Publication of Reports – VDR Facility - MAR03B | MAR04B MARTIUS (RF) LIMITED Publication of Borrower Reports (Incorporated in South Africa with limited liability under registration number 2021/326128/06) ("the Issuer") Date: 20 November 2024 MAR03B - ZAG000193798 MAR04B - ZAG000200957 Publication of Reports – VDR Facility Noteholders are referred to the various announcements released on SENS, notably the SENS dated 17 September 2024 (Confirmation of an Event of Default) and the SENS dated 10 October 2024 (Notice of Suspension), with the most recent of which is dated 17 October 2024 pertaining to notification to noteholders that the Issuer has published an investor report in respect of Transaction No. 1 – Bridge Taxi Finance No 8 on the Issuer's website (and using the terms defined therein unless otherwise stated herein). Due to a number of factors, including the Restructure Plan, and with the 2023 annual audit of Borrower not completed yet, the Issuer published certain Reports (details provided in the SENS announcement date 24 October 2024) in relation to the Borrower, in order to provide the market with as much relevant financial and operational information as is reasonably possible on the Borrower, and to ensure equitable dissemination thereof. In terms of the Restructure Plan, Noteholders have requested that the existing Notes and related Relevant Assets be restructured. Some Noteholders are considering independent restructuring options, the outcome of which the Issuer is still waiting on. Following which, the Issuer received approval to utilise a virtual data room ("VDR") in accordance with paragraph 6.84 as read with paragraph 6.89 of the Debt and Specialist Securities Listings Requirements (the "Requirements"), to disclose the below information to assist Noteholders in this regard. VDR Information: The Issuer intends to make available the first set of information files to Noteholders as prepared by the appointed Servicer of the Borrower, which are summarised below, by making it available in the VDR on Wednesday 20 November 2024 9:00 – • Weekly detailed operational updates on Bridge Taxi Finance No 8 (RF) (Pty) Ltd ("BTF8") from the servicer (BTF8\Weekly Servicer Operational Update Reports\....14-11-2024); • Monthly detailed management accounts of BTF8(BTF8\Management Accounts\....SEPT 2024v2); • 12-month cashflow forecast for BTF8 and the Issuer (BTF8\Cash Flow Forecasts\....2024 11 07); • Independent valuation reports of the underlying asset pool of BTF8 (BTF8\ Valuation Reports\BTF 8....; BTF8\ Valuation Reports\....btf_8); and • Detailed loan book data and stock information (BTF8\LB Data and Stock Information\....20240930; BTF8\LB Data and Stock Information\....04-10- 2024). Participation requirements for the VDR: Prospective participants must send an email to ("VDR Administrator") indicating their desire to participate in the VDR ("Registration email"), and include the following information in the Registration email: • full name and/or registration number of the party who will require access to the VDR; • in the event that the prospective participant is an entity or the like, contact person and contact details (e-mail address and telephone number) of the authorised representative requiring access to the VDR; and • confirmation that the prospective participant is a Noteholder or authorised representative of a Noteholder. The VDR Administrator will send an acceptance email in response to a compliant Registration email if they are satisfied with the details provided by the prospective participant. Accepted participants will also be provided with a standard confidentiality agreement ("NDA") which they must execute in favour of the Issuer and return to before an accepted participant will be granted access to the VDR. Disclaimer: Noteholders are also advised to take note of the disclaimers set out on the VDR in respect of the VDR information provided. Inter alia, the financial and operational update information packs, including any management accounts, forward-looking statements or forecasts of the Borrower, which are in are still in their preparatory stage, have not been reviewed or reported on by the Borrower's external auditors. Suspension Period: Noteholders are reminded that the notes issued in relation to Transaction No. 1 – Bridge Taxi Finance No 8 with stock codes MAR03B and MAR04B, were suspended effective 10 October 2024, and can therefore not trade these notes during this period. Noteholders will be informed when updated information is to be uploaded to the VDR. Capitalised terms and expressions used and not otherwise defined herein, shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms and expressions in the master programme memorandum issued by the Issuer in relation to the Programme dated 22 February 2022, the Applicable Issuer Supplement issued by the Issuer dated 22 February 2022 and the Applicable Transaction Supplements issued by the Issuer in relation to Transaction No. 1 – Bridge Taxi Finance No 8. Page 2 of 3 Further information on the Programme please contact: Redinc Capital Charlize Wiederkehr Email: Page 3 of 3 Date: 20-11-2024 09:10:00 Produced by the JSE SENS Department. The SENS service is an information dissemination service administered by the JSE Limited ('JSE'). The JSE does not, whether expressly, tacitly or implicitly, represent, warrant or in any way guarantee the truth, accuracy or completeness of the information published on SENS. The JSE, their officers, employees and agents accept no liability for (or in respect of) any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential loss or damage of any kind or nature, howsoever arising, from the use of SENS or the use of, or reliance on, information disseminated through SENS.