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TRANSACTION CAPITAL LIMITED - Distribution of Circular and Notice of General Meeting

Release Date: 16/02/2024 15:15
Code(s): TCP TC002 TC001     PDF:  
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Distribution of Circular and Notice of General Meeting

Transaction Capital Limited                                    TransCapital Investments Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)                 (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration number: 2002/031730/06                            Registration number: 2016/130129/06
JSE share code: TCP                                            Bond company code: TCII
ISIN: ZAE000167391                                             LEI: 378900AA31160C6B8195
("Transaction Capital" or "the Company")



1.1         Shareholders are referred to the cautionary announcement released by Transaction Capital on SENS on
            Tuesday, 30 January 2024 and the announcement released by Transaction Capital on SENS on Tuesday, 13
            February 2024 regarding the unlocking of value for shareholders of Transaction Capital, comprising: the
            firm intention to unbundle WeBuyCars and its separate listing on the Main Board of the JSE, the WeBuyCars
            share issue of R760 million, the private placement of WBC shares of R500 million, a proposed pre-listing
            capital raise of up to R750 million and withdrawal of the cautionary announcement.

1.2         The circular detailing, inter alia, the terms and mechanics of the Unbundling is being distributed to
            Shareholders today, Friday, 16 February 2024.

1.3         All capitalised terms used but not defined in this announcement shall bear the meanings ascribed to them
            in the Circular.


2.1         As indicated above, the Circular is being distributed to Shareholders today, Friday, 16 February 2024. The
            Circular incorporates a notice convening the General Meeting to be held at 10:30 on Friday, 15 March 2024,
            entirely by electronic communication, to consider and, if deemed fit, to pass, with or without modification,
            the requisite resolutions required for the Unbundling, the relevant resolution approving the WeBuyCars
            Share Issue and related matters.

2.2         The Circular is available in English only. Copies may be obtained during normal business hours from the
            registered office of the Company and from the offices of the Company's transaction sponsor, PSG Capital,
            from Friday, 16 February 2024 until Friday, 15 March 2024 (both days inclusive). A copy of the Circular will
            also be available on the Company's website (


            Last day to trade in Transaction Capital Shares in order to be recorded in the               Tuesday, 5 March
            Register to vote at the General Meeting on

            Record date for a Shareholder to be registered in the Register in order to be                 Friday, 8 March
            eligible to attend and participate in the General Meeting and to vote at the
            General Meeting, by close of trade on

            WBC Pre-listing Statement published (subject to the approval of the JSE)                    Tuesday, 12 March

            For administrative reasons, Forms of Proxy (grey) in respect of the General               Wednesday, 13 March

            Meeting to be lodged at the Transfer Secretaries by 10h30 on
            Forms of Proxy (grey) not lodged timeously with the Transfer Secretaries, to be              Friday, 15 March
            emailed to the Transfer Secretaries (who will provide same to the chairman of
            the General Meeting) before the proxy exercises the rights of the Shareholder
            at the General Meeting on

            Last day for Shareholders to give notice to Transaction Capital objecting, in                Friday, 15 March
            terms of section 164(3) of the Companies Act, to the Unbundling Resolution to
            be able to invoke Appraisal Rights by 10:30

            General Meeting held at 10:30 on                                                             Friday, 15 March

            Results of the General Meeting published on SENS on                                          Friday, 15 March

           Results of the General Meeting published in the South African press on                        Monday, 18 March

           Anticipated Implementation of the WeBuyCars Share Issue on or about                          Tuesday, 19 March
           If the Unbundling is approved by Shareholders at the General Meeting:

           Last date on which Shareholders who voted against the Unbundling Resolution                   Monday, 25 March
           may require Transaction Capital to seek court approval in terms of
           section 115(3)(a) of the Companies Act, but only if the Unbundling Resolution
           was opposed by at least 15% of the voting rights exercised thereon

           Last date on which Shareholders who voted against the Unbundling Resolution                  Wednesday,3 April
           may make application to the court in terms of section 115(3)(b) of the
           Companies Act for leave to apply for a review of the Unbundling

           Last date for Transaction Capital to send objecting Shareholders notice of the               Wednesday,3 April
           adoption of the Unbundling Resolution, in terms of section 164 of the
           Companies Act

           Assuming that all the Unbundling Conditions are fulfilled or waived (to the extent legally permissible) and that
           neither court approvals nor the review of the Unbundling are required:

          Finalisation announcement in respect of the Unbundling (including the final                   Wednesday,3 April
          Distribution Ratio) published on SENS on

          Finalisation announcement in respect of the Unbundling (including the final                   Thursday, 4 April
          Distribution Ratio) published in the South African press on

          Last day to trade Shares in order to be recorded in the Register to participate in          Wednesday, 10 April
          the Unbundling on

          Shares trade ex right to the WBC Distribution Shares                                         Thursday, 11 April

         Subject to the approval of the JSE, WBC Shares listed on the JSE and shares                   Thursday, 11 April
         commence trading on

         Announcement in respect of the apportionment of base costs in relation to the                   Friday, 12 April
         Unbundling for taxation purposes by 11:00 on

         Announcement in respect of the cash value of fractional entitlements applicable                 Friday, 12 April
         to the Unbundling by 11:00 on

         Unbundling Record Date                                                                          Monday, 15 April
         Announcement on SENS of closing price of a WBC Share after markets close                        Monday, 15 April

         Unbundling Completion Date on which Shareholders will have their accounts at                   Tuesday, 16 April
         their CSDP or Broker updated to reflect the WBC Distribution Shares

    1.    The above dates and times are subject to amendment at the discretion of Transaction Capital, subject to the
          approval of the TRP and/or the JSE, if required. Any such amendment will be published on SENS.

    2.    Shareholders should note that as transactions in Transaction Capital Shares are settled in the electronic
          settlement system used by Strate, settlement of trades takes place three Business Days after such trade.
          Therefore, Shareholders who acquire Transaction Capital Shares after close of trade on Tuesday, 5 March 2024
          will not be eligible to attend, participate in and vote at the General Meeting and Shareholders who acquire
          Transaction Capital Shares after close of trade on Wednesday, 10 April 2024 will not be eligible to participate in
          the Unbundling.

    3.    Share certificates may not be Dematerialised or re-materialised between Thursday, 11 April 2024 and Monday,
          15 April 2024, both days inclusive.

    4.    All times indicated above and elsewhere in this announcement are in South African Standard Time.
          In terms of the Unbundling, Shareholders will receive the WBC Distribution Shares in Dematerialised form only,
          which WBC Distribution Shares will be listed on the JSE. Certificated Shareholders wishing to receive their WBC
          Distribution Shares in Dematerialised form and Shareholders wishing to materialise their WBC Distribution
          Shares following the implementation of the Unbundling, are referred to the Circular, which details the steps
          to be taken by them in this regard.


4.1       The Board and the Independent Board individually and collectively accepts full responsibility for the
          accuracy of the information contained in this Announcement. In addition, the Board and the Independent
          Board certifies that to the best of its knowledge and belief, the information contained in this announcement
          is true and, where appropriate, does not omit anything that is likely to affect the importance of the
          information contained herein or which would make any statement false or misleading, and that all
          reasonable enquiries to ascertain such information have been made and this announcement contains all
          information required by law and the JSE Listings Requirements.

16 February 2024

Transaction Advisor and Sponsor
PSG Capital

Legal Advisor as to South African law

Legal Advisor as to US and UK law

Tax Advisor
Werksmans Attorneys

Escrow Agent
Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr
Investor Relations
Nomonde Xulu – Email:


The release, publication or distribution of this announcement in jurisdictions other than South Africa may be
restricted by law. The distribution of the WBC Distribution Shares to Foreign Shareholders in terms of the Unbundling
may be affected by the laws of the relevant Foreign Shareholders' jurisdictions. In this regard, Foreign Shareholders
are referred to the further details set out below.

Foreign Shareholders: General

No action has been taken by Transaction Capital to obtain any approval, authorisation or exemption to permit the
distribution of the WBC Distribution Shares or the possession or distribution of this announcement (or any other
publicity material relating to the WBC Distribution Shares) in any jurisdictions other than South Africa.

The Unbundling is being conducted under the procedural requirements and disclosure standards of South Africa
which may be different from those applicable in other jurisdictions. The legal implications of the Unbundling on
persons resident or located in jurisdictions outside of South Africa may be affected by the laws of the relevant
jurisdiction. Such persons should consult their professional advisors and inform themselves about any applicable
legal requirements, which they are obligated to observe. It is the responsibility of any such persons participating in
the Unbundling to satisfy themselves as to the full observance of the laws of the relevant jurisdiction in connection

Foreign Shareholders should refer to and take into account the disclaimers set out in this announcement and to be
contained in the Circular in relation to those jurisdictions.

Foreign Shareholders should nevertheless consult their own professional advisors and satisfy themselves as to the
applicable legal requirements in their jurisdictions.

Notice to Foreign Shareholders located in the United States

This announcement is not an offer of securities for sale in the United States of America ("US"). The WBC Distribution
Shares and the Transaction Capital Shares have not been and will not be registered under the US Securities Act of
1933, as amended (the "US Securities Act"), or with any regulatory authority of any state or other jurisdiction in the
US and may not be offered, sold, exercised, transferred or delivered, directly or indirectly, in or into the US at any
time except pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the
US Securities Act and applicable state and other securities laws of the US.

The WBC Distribution Shares and the Transaction Capital Shares have not been and will not be listed on a US securities
exchange or quoted on any inter-dealer quotation system in the US. The Company does not intend to take any action
to facilitate a market in the WBC Distribution Shares and the Transaction Capital Shares in the US. Consequently, it
is unlikely that an active trading market in the US will develop for the WBC Distribution Shares and the Transaction
Capital Shares.

The WBC Distribution Shares and the Transaction Capital Shares have not been approved or disapproved by the US
Securities and Exchange Commission, any state securities commission in the US or any other regulatory authority in
the US, nor have any of the foregoing authorities passed comment on, or endorsed the merit of, the Unbundling or
the accuracy or the adequacy of this announcement or the information contained herein. Any representation to the
contrary is a criminal offence in the US.
Notice to Foreign Shareholders located in the European Economic Area ("EEA") and the United Kingdom ("UK")

This announcement is not a prospectus, for the purposes of the Prospectus Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 or Regulation
(EU) No 2017/1129 as amended by The Prospectus (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019, which is part of UK
law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 as amended, on the basis that the WBC Distribution
Shares and the Transaction Capital Shares are not being admitted to trading on a regulated market situated or
operating within the EEA or the UK, nor is there an offer to the public in respect of the WBC Distribution Shares and
the Transaction Capital Shares in any member state of the EEA or in the UK. Accordingly, any person making or
intending to make any offer for the WBC Distribution Shares and the Transaction Capital Shares should only do so in
circumstances in which no obligation arises for Transaction Capital or the issuers of the Unbundled Shares to produce
a prospectus for such offer. The Company has not authorised the making of any offer for the WBC Distribution Shares
and the Transaction Capital Shares through any financial intermediary.


Date: 16-02-2024 03:15:00
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