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PURPLE GROUP LIMITED - Results of annual general meeting

Release Date: 19/01/2024 14:00
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Results of annual general meeting

Purple Group Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1998/013637/06)
Share code: PPE ISIN: ZAE000071411
("Purple Group" or "the Company")


Shareholders are advised that at the Annual General Meeting ("AGM") of Purple Group held on Friday, 19
January 2024, convened in terms of the notice of AGM dated 30 November 2023, contained in the 2023
Integrated Annual Report, all the resolutions were approved by the requisite majority of shareholders.

Details of the results of voting at the AGM are as follows:

    •    Total issued number of ordinary shares that could have been voted at the AGM: 1 402 102 267
    •    Number of ordinary shares that were present/represented at the AGM: 514 733 792 representing
         36,71% of the total number of ordinary shares that could have been voted at the AGM.

                                             For         Against      Abstained, in      Shares voted
                                                                     relation to total
                                                                     shares in issue
 Ordinary resolution number 1:
 Adoption of annual financial
 statements for the year
 ended 31 August 2023
     Number of shares                     513 476 705        0          1 257 087        513 476 705
     Percentage                            100,00%        0,00%           0,09%            36,62%

 Ordinary resolution number 2:
 Remuneration of auditors
    Number of shares                      513 157 047    319 281        1 257 464        513 476 328
    Percentage                              99,94%        0,06%           0,09%            36,62%

 Ordinary resolution number 3:
 Appointment of auditors
    Number of shares                      513 318 839    131 051        1 283 902        513 449 890
    Percentage                              99,97%        0,03%           0,09%            36,62%

 Ordinary resolution number 4.1:
 Re-election of Mr. Paul Rutherford
     Number of shares                     512 665 778    779 421        1 288 593        513 445 199
     Percentage                             99,85%        0,15%           0,09%            36,62%

 Ordinary resolution number 4.2:
 Re-election of Mr. Craig Carter
     Number of shares                     477 419 809   33 813 027      3 500 956        511 232 836
     Percentage                             93,39%        6,61%           0,25%            36,46%

 Ordinary resolution number 5:
 To place the unissued shares of the
 Company under the control of the
     Number of shares                     481 847 942   31 548 088      1 337 762        513 396 030
     Percentage                             93,86%        6,14%           0,10%            36,62%

 Ordinary resolution number 6:
 To authorise the Company to issue
 shares and to sell treasury shares for
 cash under a general authority
     Number of shares                     481 949 540   31 426 332      1 357 920        513 375 872
     Percentage                             93,88%        6,12%           0,10%            36,61%

 Ordinary resolution number 7:
 To authorise the directors as
     Number of shares                     513 308 901    169 433        1 255 458        513 478 334
     Percentage                             99,97%        0,03%           0,09%            36,62%

 Ordinary resolution number 8:
 Non-binding advisory note on
 remuneration policy
    Number of shares                      481 701 155   31 656 880      1 375 757        513 358 035
    Percentage                              93,83%        6,17%           0,10%            36,61%
Ordinary resolution number 9:
 Non-binding advisory note on
 implementation report of
 remuneration policy
    Number of shares                      481 724 279   31 656 880     1 352 633         513 381 159
    Percentage                              93,83%        6,17%          0,10%             36,62%

 Ordinary resolution number 10.1:
 Election of Mr. Arnold Forman as
 Chairman of the Audit Committee
     Number of shares                     510 122 723    3 258 755     1 352 314         513 381 478
     Percentage                             99,37%        0,63%          0,10%             36,62%

 Ordinary resolution number 10.2:
 Election of Mr. Happy Ntshingila as a
 member of the Audit Committee
     Number of shares                     510 130 598    3 252 958     1 350 236         513 383 556
     Percentage                             99,37%        0,63%          0,10%             36,62%

 Ordinary resolution number 10.3:
 Election of Mr. Craig Carter as a
 member of the Audit Committee
     Number of shares                     477 611 771    33 630 001    3 492 020         511 241 772
     Percentage                             93,42%         6,58%         0,25%             36,46%

 Special resolution number 1:
 Non-executive directors'
 remuneration to next AGM
    Number of shares                      510 447 485      799 851     3 486 456         511 247 336
    Percentage                               99,84%         0,16%        0,25%             36,46%

 Special resolution number 2:
 Financial assistance to related and
 inter-related entities
     Number of shares                     512 647 778      563 983     1 522 031         513 211 761
     Percentage                              99,89%         0,11%        0,11%             36,60%

 Special resolution number 3:
 Awarding of shares and provision of
 financial assistance in connection
     Number of shares                      512 139 538    1 063 184    1 531 070         513 202 722
     Percentage                              99,79%         0,21%        0,11%             36,60%

 Special resolution number 4:
 Acquisition of own shares
    Number of shares                       512 768 851      536 198    1 428 743         513 305 049
    Percentage                               99,90%          0,10%       0,10%             36,61%

19 January 2024

Transfer and Company Secretaries: CTSE Registry Services Proprietary Limited

Sponsor: Deloitte & Touche Sponsor Services Proprietary Limited

Date: 19-01-2024 02:00:00
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