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ETHEKWINI METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY - TMMI - Availability of Annual Financial Statements

Release Date: 30/01/2025 13:41
Code(s): ETK001 ETK002     PDF:  
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TMMI - Availability of Annual Financial Statements

JSE alpha code: TMMI
("EThekwini", "eThekwini" or the "Municipality")


EThekwini hereby advises that it has publicly released its audited Annual Financial Statements for
the year ended 30 June 2024 ("AFS"). The auditors of eThekwini, Auditor-General South Africa,
have issued an unqualified audit report relating to the AFS.

The AFS contain various restatements for the year ended 30 June 2023 ("Prior Period") relating

1. Debtors' balances relating to water and sanitation services were adjusted to address the issue
   of incorrect billing, whereby customers with properties valued at amounts greater than
   R250,000 were receiving a 6KL rebate which they did not qualify for in terms of the
   promulgated tariff.

   Rates adjustments, including deferred rates as well as changes stemming from re-valuations
   backdated to previous financial years. Incorrect electricity disconnection charges were also

2. The adjustments include the recognition of liabilities in relation to the invoices that were
   received late and not accrued in the prior year. Balances relating to some retentions, deposits,
   trade and other payables were derecognized where, through assessment, it was confirmed that
   the municipality no longer has an obligation to pay them. This was due to the factors such as
   expiry of debt through prescription and transactions incorrectly recognised in the previous

3. Cost adjustments include capitalisation of assets received or completed in prior periods but not
   accounted for and the derecognition of assets where there are no expected future economic
   benefits. Depreciation adjustments due to changes in useful lives and prior year capitalisation
   of projects.

4. Cost adjustments include the capitalisation capacity rights to receive bulk electricity from
   Eskom at specific supply points (refer to note 54: Enhancements to accounting policies).
   Amortization adjustments relate to the extension of useful lives of various intangible assets not
   adjusted in the previous periods.

5. Adjustments include accruals previously not accounted for, reduction in the prepayment
   balance as a result of finalization of land transfers, derecognition of other debtors incorrectly
   recorded in the prior year and reclassification of DOHS debtors. Further details on the
   reclassification of DOHS debtors are contained in note 58: Re-classification of expenditure,
   assets and liabilities.

6. The derecognition of receivables balance relates to the students who could not get job
   placements after completing their studies due to unavailability of posts. In the prior years, the
   student contracts were terminated. Thus, relieving them from any obligation in relation to the
   amounts paid by the municipality to fund their studies.

7. VAT portions relating to prior year adjustments.

8. Adjustment for the recognition of an additional surplus amount included in the revised
   management accounts of the Effingham Development Joint Venture.

9. Cost and depreciation adjustments relating to prior periods.

10. The prior year income recognition includes the donation received from the trust, which was
    incorrectly recognised as a liability.

11. The adjustment includes the correction of buffer stock balance for items that were already
    utilised but still held as inventory, and the electricity meters that were not recorded as part of
    inventory in the prior year.

12. The adjustments above have resulted in restatement in the comparative cash flow.

Full details of the restatements are disclosed in note 45 of the 30 June 2024 AFS.

In addition, the audit report contains emphasis of matters in relation to:

Significant uncertainties

1. As disclosed in note 43 to the consolidated and separate financial statements, various legal
   claims were lodged against the group. The ultimate outcome of these matters could not be
   determined and no provision for any liability that may result was made in the consolidated and
   separate financial statements.

Material debt impairments, losses and write-offs

2. As disclosed in note 5 to the consolidated and separate financial statements, the group
   recognised a provision for debt impairments of R19,45 billion (2022-23: R13,64 billion) on
   consumer debtors, as the recoverability of these amounts was doubtful.

3. As disclosed in note 51 to the consolidated and separate financial statements, material water
   losses of 622 743 kl/day (2022-23: 659 478 kl/day) were incurred by the municipality, which
   resulted in losses of R2 billion (2022-23: R2,03 billion). These losses arose mainly from ageing
   and deteriorating infrastructure, uncontrolled, unplanned rapid rural expansion and illegal

4. As disclosed in note 51 to the consolidated and separate financial statements, material
   electricity losses of 1,12 billion kilowatt hours (2022-23: 1,05 billion kilowatt hours) were
   incurred by the municipality, which resulted in losses of R1,72 billion (2022-23: R1,37 billion).
   These losses arose as a result of transmission and distribution losses as well as illegal

The AGSA audit opinion is not modified in respect of these matters.

The material irregularities identified are as follows

Expanded Public Works Programme payments made for expenses not incurred

1. Payments were made on the expanded public works programme (EPWP) to individuals that
   did not qualify as beneficiaries. The expenditure controls and procedures designed and
   implemented by the municipality in the EPWP payment processes were ineffective as they did
   not detect and prevent payments made to fictitious beneficiaries, deceased beneficiaries and
   beneficiaries employed in other state institutions that do not qualify as EPWP beneficiaries. In
   addition, payments were also made to beneficiaries without sufficient supporting documents
   or proof that tasks were performed. This was in non-compliance with section 65(2)(a) of the

2. The non-compliance has resulted in a material financial loss of R3,28 million by 31 October
   2022 and is likely to result in further material financial losses of R2,34 million for the
   eThekwini Municipality for payments made to beneficiaries employed in other state

3. The accounting officer was notified of the material irregularity on 13 December 2022 and
   invited to make a written submission on the actions taken and that will be taken to address the

4. The accounting officer commissioned multiple investigations into the matter, however, failed
   to implement all the recommendations which were included in the report. During the prior and
   current year audits, I identified similar issues on payments to invalid beneficiaries.

5. I notified the accounting officer on 29 November 2024 of the following recommendations,
   which should be implemented by 30 June 2025:

    •   The non-compliance should be investigated to determine the root causes and if any
        official might have committed an act of financial misconduct or an offence in terms of
        Chapter 15 of the MFMA, for purposes of recovering the loss.

    •   The financial loss should be quantified and all person(s) liable for the losses should be
        identified and appropriate action should commence to recover the financial loss where
        possible. The recovery process should not be unduly delayed.

    •   Commence with the implementation of a system of expenditure control that also
        addresses the root causes, as required by section 65(2)(a) of the MFMA, to prevent and
        detect payments to ineligible beneficiaries. These should include verifying the
        beneficiaries against the latest available databases, maintaining an audit trail of
        verifications that were performed and cancellation of further payments to ineligible
    •   Disciplinary proceedings should commence, without undue delay, against all officials
        who have allegedly committed an act of financial misconduct or an offence, as required
        by section 62(1)(e) of the MFMA and the manner prescribed by the Municipal
        Regulations on Financial Misconduct Procedures and Criminal Proceedings.

    •   If a senior manager of the municipality has allegedly committed an act of financial
        misconduct, the accounting officer must report the allegation to the municipal council,
        the Provincial Treasury and the National Treasury as required by Regulation 3(1) of the
        Municipal Regulations on Financial Misconduct Procedures and Criminal Proceedings.

    •   If it appears that the municipality suffered the financial loss through criminal acts or
        possible criminal acts or omission, this must be reported to the South African Police
        Service, as required by section 32(6) of the MFMA.

Pollution of water resource not prevented – Northern wastewater treatment works

6. The municipality did not take reasonable measures at the Northern wastewater treatment works
   (WWTW) to prevent pollution or degradation of the environment and water resources from
   occurring, continuing or recurring, as required by section 28(1) of the National Environmental
   Management Act 107 of 1998 (NEMA) and section 19(1) of the NWA. The WWTW was not
   operational due to improper management of operational and mechanical equipment with
   serious maintenance and repair needs (including vandalism and theft) as well as further
   damages caused by the April 2022 floods. Raw untreated wastewater was also overflowing
   and spilling at the pump stations that have not been operational for more than a year.

7. This has resulted in raw untreated wastewater and/or inadequately treated effluent being
   disposed into the adjacent Umhlangaan and Umgeni rivers. The overflowing and spilling of
   raw untreated wastewater and discharge of inadequate effluent into the Umhlangaan and
   Umgeni rivers not only severely contaminates these water resources, but ultimately also the
   related beaches. This has a devastating effect on the communities along and dependent on these
   water resources as well as the ecosystems and recreational environments affected by it. It poses
   a serious health risk to communities using these resources for domestic or recreational purposes
   and adversely impacts the livelihoods of those dependent on tourism and sustenance fishing
   affected by the frequent beach closures. The non-compliance is likely to cause substantial harm
   to the communities exposed to and dependent on the contaminated water resources.
8. The accounting officer was notified of the material irregularity on 14 April 2023 and invited
   to make a written submission on the actions taken and that will be taken to address the matter.

9. The accounting officer indicated on 26 June 2023 that an assessment of work required to repair
   the WWTW and related pump stations had been completed with tender processes on the
   appointment of a contractor being in progress. Follow up assessments performed by the audit
   team showed E.coli levels excessively higher than the norms in January 2024. Despite some
   actions, pollution was still ongoing and not addressed.

10. I determined that the accounting officer is not taking appropriate actions to resolve the material
    irregularity. I am in the process of making a decision on further actions to be taken.

Pollution of water resource not prevented – Umbilo wastewater treatment works

11. The municipality did not take reasonable measures at the Umbilo WWTW to prevent pollution
    or degradation of the environment and water resources from occurring, continuing or recurring,
    as required by section 28(1) of NEMA and section 19(1) of NWA. The plant was severely
    damaged by the April 2022 floods and further floods on the 27 June 2023. The East plant was
    decommissioned with interim measures implemented to redirect the inflow. The West plant
    was found to often exceed its (load) design capacity and was unable to properly treat and ensure
    quality compliant disposals into the Umbilo River.

12. This has resulted in improperly treated effluent being discharged directly into Umbilo River
    affecting the river quality and biodiversity as well as communities living next to or in close
    proximity to the river. Other river use and recreational activities such as swimming, fishing,
    canoeing, fauna and flora are negatively impacted by the poor wastewater quality and other
    contaminants disposed into the river. The river supports multiple livelihoods from bed and
    breakfast establishments to holiday parks as well as small-scale farming, therefore high levels
    of E.coli poses a health risk for both the public and the environment. The non-compliance is
    likely to cause substantial harm to the communities exposed to and dependent on the
    contaminated water resources.

13. The accounting officer was notified of the material irregularity on 18 April 2024 and invited
    to make a written submission on the actions taken and that will be taken to address the matter.

14. The accounting officer indicated on 18 June 2024 that an assessment of work required to repair
    the WWTW had been completed with tender processes on the appointment of a contractor
    being in progress. Follow up assessments performed by the audit team showed E.coli levels
    excessively higher than the norms in March 2024. Despite some actions, pollution was still
    ongoing and not addressed.

15. I determined that the accounting officer is not taking appropriate actions to resolve the material
    irregularity. I am in the process of making a decision on further actions to be taken.

The AFS and Audit Report are included in the Annual Report of eThekwini are available on the
Municipality's website at

and for inspection at 263 Dr Pixley Ka Seme Street, Durban, 4001.

30 January 2025
JSE Debt Sponsor
Absa Corporate and Investment Bank (a division of Absa Bank Limited)

Date: 30-01-2025 01:41:00
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