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INVICTA HOLDINGS LIMITED - Audited abridged Group results for the year ended 31 March 2013

Release Date: 11/06/2013 14:25
Code(s): IVT     PDF:  
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Audited abridged Group results for the year ended 31 March 2013

Registration number: 1966/002182/06
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Share code: IVT 
ISIN: ZAE000029773
(Invicta or the Group or the Company)
REVENUE up by 35%
for the year ended 31 March
                                  %            2013    Restated 
                             change           R000       R000
Revenue                          35       7 557 899   5 599 464
Operating profit                 47         883 759     601 081
Interest and dividends received             531 673     546 947
Negative goodwill                            52 066           
Finance costs                              (651 760)   (598 354)
Share of profits of associate                 3 018       1 022
Profit before taxation           49         818 756     550 696
Taxation                                    (75 224)    (71 921)
Profit for the year              55         743 532     478 775
  Other comprehensive income
  Exchange differences on 
  translating foreign operations             26 810       4 763
  Total comprehensive income 
  for the year                              770 342     483 538
  Profit attributable to:
  Owners of the Company                     693 152     455 743
  Non-controlling interest                   28 468      23 032
  Preference shareholders                    21 912           
                                            743 532     478 775
  Total comprehensive income 
  attributable to:
  Owners of the Company                     741 874     460 082
  Non-controlling interest                   28 468      23 456
                                            770 342     483 538
Earnings per share (cents)      48              955         647
Diluted earnings per 
  share (cents)                 57              948         604
Normalised earnings per 
  share (cents)                 14              737         647
Determination of headline 
Attributable earnings                       693 152     455 743
 Impairment of property, 
   plant and equipment                           18      13 554
 Release of deferred profit on 
   issue of shares by subsidiary                        (5 914)
 Goodwill impaired                           2 791       1 137
 Negative goodwill                         (52 066)          
 Release of deferred profit on 
   issue of shares by subsidiaries                     (11 610)
 Net profit on disposal of 
   property, plant and equipment             (3 551)     (2 625)
Total adjustments before 
  taxation and non-controlling 
  interest                                  (52 808)     (5 458)
Taxation                                        989        (345)
Non-controlling interest                        747      (1 800)
Total adjustments                           (51 072)     (7 603)
Headline earnings               43          642 080     448 140
Headline earnings per 
  share (cents)                                 885         637
Diluted headline earnings per 
  share (cents)                                 878         594
Shares in issue
Weighted average (000s)                      72 588      70 405
At the end of the year (000s)                73 409      72 123
Number of shares used for diluted 
  earnings per share (000s)                  73 125      75 416
Headline earnings per 
  share (cents)                 39              885         637
Earnings per share (cents)      48              955         647
Dividends per share* (cents)     6              268         254
   Interim                      16               89          77
   Final                         1              179         177
* In accordance with IAS 10 the final dividend of 179 cents per share proposed by the directors has not been reflected in the year-end results.
Consolidated condensed statement of cash flows 
for the year ended 31 March
                                               2013    Restated
                                              R000       R000
Cash flows from operating activities
Cash generated from operations              732 078     489 281
Finance costs                              (651 760)   (598 354)
Dividends paid to Group shareholders and 
  non-controlling interest                 (198 433)   (155 633)
Taxation paid                              (161 137)    (62 466)
Interest and dividends received             531 673     546 946
Net cash inflow from operating activities   252 421     219 774
Cash flows from investing activities
Net cash effects of acquisitions of 
  property, plant and equipment and 
  intangible assets                        (131 724)    (95 154)
Acquisition of subsidiaries and 
  associates                             (1 496 282)   (152 808)
Acquisition of non-controlling interest               (177 525)
Increase in long-term receivables 
  including current portion              (1 060 115)   (335 398)
Dividend received from associate                425       1 100
Net cash outflow from investing 
  activities                            (2 687 696)    (759 785)
Cash flows from financing activities
Net cash effects of liabilities raised   1 676 334      797 207
Settlement of share appreciation 
  rights                                  (148 581)     (69 431)
Ordinary shares and preference shares 
  issued                                   809 232             
Cancellation of issued shares                          (10 413)
Net cash inflow from financing 
  activities                             2 336 985      717 363
Net (decrease) increase in cash 
  and cash equivalents                     (98 290)     177 352
Cash and cash equivalents at the 
  beginning of the year                    586 008      408 656
Cash and cash equivalents at the end 
  of the year                              487 718      586 008
                                              2013     Restated
Net interest-bearing debt:equity 
  ratio (excluding long-term funding 
  debt secured by investments and 
  loans) (%)                                    39           29
Depreciation and amortisation (R000)       86 814       61 365
Net asset value per share (cents)          3 664,5      2 581,7 
Tangible net asset value per 
  share (cents)                            2 610,4      2 014,2
Capital expenditure (R000)                152 276      109 278
Contingent liabilities (R000)                             240
Capital commitments (R000)                 81 770        6 014
as at 31 March
                                2013      Restated         2011
                               R000         R000        R000
Non-current assets         6 080 956     4 658 373    4 262 675
Property, plant and 
  equipment                1 010 636       391 018      353 953
Financial investments and 
  investment in associate  2 018 353     3 042 793    2 965 674
Goodwill and other 
  intangible assets          773 815       416 606      362 453
Financial asset, finance 
  lease and long-term 
  receivables              2 117 013       701 776      510 655
Deferred taxation            161 139       106 180       69 940
Current assets             6 123 855     3 722 236    2 626 192
Held for sale assets           9 957                         
Inventories                2 913 052     2 084 662    1 381 615
Trade and other 
  receivables              1 619 567       869 184      698 526
Current portion of 
  finance lease, long-term 
  receivables and financial 
  investments                883 599       125 605       99 498
Taxation prepaid              18 831         1 694       14 150
Bank balances and cash       678 849       641 091      432 403
Total assets              12 204 811     8 380 609    6 888 867
Capital and reserves      3 095 212      1 954 552    1 854 849
Equity attributable to 
  the equity holders      2 690 077      1 895 231    1 611 265
Non-controlling interest    405 135         59 321      243 584
Non-current liabilities   5 679 828      4 298 580    3 659 362
Long-term borrowings, 
  guaranteed repurchase 
  liabilities and financial 
  liabilities             5 654 572      4 293 813    3 653 114
Deferred taxation            25 256          4 767        6 248
Current liabilities       3 429 771      2 127 477    1 374 656
Current portion of 
  long-term borrowings 
  and guaranteed 
  repurchase liabilities  1 137 908        243 600      133 133
Trade, other payables and 
  provisions              2 070 533      1 802 466    1 204 724
Taxation liabilities         30 199         26 328       13 052
Bank overdrafts             191 131         55 083       23 747
Total equity and 
  liabilities            12 204 811      8 380 609    6 888 867
for the year ended 31 March
                                              2013     Restated
                                             R000        R000 
Share capital
Balance at beginning of the year             3 706        3 724
Cancellation of issued shares                              (18)
Ordinary shares issued                          37            
Balance at end of the year                   3 743        3 706
Share premium
Balance at beginning of the year           272 320      282 715
Ordinary shares issued (cancelled)          59 195      (10 395)
Balance at end of the year                 331 515      272 320
Treasury shares
Balance at beginning of the year           (93 931)    (119 809)
Treasury shares disposed in terms of 
  directors loan scheme                                17 497
Treasury shares utilised to settle 
  share appreciation rights                 51 958       16 366
Treasury shares purchased                  (38 125)      (7 985)
Balance at end of the year                 (80 098)     (93 931)
Preference shares
Balance at beginning of the year                             
Preference shares issued                   750 000            
Balance at end of the year                 750 000            
Retained earnings
Balance at beginning of the year         1 676 751    1 391 305
Restatement due to modification of 
  share appreciation rights                            (52 033)
Earnings attributable to ordinary 
  shareholders                             693 152      455 743
Net share appreciation rights exercised   (150 043)       6 073
Change in non-controlling interest         (12 128)      21 347
Dividends paid                            (193 263)    (145 684)
Balance at end of the year               2 014 469    1 676 751
Other reserves
Balance at beginning of the year            36 385       53 330
Restatement due to modification of 
  share appreciation rights                            (27 096)
Share appreciation rights issued             4 990        9 121
Share appreciation rights exercised        (17 361)      (7 844)
Fair value of put option in terms of 
  the directors loan scheme                             4 535
Fair value of put option on 
  non-controlling interest                (380 376)           
Translation of foreign operations           26 810        4 339
Balance at end of the year                (329 552)      36 385
Attributable to equity shareholders      2 690 077    1 895 231
Non-controlling interest
Balance at beginning of the year            59 321      243 584
Earnings attributable to 
  non-controlling interest                  28 468       23 456
Change in non-controlling interest         327 076     (202 570)
Dividends paid                              (9 730)      (5 149)
Balance at end of the year                 405 135       59 321
for the year ended 31 March
                Engi-                       financing
             neering                        and other 
               consu-    Capital  Building       ope-
               mables  equipment  supplies    rations       Total
                R000      R000     R000      R000       R000 
 revenue    3 424 847  3 502 965   625 141      4 946   7 557 899
 profit       390 047    339 338    38 610    115 764     883 759
 assets     2 189 286  3 215 154   502 070  6 298 301  12 204 811
 liabilities  867 637  1 874 215   325 923  6 041 823   9 109 598
2012 (Restated)
 revenue    2 742 046  2 548 888   306 771      1 759   5 599 464
 profit       371 458    246 783    14 127    (31 287)    601 081
 assets     1 723 928  1 556 429   191 505  4 908 747   8 380 609
 liabilities  510 138  1 295 827    97 602  4 522 490   6 426 057
The pro forma financial information below has been prepared to provide information on how the normalised earnings adjustments might have impacted on the financial results of the Group. Because of its nature, the pro forma financial information may not be a fair reflection of the Groups results of operations, financial position, changes in equity or cash flows. The underlying information used in the preparation of the audited pro forma financial information has been prepared using the accounting policies that comply with International Financial Reporting Standards. These are consistent with those applied in the published audited consolidated results of the Group for the year ended 31 March 2013.   The directors of the Group are responsible for the compilation, contents and preparation of the 
pro forma financial information contained in the announcement. Their responsibility includes determining that: the pro forma financial information has been properly compiled on the basis stated; the basis is consistent with the accounting policies of the Group; and the pro forma adjustments are appropriate for the purposes of the pro forma financial information disclosed in terms of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements.
The pro forma financial information should be read in conjunction with the Deloitte & Touche independent reporting accountants report thereon, which is available for inspection at Invictas 
registered office.
for the year ended 31 March 2013
                                   2013         2013
                             Normalised      Audited          %
                     Notes        R000        R000     change
Revenue                  1    7 557 899    7 557 899        0,0
Operating profit         1      883 759      883 759        0,0
Gain on partial 
  derecognition of 
  financial investments  2     (158 172)                (100,0)
Interest and dividends 
  received               1      531 673      531 673        0,0
Negative goodwill        1       52 066       52 066        0,0
Finance costs            1     (651 760)    (651 760)       0,0
Share of profits of 
  associate              1        3 018        3 018        0,0
Profit before taxation          660 584      818 756      (19,3)
Taxation                 1      (75 224)     (75 224)       0,0
Profit for the year             585 360      743 532      (21,3)
Profit attributable to:
Owners of the Company           534 980      693 152      (22,8)
  interest               1       28 468       28 468        0,0
Preference shareholders  1       21 912       21 912        0,0
                                585 360      743 532      (21,3)
Shares in issue
Weighted average (000s)  1       72 588       72 588 
At the end of the 
  year (000s)            1       73 409       73 409 
Number of shares used 
 for diluted earnings 
 per share (000s)                73 124       73 124
Earnings per 
  share (cents)          3          737          955     (22,8)
Diluted earnings per 
 share (cents)           3          732          948     (22,8)
1  As per the audited statement of comprehensive income for the year ended 31 March 2013.
2  Exclusion of once-off gain on partial derecognition of financial investment, as disclosed in the notes to the annual financial statements at 31 March 2013.
3  Per share calculation is based on normalised earnings.	
Basis of preparation
The Groups audited summary consolidated annual financial statements (results) are prepared in accordance with the requirements of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements for provisional reports, the requirements of the Companies Act applicable to summary financial statements, the framework, measurement and recognition requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), the SAICA Financial Reporting Guides as issued by the Accounting Practices Committee, the Financial Reporting Pronouncements as issued by the Financial Reporting Standards Council and the requirements of IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting. The accounting policies applied in the preparation of the results are in terms of IFRS and are consistent with the accounting policies applied in the preparation of the Groups previous consolidated annual financial statements, except for the modifications for the accounting for Share appreciation rights settled in cash during the prior and current financial year. These were accounted for on the cash settled method from 1 April 2011, resulting in the restatement of the prior year. All accounting policies effective for the 2013 financial year onwards were applied and did not have a material impact on the Group results.
These audited financial statements have been prepared under the supervision of Craig Barnard CA(SA), the Executive Director  Financial and Commercial.
Various acquisitions were made during the year ended 31 March 2013, amounting to R1,6 billion.
The significant acquisitions include Operational Marketing (Pty) Ltd, ManDirk (Pty) Ltd, Kian Ann Engineering (Pte) Ltd and MacNeil (Pty) Ltd. The Board identified these businesses based on their ability to assist the Group with its expansion and growth. The provisional goodwill and provisional negative goodwill arises after the fair valuing of all identifiable tangible and intangible assets and liabilities at acquisition date. The transaction costs for these acquisitions amount to R50 million.
There were no events to report on after the reporting period to the date of this report.
The Group has again delivered very good results despite markets which experienced mixed fortunes. 
Group revenue grew by 35% to R7 558 million, of which R1 026 million (18%) was from acquisitions. Operating profit, which included a once-off gain of R158 million, was 47% higher at R884 million. Excluding this once-off gain, operating profit was R726 million, an increase of 21%, which is reflective of the strong trading performance in market conditions which put pressure on gross margins and inflationary pressure on costs. R46 million of operating profit came from acquisitions.
Profit (after tax) for the year increased by 55% to R744 million. A once-off gain resulted in headline earnings growing by 43% to R642 million. Normalised earnings per share grew by 14% from 647 cents per share to 737 cents per share. Working capital management was excellent, resulting in cash generated from operations of R732 million, up 50% from R489 million.
The Group announced the acquisition of Kian Ann Engineering Limited (Kian Ann) on 15 October 2012. Kian Ann is a large distributor of heavy earthmoving equipment parts and diesel engine spares which was listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange, with an annual turnover of more than R1,1 billion. The acquisition was included in the Invicta results from 1 February 2013. The purchase price of Kian Ann was SGD192,6 million of which the founding management contributed SGD31,16 million for a 25% stake and the balance was entirely funded with debt. 
The acquisition of Kian Ann takes the Group to the global stage of distribution of heavy earthmoving equipment parts and diesel engine spares as the company distributes to over 50 countries worldwide. Since June 2012 the markets serviced by Kian Ann have experienced challenging trading conditions, which are expected to continue for the short-term. Kian Ann is only expected to start making a meaningful contribution to Group profits over time as the debt for its acquisition is repaid.
The Group continued to take advantage of domestic growth opportunities and made a number of strategic acquisitions totalling R223 million. The most significant of these was the acquisition by BMG of ManDirk, a leading industrial distributor of tools and equipment to the mining and industrial sector. 
In order to strengthen its balance sheet the Group issued perpetual preference shares for R750 million on 28 November 2012.
BMG experienced tough trading from the second quarter onwards. Strikes in the mining and freight transport industries had a negative knock-on effect on the manufacturing sector. Notwithstanding, it is most pleasing to report that BMG grew revenue by 25% to R3 425 million, of which 8% came from organic growth and 17% from acquisitions.
BMG made two significant acquisitions in the period. OMSA, a leading player in lubrication and filtration systems with a strong field service presence was acquired with effect from 1 April 2012. ManDirk, a leading industrial distributor of tools and equipment to the mining and industrial sector was acquired with effect from 1 August 2012. Both these acquisitions strengthen BMG's product breadth and service depth.
BMG continues to reposition its offering from one of product supply to one of technical value-added solutions and services for customers. It continues to be a leading player in the industries in which it operates and a significant core profit generator of the Group.  
CEG has had another excellent trading year resulting in a strong performance for the year under review. Revenue grew by 37% to R3 503 million and operating profit grew by 38% to R339 million. Acquisitions contributed for 7% of both revenue and operating profit growth. 
Key ratios in CEG were all healthy and cash generation was good. 
CEG continues to outperform its benchmarks and to be a major contributor to the Invicta stable.
On 1 October 2012 the Invicta Group acquired an effective 53,4% of the issued shares of MacNeil (Pty) Ltd. MacNeil is a leading wholesale supplier of sanitary ware, brassware, taps, plumbing fixtures, plastic piping and related products to the building materials sector of South Africa and neighbouring countries.  It operates through seven branches in South Africa. The combined annual revenue of Invicta building materials segment after this acquisition is expected to exceed R1 billion per annum. Invicta plans to grow further in this sector.
Invicta is a robust business with proven management. Invicta has a strong balance sheet, which will ensure that it is able to weather economic storms and to fund significant growth opportunities as they arise. Invicta has embarked on a path of growing its Rand hedge business with the acquisition of Kian Ann and by developing its business in Africa.
Given the aforegoing, managements focus will be on containing costs, growing the Groups after-sales and spares business in South Africa, growing in the building materials industry, growing into Africa and developing Kian Anns global business. 
Trading conditions are expected to be challenging in the coming year, but the Board remains confident of the continued success of the Group.
The auditors, Deloitte & Touche, have issued their opinion on the Groups financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2013. The audit was conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing. They have issued an unmodified audit opinion. These summarised financial statements have been derived from the Group financial statements and are consistent in all material respects, with the Group financial statements. A copy of their audit report is available for inspection at the Companys registered office. Any reference to future financial performance included in this announcement, has not been reviewed or reported on by the Companys auditors.
The Board has declared a final gross dividend of 179 cents per share for the year ended 31 March 2013, in keeping with the dividend policy of 2,75 times normalised earnings per share.
The dividend will be subjet to the new Dividends Tax that was introduced with effect from 1 April 2012.  In accordance with paragraphs 11.17(a)(i) and (x) and 11.17(c) of the JSE Listings Requirements the following additional information is disclosed:
  The dividend has been declared out of income reserves;
  The local Dividend Tax rate is 15% (fifteen per centum);
  Secondary Tax on Companies (STC) credits of 179 cents per share will be utilised;
  The gross local dividend amount is 179 cents per ordinary share for shareholders exempt from the Dividend Tax;
  The gross and net local dividend amount is 179 cents per ordinary share for shareholders liable to pay the Dividend Tax;
  Invicta Holdings Limited has 74 862 305 ordinary shares in issue (which includes 1 452 920 treasury shares); and
  Invicta Holdings Limited's income tax reference number is 9400/012/03/6.
In compliance with the requirements of Strate the following dates are applicable:
Last date to trade CUM dividend          Friday, 28 June 2013
First date of trading EX dividend         Monday, 1 July 2013
Record date                                 Friday, 5 July 2013
Payment date                                Monday, 8 July 2013
Share certificates may not be dematerialised or rematerialised between Monday, 1 July 2013 and Friday, 5 July 2013, both days inclusive.
By order of the Board
C Barnard                                             Cape Town
Secretary                                          11 June 2013
Registered office:  Invicta Holdings Limited, 3rd Floor, Pepkor House, 36 Stellenberg Road, Parow Industria, 7493  
PO Box 6077, Parow East, 7501
Transfer secretaries:  Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd, Ground Floor, 70 Marshall Street, Johannesburg, 2001  
PO Box 61051, Marshalltown, 2107
Directors: Dr CH Wiese* (Chairman), A Goldstone (Managing), C Barnard, AK Masuku^#, JS Mthimunye^, DI Samuels^, LR Sherrell*, AM Sinclair, CE Walters, Adv JD Wiese*                             
* Non-executive    # Alternate    ^ Independent non-executive
Sponsor: Deloitte & Touche Sponsor Services (Pty) Ltd

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