraph 3.66 of the Listings Requirements, the
necessary clearance to deal has been obtained for all the transactions set out above.

3 June 2024
Sponsor: Bridge Capital Advisors Proprietary Limited

Date: 03-06-2024 09:30:00
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