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BARLOWORLD LIMITED - Results of annual general meeting

Release Date: 16/02/2024 13:58
Code(s): BAW BAWP     PDF:  
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Results of annual general meeting

Barloworld Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1918/000095/06)
(Income tax registration number 9000/051/71/5)
(Share code: BAW)
(A2X Code: BAW)
(JSE ISIN: ZAE000026639)
(Share code: BAWP)
(JSE ISIN: ZAE000026647)
("Barloworld" or the "company")


Shareholders are advised that the voting results for the annual general meeting (the "AGM") of Barloworld held
virtually on Friday, 16 February 2024 were as follows:

Ordinary shareholders

 Resolution                         Number of     Shares voted         For**      Against**   Abstained***
                                      ordinary   disclosed as a            %              %              %
                                  shares voted      percentage
                                                    of the total
 Ordinary resolution 1:
 Acceptance of annual financial
 statements                        162 978 624          85,94%       99,95%           0,05%          0,49%
 Ordinary resolution 2:
 Re-election of Ms NV Mokhesi
 as a director of the company     130 253 309           68,68%      100,00%           0,00%         17,75%
 Ordinary resolution 3:
 Re-election of Mr HN Molotsi
 as a director of the company     130 253 309           68,68%      100,00%           0,00%         17,75%
 Ordinary resolution 4:
 Re-election of Mr N Chiaranda
 as a director of the company     130 253 309           68,68%      100,00%           0,00%         17,75%
 Ordinary resolution 5:
 Election of Mr V Nkonyeni as a
 director of the company          130 253 309           68,68%      100,00%           0,00%         17,75%
 Ordinary resolution 6:
 Election of Ms BO Odunewu as
 a director of the company        130 253 309           68,68%      100,00%           0,00%         17,75%
 Ordinary resolution 7:
 Election of Mr V Nkonyeni as
 member and chairman of the
 audit committee                  130 253 309           68,68%       97,54%           2,46%         17,75%
 Ordinary resolution 8:
 Re-election of Mr N Chiaranda
 as a member of the audit
 committee                        130 253 309           68,68%      100,00%           0,00%         17,75%
 Ordinary resolution 9:
 Re-election of Ms NP             130 165 891           68,64%       98,11%           1,89%         17,80%
 Mnxasana as a member of the
 audit committee
 Ordinary resolution 10:
 Election of Ms BO Odunewu as
 a member of the audit
 committee                        130 253 309           68,68%      100,00%           0,00%        17,75%
 Ordinary resolution 11:
 Appointment of external
 auditors                         163 785 187           86,37%       98,47%           1,53%         0,07%
 Ordinary resolution 12:
 Non-binding advisory vote on
 remuneration policy              163 781 926           86,36%        97,69%          2,31%         0,07%
 Ordinary resolution 13:
 Non-binding advisory vote on
 remuneration implementation
 report                           163 742 680           86,34%        96,32%          3,68%         0,09%
 Special resolution 1:
 Approval of non-executive
 directors' fees                  163 785 187           86,37%        97,79%          2,21%         0,07%
 Special resolution 2:
 Approval of loans or other
 financial assistance to related
 or inter-related companies
 and corporations                 163 785 104           86,37%        99,97%          0,03%         0,07%
 Special resolution 3:
 General authority to acquire
 the company's own shares         163 785 187           86,37%        99,88%          0,12%         0,07%

*       Based on 189 641 787 ordinary shares in issue as at the date of the AGM.
**      Total number of shares that could have been voted at the AGM excluding (247 483) treasury shares: 189 394
***     Total number of shares that were present/represented at the AGM : 163 913 078, being 86.55% of the total
        number of shares that could have been voted at the AGM.

Preference shareholders

 Resolution                           Number of       Percentage             For**        Against**    Abstained***
                                      preference    of preference                %                %               %
                                    shares voted         shares in
 Special resolution 3:
 General authority to acquire                   0             0.00             0.00             0.00           0.00
 the company's own shares

*       Based on 375 000 preference shares in issue as at the date of the AGM.
**      In relation to the total number of preference shares voted at the AGM.
***     In relation to the total number of preference shares in issue at the date of the AGM

Based on the above voting results, all resolutions were passed by the requisite majority of shareholders represented
at the AGM.
16 February 2024

Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking, a division of Nedbank Limited

Date: 16-02-2024 01:58:00
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