Cautionary Announcement SEA HARVEST GROUP LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration number 2008/001066/06) Share code: SHG ISIN: ZAE000240198 ("Sea Harvest" or the "Company") CAUTIONARY ANNOUNCEMENT Shareholders are advised that Sea Harvest is currently in discussions with Terrasan Group Limited ("Terrasan") regarding the acquisition of certain businesses and assets of Terrasan (the "Potential Transaction"). Sea Harvest and Terrasan are in the process of obtaining the various requisite regulatory approvals in relation to the Potential Transaction (including filing a merger application with the applicable competition authorities). The Potential Transaction, if concluded, may have a material effect on the price of the Company's securities. Accordingly, shareholders are advised to exercise caution when dealing in the Company's securities until a further announcement in relation to the Potential Transaction is made. The board of directors of Sea Harvest accepts responsibility for the information contained in this announcement and, to the best of their knowledge and belief, such information is true and this announcement does not omit anything likely to affect the importance of such information included. Cape Town 13 December 2023 Financial Advisor and Transaction Sponsor to Sea Harvest The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited Legal Advisors to Sea Harvest Webber Wentzel Legal Advisors to Terrasan Cliffe Decker Hofmeyr Inc. Date: 13-12-2023 12:36:00 Produced by the JSE SENS Department. The SENS service is an information dissemination service administered by the JSE Limited ('JSE'). The JSE does not, whether expressly, tacitly or implicitly, represent, warrant or in any way guarantee the truth, accuracy or completeness of the information published on SENS. The JSE, their officers, employees and agents accept no liability for (or in respect of) any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential loss or damage of any kind or nature, howsoever arising, from the use of SENS or the use of, or reliance on, information disseminated through SENS.