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MR PRICE GROUP LIMITED - Results of the 91st Annual General Meeting

Release Date: 30/08/2024 07:05
Code(s): MRP     PDF:  
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Results of the 91st Annual General Meeting

Mr Price Group Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1933/004418/06)
ISIN: ZAE000200457
LEI number: 378900D3417C35C5D733
JSE and A2X Share Code: MRP
("Mr Price Group" or "the Group")


Shareholders are advised that, at the Mr Price Group Annual General Meeting ("AGM") held yesterday, Thursday, 29 August 2024, ordinary resolutions 1 – 12 and special
resolutions 1 - 3 as set out in the notice of AGM dated 21 June 2024 were passed by the requisite majority of votes of shareholders present in person or represented by

The total number of shares present or represented, including by proxy, at the AGM was 80.32% of the Group's issued share capital* as at Friday 23 August 2024, being
the AGM voting record date. The voting results were as follows:

                                                      Votes cast as a        Votes cast as a % of the                           Shares voted as a     Shares abstained
                                                      combined % of        number of shares voted at          Number of         % of issued share     as a % of issued
                                                     the total number              the meeting               shares voted            capital*           share capital*
                                                      of shares voted        Ordinary shares ("Ord")                             Ordinary shares       Ordinary shares
                                                     (Ordinary shares      B ordinary shares ("B Ord")                                ("Ord")              ("Ord")
Resolutions                                          and B ordinary                                                            B ordinary shares     B ordinary shares
                                                       shares) at the                                                               ("B Ord")             ("B Ord")

                                                       For    Against              For         Against
Ordinary resolution 1 - Adoption of the annual       99.76       0.24        99.66 Ord        0.34 Ord     204,786,875 Ord             79.69 Ord              0.13 Ord
financial statements                                                      100.00 B Ord      0.00 B Ord     6,592,586 B Ord          100.00 B Ord            0.00 B Ord

Ordinary resolutions 2.1 and 2.3 - Re-election of
directors retiring by rotation

2.1 Lucia Swartz                                     96.42      3.58         95.04 Ord        4.96 Ord     204,884,023 Ord             79.72 Ord              0.10 Ord
                                                                          100.00 B Ord      0.00 B Ord     6,592,586 B Ord          100.00 B Ord            0.00 B Ord

2.2 Mark Bowman                                      94.57      5.43         92.47 Ord        7.53 Ord     204,884,023 Ord             79.72 Ord              0.10 Ord
                                                                          100.00 B Ord      0.00 B Ord     6,592,586 B Ord          100.00 B Ord            0.00 B Ord

2.3 Richard Inskip                                   98.44      1.56         97.84 Ord        2.16 Ord     204,884,023 Ord             79.72 Ord              0.10 Ord
                                                                          100.00 B Ord      0.00 B Ord     6,592,586 B Ord          100.00 B Ord            0.00 B Ord

Ordinary resolution 3 – confirmation of              99.39      0.61         99.15 Ord        0.85 Ord     204,884,023 Ord             79.72 Ord              0.10 Ord
appointment of executive director: Praneel                                100.00 B Ord      0.00 B Ord     6,592,586 B Ord          100.00 B Ord            0.00 B Ord

Ordinary resolution 4 – confirmation of              99.97      0.03         99.96 Ord        0.04 Ord     204,884,023 Ord             79.72 Ord              0.10 Ord
appointment of non-executive director: Refilwe                            100.00 B Ord      0.00 B Ord     6,592,586 B Ord          100.00 B Ord            0.00 B Ord

Ordinary resolution 5 – Re-election of               98.96      1.04         98.55 Ord        1.45 Ord     204,884,023 Ord             79.72 Ord              0.10 Ord
independent auditor                                                       100.00 B Ord      0.00 B Ord     6,592,586 B Ord          100.00 B Ord            0.00 B Ord

Ordinary resolutions 6.1 to 6.3 - Election of
members of the audit and compliance committee
6.1 Harish Ramsumer                                  99.77      0.23         99.68 Ord        0.32 Ord     204,884,023 Ord             79.72 Ord              0.10 Ord
                                                                          100.00 B Ord      0.00 B Ord     6,592,586 B Ord          100.00 B Ord            0.00 B Ord
6.2 Mark Bowman                                      97.08      2.92         95.95 Ord        4.05 Ord     204,884,023 Ord             79.72 Ord              0.10 Ord
                                                                          100.00 B Ord      0.00 B Ord     6,592,586 B Ord          100.00 B Ord            0.00 B Ord
6.3 Refilwe Nkabinde                                 99.91      0.09         99.88 Ord        0.12 Ord     204,884,023 Ord             79.72 Ord              0.10 Ord
                                                                          100.00 B Ord      0.00 B Ord     6,592,586 B Ord          100.00 B Ord            0.00 B Ord

Ordinary resolution 7 - Non-binding advisory vote    77.88     22.12         69.33 Ord       30.67 Ord     204,707,172 Ord             79.66 Ord              0.16 Ord
on the remuneration policy** (see commentary                              100.00 B Ord      0.00 B Ord     6,592,586 B Ord          100.00 B Ord            0.00 B Ord

Ordinary resolution 8 - Non-binding advisory vote    58.10     41.90         41.92 Ord       58.08 Ord     204,880,195 Ord             79.72 Ord              0.10 Ord
on the remuneration implementation report**                               100.00 B Ord      0.00 B Ord     6,592,586 B Ord          100.00 B Ord            0.00 B Ord
(see commentary below)

Ordinary resolution 9 - Adoption of the SETS         99.99      0.01         99.99 Ord        0.01 Ord     204,786,876 Ord             79.69 Ord              0.13 Ord
committee report                                                          100.00 B Ord      0.00 B Ord     6,592,586 B Ord          100.00 B Ord            0.00 B Ord
Ordinary resolution 10 - Signature of documents        100      0.00        100.00 Ord        0.00 Ord     204,880,194 Ord             79.72 Ord              0.10 Ord
                                                                          100.00 B Ord      0.00 B Ord     6,592,586 B Ord          100.00 B Ord            0.00 B Ord

Ordinary resolution 11 – General but restricted      89.84     10.16         85.80 Ord       14.20 Ord     198,941,810 Ord             77.41 Ord              0.10 Ord
authority to issue of shares for cash                                     100.00 B Ord      0.00 B Ord     6,592,586 B Ord          100.00 B Ord            0.00 B Ord

Ordinary resolution 12 - Control of unissued         91.11      8.89         87.68 Ord       12.32 Ord     204,884,022 Ord             79.72 Ord              0.10 Ord
shares (excluding issues for cash)                                        100.00 B Ord      0.00 B Ord     6,592,586 B Ord          100.00 B Ord            0.00 B Ord

Special resolutions 1.1 to 1.11 - Non-executive
director remuneration:

1.1 Independent non-executive chair of the           97.87      2.13         97.05 Ord        2.95 Ord     204,880,195 Ord             79.72 Ord              0.10 Ord
board – R 2 265 285                                                       100.00 B Ord      0.00 B Ord     6,592,586 B Ord          100.00 B Ord            0.00 B Ord
1.2 Honorary chair of the board – R 1 016 284        95.74      4.26         94.10 Ord        5.90 Ord     204,884,023 Ord             79.72 Ord              0.10 Ord
                                                                          100.00 B Ord      0.00 B Ord     6,592,586 B Ord          100.00 B Ord            0.00 B Ord

1.3 Lead independent non-executive director of       99.68      0.32         99.56 Ord        0.44 Ord     204,884,023 Ord             79.72 Ord              0.10 Ord
the board – R 705 699                                                     100.00 B Ord      0.00 B Ord     6,592,586 B Ord          100.00 B Ord            0.00 B Ord
1.4 Non-executive directors – R 481 207              99.68      0.32         99.56 Ord        0.44 Ord     204,884,023 Ord             79.72 Ord              0.10 Ord
                                                                          100.00 B Ord      0.00 B Ord     6,592,586 B Ord          100.00 B Ord            0.00 B Ord

1.5 Audit and compliance committee chair –           99.86      0.14         99.80 Ord        0.20 Ord     204,884,023 Ord             79.72 Ord              0.10 Ord
R 390 976                                                                 100.00 B Ord      0.00 B Ord     6,592,586 B Ord          100.00 B Ord            0.00 B Ord

1.6 Audit and compliance committee members           99.86      0.14         99.80 Ord        0.20 Ord     204,884,023 Ord             79.72 Ord              0.10 Ord
– R 198 624                                                               100.00 B Ord      0.00 B Ord     6,592,586 B Ord          100.00 B Ord            0.00 B Ord

1.7 Remuneration and nominations committee           99.86      0.14         99.80 Ord        0.20 Ord     204,884,023 Ord             79.72 Ord              0.10 Ord
chair – R 251 028                                                         100.00 B Ord      0.00 B Ord     6,592,586 B Ord          100.00 B Ord            0.00 B Ord

1.8 Remuneration and nominations committee           99.86      0.14         99.80 Ord        0.20 Ord     204,884,023 Ord             79.72 Ord              0.10 Ord
members – R 125 075                                                       100.00 B Ord      0.00 B Ord     6,592,586 B Ord          100.00 B Ord            0.00 B Ord

1.9 SETS committee chair – R 206 427                 99.86      0.14         99.80 Ord        0.20 Ord     204,884,023 Ord             79.72 Ord              0.10 Ord
                                                                          100.00 B Ord      0.00 B Ord     6,592,586 B Ord          100.00 B Ord            0.00 B Ord

1.10 SETS committee members –                        99.86      0.14         99.80 Ord        0.20 Ord     204,884,023 Ord             79.72 Ord              0.10 Ord
R 119 493                                                                 100.00 B Ord      0.00 B Ord     6,592,586 B Ord          100.00 B Ord            0.00 B Ord

1.11 Risk and IT committee members -                 99.86      0.14         99.80 Ord        0.20 Ord     204,880,195 Ord             79.72 Ord              0.10 Ord
R 149 350                                                                 100.00 B Ord      0.00 B Ord     6,592,586 B Ord          100.00 B Ord            0.00 B Ord

Special resolution 2 – General authority to          97.74      2.26         96.83 Ord        3.17 Ord     198,893,703 Ord             77.39 Ord              0.11 Ord
repurchase shares                                                         100.00 B Ord      0.00 B Ord     6,592,586 B Ord          100.00 B Ord            0.00 B Ord

Special resolution 3 - Financial assistance to       99.35      0.65         99.10 Ord        0.90 Ord     204,884,022 Ord             79.72 Ord              0.10 Ord
related or inter-related companies                                        100.00 B Ord      0.00 B Ord     6,592,586 B Ord          100.00 B Ord            0.00 B Ord

* The total issued share capital as at the AGM voting record date was 256,991,496 ordinary shares and 6,592,786 B-ordinary shares

** Ahead of the AGM, the Group sent communication to its top 25 shareholders and released a SENS on 15 August 2024 inviting all shareholders to engage on the
resolutions proposed at the AGM. Through this process and in response to requests from 19 shareholders, the Group actively engaged with shareholders representing
43.1% of its ordinary shares. The Group appreciates the constructive feedback from shareholders and the continued support for the remuneration policy which indicates a
favourable shareholder view of the Group's general remuneration philosophy. However, the Group is disappointed at the result of the voting on remuneration
implementation given the positive engagements with shareholders and changes made to the remuneration policy, its implementation and overall remuneration disclosure
during FY2024. In this light, the input received from shareholders is already under discussion and consideration.

The Group strives to apply its remuneration philosophy of "partnership" consistently and appropriately and the Group will continue its efforts to engage with shareholders to
understand more fully the concerns around the remuneration policy and implementation thereof, especially from shareholders who did not elect to engage before the AGM.
Notwithstanding the engagement already held, shareholders are again invited to advise the Group of their reasons for their dissenting votes on the remuneration policy
and/or the implementation thereof, and whether they wish to engage with the Group on these issues. Correspondence in this regard should be addressed by email to the
Group's Head of Investor Relations, Matt Warriner (, by 30 September 2024. Thereafter the date and time for further engagements will be
scheduled with shareholders individually.

30 August 2024

JSE Equity Sponsor and Corporate Broker
Investec Bank Limited

Date: 30-08-2024 07:05:00
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