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BARLOWORLD LIMITED - Distribution of circular and notice of general meeting

Release Date: 29/01/2025 14:18
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Distribution of circular and notice of general meeting

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1918/000095/06)
(JSE share code: BAW)
(JSE ISIN: ZAE000026639)
(Share code: BAWP)
(JSE ISIN: ZAE000026647)
(A2X code: BAW)
(Bond issuer code: BIBAW)
("Barloworld" or "the Company")


Unless otherwise defined in this announcement, words and expressions contained herein shall have the
same meanings as assigned to them in the FIA and Circular referred to below.


Barloworld Ordinary Shareholders are referred to the firm intention announcement released on SENS and
on A2X News Service ("ANS") on Wednesday, 11 December 2024 ("FIA") regarding the Proposed
Transaction, being: (i) a scheme of arrangement between Barloworld and its shareholders in terms of
sections 114(1) read with section 115 of the Companies Act in terms of which Newco will acquire all of the
Barloworld Ordinary Shares other than those held by the Excluded Shareholders, for the Scheme
Consideration or, alternatively; (ii) a Standby Offer pursuant to which, if implemented, Newco will acquire
all of the Barloworld Ordinary Shares from Barloworld Ordinary Shareholders other than the Barloworld
Ordinary Shares held by the Excluded Shareholders, in terms of section 117(1)(c)(v) of the Companies Act,
for the Standby Consideration.


A circular to Barloworld Shareholders ("Circular"), which sets out the complete details relating to the
Proposed Transaction, has been published on Barloworld's website
( and was distributed today to Barloworld Ordinary Shareholders
and to Barloworld Preference Shareholders recorded in the Company's share register on Friday, 17 January

The Circular incorporates a notice convening the General Meeting and a notice convening the Preference
Shareholder Meeting at which Barloworld Ordinary Shareholders and Barloworld Preference Shareholders,
respectively, will be requested to vote on the relevant resolutions to approve and implement the Scheme
and Preference Share Terms Amendment. The Preference Shareholder Meeting will be held immediately
after the conclusion of the General Meeting on Wednesday, 26 February 2025. Both the General Meeting
and the Preference Shareholder Meeting will be held entirely by electronic communication, in accordance
with the provisions of section 64 of the Companies Act, the Barloworld MOI and the JSE Listings


The salient dates and times pertaining to the General Meeting and the Preference Shareholder Meeting
are set out below and are also contained in the Circular.

Issuer name                                                                                  Barloworld Limited
Type of instrument                                                        Ordinary shares and preference shares
Ordinary share ISIN                                                                                ZAE000005443
Preference share ISIN                                                                              ZAE000026647
JSE and A2X ordinary share code                                                                             BAW
JSE and A2X preference share code                                                                          BAWP
Meeting type                                                                     General meeting and preference
                                                                                            shareholder meeting
Meeting venue                                                              Entirely by electronic communication
Company's weblink to Circular                              


Record date to determine which Barloworld Ordinary Shareholders                              Friday, 17 January
and Barloworld Preference Shareholders are entitled to receive this
Circular and notices convening the General Meeting and Preference
Shareholder Meeting, respectively, on

Distribution of Circular and notices convening the General Meeting                        Wednesday, 29 January
and Preference Shareholder Meeting to Barloworld Ordinary
Shareholders and Barloworld Preference Shareholders, respectively,
and associated announcement released on SENS and A2X News
Service ("ANS"), on

Notices of General Meeting and Preference Shareholder Meeting,                             Thursday, 30 January
respectively, published in South African press on

Last day to trade in Barloworld Ordinary Shares and Barloworld                             Tuesday, 18 February
Preference Shares to be recorded in the Register to attend, speak and
vote at the General Meeting and Preference Shareholder Meeting,
respectively (refer to note 3 below), on

General Meeting Record Date for (i) Barloworld Ordinary                                     Friday, 21 February
Shareholders to be recorded in the Register in order to attend, speak
and vote at the General Meeting, and (ii) Barloworld Preference
Shareholders to be recorded in the Register in order to attend, speak
and vote at the Preference Shareholder Meeting, on

Last day and time to lodge Forms of Proxy with the Transfer Secretary                       Monday, 24 February
for administrative purposes by 09:00 (refer to note 2 below), on

Last date and time for Barloworld Ordinary Shareholders to give                          Wednesday, 26 February
notice to Barloworld objecting to the Scheme Resolution in terms of
section 164(3) of the Companies Act by 09:00 on

General Meeting to be held at 09:00 on                                                   Wednesday, 26 February

Preference Shareholder Meeting to be held, as a separate class                           Wednesday, 26 February
meeting immediately after the General Meeting concludes, on

Results of the General Meeting and Preference Shareholder Meeting                         Thursday, 27 February
published in the South African press on

If the Preference Share Terms Amendment is approved at the General Meeting and the Preference
Shareholder Meeting, respectively and if the Scheme is approved at the General Meeting (1)

Amendments to Barloworld MOI filed with Companies and Intellectual                        Thursday, 27 February
Property Commission on

Last day for Barloworld Ordinary Shareholders who voted against the                          Wednesday, 5 March
Scheme Resolution to require Barloworld to seek Court approval for the
Scheme in terms of section 115(3)(a) of the Companies Act if (i) the
Scheme Resolution is approved at the Barloworld General Meeting and
(ii) the Scheme Resolution was opposed by at least 15% of the voting
rights that were exercised on the Scheme Resolution, on

Last day for Barloworld Ordinary Shareholders who voted against the                         Wednesday, 12 March
Scheme Resolution to apply to Court for leave to review of the Scheme
in terms of section 115(3)(b) of the Companies Act, if the Scheme
Resolution is approved, on

Preference Share Terms Amendment is effective (2) on                                           Friday, 14 March

Last day for objecting Barloworld Ordinary Shareholders to make a                            Thursday, 27 March
demand to Barloworld, to pay such objecting Barloworld Ordinary
Shareholders the fair value of all Barloworld Ordinary Shares held by
them in terms of section 164(7) of the Companies Act, on

(1)note that if the Scheme is not approved and the Preference Share Terms Amendment is approved, 
   the Preference Share Terms Amendment will proceed

If the Scheme becomes unconditional (the following dates
assume that no Court approval or review of the Scheme is
required which will be confirmed in the finalisation
announcement if the Scheme becomes unconditional):

Compliance certificate to be received from the TRP on                                           Friday, 6 June

Scheme Finalisation Date expected on                                                            Monday, 9 June

Scheme Finalisation Date announcement expected to be released on                                Monday, 9 June
SENS and A2X by 11:00 on

Scheme Finalisation Date announcement expected to be published in                             Tuesday, 10 June
the South African press on

Delisting application in respect of the Barloworld Shares lodged with                       Wednesday, 11 June
the JSE on

Scheme LDT, expected on                                                                       Tuesday, 17 June

Trading in Barloworld Ordinary Shares on the JSE and A2X suspended                          Wednesday, 18 June
from commencement of trade, expected on

Scheme Record Date to be recorded in the Register in order to receive                          Friday, 20 June
the Per Share Scheme Consideration, expected on

Scheme Implementation Date, expected on                                                        Monday, 23 June

Payment of the Per Share Scheme Consideration to Dematerialised                                Monday, 23 June
Ordinary Shareholders, expected on

Assuming surrender of Documents of Title and duly completed Form of                            Monday, 23 June
Surrender, Transfer and Acceptance received by the Transfer
Secretary timeously, payment of the Per Share Scheme Consideration
to Certificated Ordinary Shareholders, expected on

Termination of listing of Barloworld Ordinary Shares on the JSE and                           Tuesday, 24 June
A2X, expected at commencement of trade on

1.   The above dates and times are subject to such changes as may be agreed to by Barloworld and Newco and, if
     required, approved by the TRP and/or the JSE. Any changes to the timetable will be released on SENS and ANS.

2.   Completed Forms of Proxy must be (i) lodged with, emailed or posted to the Transfer Secretary, to be received by
     them no later than 09:00 on Monday, 24 February 2025 for administrative purposes or (ii) handed to the Transfer
     Secretary or chairperson of the General Meeting and Preference Shareholder Meeting, respectively, at the General
     Meeting or Preference Shareholder Meeting, as applicable, at any time before the proxy exercises any rights of
     the Barloworld Ordinary Shareholder or Barloworld Preference Shareholder at such General Meeting or Preference
     Shareholder Meeting, respectively.

3.   Barloworld Ordinary Shareholders and Barloworld Preference Shareholders should note that, as trades in
     Barloworld Ordinary Shares and Barloworld Preference Shares on the JSE (and A2X in the case of Barloworld
     Ordinary Shareholders) are settled in the electronic settlement system used by Strate, settlement of trades takes
     place three Business Days after the date of such trades. Therefore, Barloworld Ordinary Shareholders who acquire
     Barloworld Ordinary Shares and Barloworld Preference Shareholders who acquire Barloworld Preference Shares
     on the JSE (and A2X in the case of Barloworld Ordinary Shareholders) after the voting last day to trade, expected
     to be on Tuesday, 18 February 2025, being the Meeting LDT, will not be entitled to vote at the General Meeting or
     Preference Shareholder Meeting, as applicable.

4.   Barloworld Ordinary Shareholders who wish to exercise their Appraisal Rights in respect of the Scheme Resolution
     are referred to Annexure 5 to the Circular for purposes of determining the relevant timing for the exercise of their
     Appraisal Rights. The exercise of Appraisal Rights may result in changes to the above salient dates and times and
     Barloworld Ordinary Shareholders will be notified separately of the applicable dates and times resulting from any
     such changes.

5.   Barloworld Ordinary Shareholders who wish to exercise their right in terms of section 115(3) of the Companies Act,
     to require the approval of a Court for the Scheme Resolution, are referred to Annexure 3 to the Circular, which
     includes an extract of section 115 of the Companies Act. Should Barloworld Ordinary Shareholders exercise their
     rights in terms of section 115(3) of the Companies Act, the dates and times set out above may change, in which
     case an updated timetable will be released on SENS and ANS.

6.   Dematerialised Ordinary Shareholders and Dematerialised Preference Shareholders, other than those with Own-
     Name Registration, must provide their CSDP or Broker with their instructions for voting at the General Meeting and
     Preference Shareholder Meeting, respectively, by the cut-off time and date stipulated by their CSDP or Broker in
     terms of their respective Custody Agreements between them and their CSDP or Broker.

7.   No Dematerialisation or re-materialisation of Barloworld Ordinary Shares may take place from the commencement
     of business on the Business Day following the Scheme LDT. The Scheme LDT is expected to be on Tuesday, 17
     June 2025.

8.   If the General Meeting or the Preference Shareholder Meeting is adjourned or postponed, the above dates and
     times will change, but the Forms of Proxy and Preference Share Proxy submitted for the initial General Meeting
     and Preference Shareholder Meeting, respectively, will remain valid in respect of any adjournment or
     postponement of the General Meeting or Preference Shareholder Meeting, as applicable.

9.   If the Standby Offer Trigger Event occurs, all dates and times pertinent to the Standby Offer will be published on
     SENS and ANS and in the South African press.

10.  All times referred to in this Circular are references to South African Standard Time.

11.  The TRP granted an exemption dated 16 January 2025 in terms of which the period within which the Per Share
     Scheme Consideration must be paid to Dematerialised Ordinary Shareholders in terms of Companies Regulation
     102(12) was extended from 6 Business Days to 9 Business Days to align with the JSE Listings Requirements.

4. Responsibility statement

The Independent Board of Barloworld (to the extent that the information relates to Barloworld), individually
and collectively, accepts responsibility for the information contained in this announcement and certifies, to
the best of its knowledge and belief, that the information contained in this announcement is true and that
this announcement does not omit anything that is likely to affect the importance of the information included.

29 January 2025

Exclusive financial advisor, corporate broker and transaction sponsor to Barloworld
Rand Merchant Bank (A division of FirstRand Bank Limited)

Legal advisor to Barloworld
DLA Piper South Africa

Date: 29-01-2025 02:18:00
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