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ASSURA PLC - Notice of Cash Dividend

Release Date: 18/02/2025 09:00
Code(s): AHR     PDF:  
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Notice of Cash Dividend

Assura plc
(Incorporated in England and Wales)
(Company Number: 09349441)
LEI number: 21380026T19N2Y52XF72
LSE Share Code: AGR
JSE Share Code: AHR
("Assura" or the "Company")


1.   Introduction

     1.1. South African shareholders are advised that the next quarterly interim dividend of 0.84
          pence per share will be paid on 9 April 2025 to shareholders recorded on the United
          Kingdom ("UK") and South African registers on 7 March 2025 (the "Record Date").

     1.2. This interim dividend will be a property income distribution ("PID"). Please refer
          to the Company's website HERE for more information.

     1.3. Please note that there is no scrip dividend alternative available for this quarterly
          dividend and accordingly, it will be paid in full in cash.

     1.4. Based on a closing exchange rate of GBP1.00 = ZAR23.11470 as at Friday,
          14 February 2025, the equivalent gross dividend amounts to ZAc19.41635 per Assura

2.   Key dates

      Last day to trade cum dividend in South Africa                Tuesday, 4 March
      Shares trade ex-dividend in South Africa                    Wednesday, 5 March
      Record Date                                                    Friday, 7 March
      Payment date                                                Wednesday, 9 April

     2.1. To facilitate settlement of the dividend to entitled South African shareholders, share
          certificates may not be dematerialised or rematerialised between Wednesday,
          5 March 2025 and Friday, 7 March 2025, both dates inclusive.

     2.2. From the commencement of trade on Wednesday, 5 March 2025 until the close of
          trade on Friday, 7 March 2025, no transfers of shares between the UK and South
          African registers will be permitted.

3.   Additional information

     In accordance with the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited ("JSE"), the following
     additional information is disclosed for South African resident shareholders:

     3.1. The cash dividend:
        3.1.1. has been declared out of income reserves and is being sourced from the
               United Kingdom; and

        3.1.2. is regarded as a "foreign dividend" (as defined in the South African Income
               Tax Act No. 58 of 1962) for South African resident shareholders holding
               shares on the South African register.

     3.2. Accordingly, for those shareholders that are not exempt from paying dividend
          withholding tax, the net cash dividend will be as follows:

                                                  UK shareholders    SA shareholders
                                                      (GBP pence)        (ZAR cents)
          Gross amount of PID dividend                       0.84           19.41635
          Less 20% UK withholding tax(1)                  (0.168)          (3.88327)
          Net PID dividend payable(2)                       0.672           15.53308
          Less effective 5% SA dividends tax                  n/a          (0.97082)
          for SA shareholders who are SA tax
          Net PID dividend payable                          0.672           14.56226

        1. Certain categories of UK shareholders may apply for exemption, in which case the
           PID element will be paid gross of UK withholding tax.
        2. Net position after deducting UK withholding tax for both UK and SA shareholders,
           but before qualifying SA investors have claimed back 5% from His Majesty's Revenue
           & Customs under the double tax agreement between the UK and SA in respect of
           withholding tax.
        3. SA dividends tax applies at the rate of 20% for qualifying SA shareholders who are
           SA tax residents, but such SA shareholders receive a rebate of the UK withholding
           tax suffered (which is effectively 15%, after taking into account the 5% reclaimed from
           HMRC as referred to in point 2).

     3.3.  Assura has no tax registration in South Africa; and

     3.4.  Assura has 3 250 608 887 shares in issue.

     3.5.  Assura shareholders who are in doubt as to their tax status or position, including any
           exchange control requirements, should consult an appropriate professional advisor
           in their relevant jurisdiction without delay.

For more information, please contact:

Assura plc                                   Tel: 0161 515 2043
David Purcell, Investor Relations Director   Email:

FGS Global                                   Tel: 0207 251 3801
Gordon Simpson                               Email:
Grace Whelan

Notes to Editors
Assura plc is the UK's leading diversified healthcare REIT. Assura enables better health
outcomes through its portfolio of more than 600 healthcare buildings, from which over six
million patients are served.
A UK REIT based in Altrincham, Assura is a constituent of the FTSE 250 and the EPRA*
indices and has a secondary listing on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. As at 30
September 2024, Assura's portfolio was valued at £3.2 billion and has a strong track record
of growing financial returns and dividends for shareholders.

At Assura we BUILD for health and as the first FTSE 250 certified B Corp we are committed
to keeping ESG at the heart of our strategy, creating Healthy Environments (E) and Healthy
Communities (S) and maintaining a Healthy Business (G).

Further information is available at
*EPRA is a registered trademark of the European Public Real Estate Association

Assura shares are listed on the LSE, being the Company's primary listing, and the JSE,
Assura's secondary listing.

18 February 2025

Corporate Advisor and JSE Sponsor
Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking, a division of Nedbank Limited

Date: 18-02-2025 09:00:00
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