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AFRICAN EQUITY EMPOWERMENT INVESTMENTS LIMITED - Short Form Announcement - Reviewed condensed consolidated annual financial statements for year ended 31 August 2023

Release Date: 13/12/2023 10:40
Code(s): AEE     PDF:  
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Short Form Announcement - Reviewed condensed consolidated annual financial statements for year ended 31 August 2023

African Equity Empowerment Investments Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration number 1996/006093/06
Share code: AEE and ISIN: ZAE000195731
("AEEI" or "the Group" or "the Company")

Short Form Announcement - Reviewed condensed consolidated annual financial statements for the
                          year ended 31 August 2023.


                                                                                 Reviewed           Restated            % Change
                                                                                 Group to           Group to
                                                                                 31 August          31 August
                                                                                 2023               2022
                                                                                 R'000              R'000

Revenue from continuing operations                                              734 250             578 556            27

Revenue from discontinued operations                                            2 103 909           1 754 914          20

Net cash generated/(utilised) in operating activities                           73 610             (31 318)            335

Loss before tax from continuing operations                                      (1 241 419)        (9 125)             (13 505)

Loss before tax from discontinued operations                                    (534 352)          (321 704)           (66)

Basic (loss)/earnings per share (cents) from continuing                         (2,54)              2,93               (187)

Basic loss per share (cents) from discontinued operations                       (36,85)            (48,71)             24

Headline earnings from continuing operations                                    103 510             14 404             619

Headline loss from discontinued operations                                      (166 964)          (196 856)           15

Headline earnings per share (cents) from continuing                             0,21                2,93               (93)

Headline loss per share (cents) from discontinued operations                    (34,00)            (40,09)             15

Normalised headline earnings from continuing operations                         109 433             22 309             391

Normalised headline loss from discontinued operations                           (174 658)          (63 520)            (175)

Normalised headline earnings per share (cents) from                              22,29               4,54               391
continuing operations

Normalised headline loss per share (cents) from discontinued                     (35,57)            (12,94)             (175)

Net asset value per share (cents)                                                246,07              993,32             (75)

Total assets                                                                     1 711 962           6 029 757          (72)

 *Normalised earnings were calculated as follows:

                                                                            Reviewed          Audited
                                                                             Group to        Group to
                                                                            31 August       31 August
                                                                                2023            2022

Headline earnings                                                              103 510       14 404

Fair value adjustments                                                          (6 042)        (434)

Net impairments, impairment reversals and write-offs                            10 660        8 339

Tax effects on adjustments                                                       1 305           94

Normalised headline earnings from continuing operations                        109 433       22 309

Headline loss                                                                  (166 964)      (196 856)

Fair value adjustments                                                         (48 755)      37 860

Net impairments, impairment reversals and write-offs                            30 530      132 211

Tax effects of adjustments                                                      10 531      (36 735)

Normalised headline loss from discontinued operations                          (174 658)        (63 520)

Shareholders are hereby advised that AEEI's reviewed provisional condensed consolidated results for the
year ended 31 August 2023 are available on AEEI's website at and
can be viewed at .

The Board has not declared a final dividend for the year ended 31 August 2023.


This short-form announcement contains only a summary of the information contained in the full
announcement and does not contain the full and complete details and is the responsibility of the Board of
directors. The condensed consolidated financial statements were reviewed by Thawt Inc. and Crowe Jhb Inc.
whose unmodified review opinion has been issued on the reviewed provisional condensed consolidated
financial statements for the year ended 31 August 2023.

Please refer to the full announcement for additional information. The full announcement has been released
on SENS and is also available for viewing on AEEI's website at or
may be requested from the company via or obtained in person, at no charge during
office hours, at the registered office of the company or can be obtained electronically from either of the joint
sponsors by sending an email to or during
business hours. Any investment decisions by investors and/or shareholders should be based on
consideration of the full announcement.


We wish to thank our employees, Group executives, management, our Board of directors, as well as our
strategic partners, stakeholders and business partners for their loyalty and dedication.

Mrs Aziza Amod                                                      Mrs Valentine Dzvova
Non-Executive Chairperson                                           Chief Executive Officer

Cape Town
13 December 2023



* Valentine Dzvova (Chief Executive Officer); Aziza Amod (Non -Executive Chairperson); *Jowayne Van
Wyk (Chief Financial Officer); Gaamiem Colbie; Willem Raubenheimer; Bongikhaya Qama: Stephen Nthite,
; Membathisi Mdladlana and Carin-Lee Geuking-Cohausz
*Executive directors.
Company Secretary:          Cornell Kannemeyer Email:
Business address:           10th Floor Convention Towers, Corner Heerengracht and Walter Sisulu Avenue,
                            Foreshore, Cape Town, Western Cape, 8001.
Transfer secretaries:       JSE Investor Services Proprietary Limited, One Exchange Square, 2 Gwen Lane,
                            Sandown, Sandton, 2196.
Joint Auditors:             Crowe JHB
                            9 Autumn Street, Rivonia, 2196.
                            Thawt Inc.
                            8 Selby Road, Parkwood, 2193.
Joint Sponsors:             Vunani Capital Sponsor
                            Vunani House, Vunani Office Park, 151 Katherine Street, Sandown,
                            Johannesburg, 2196.
                            Merchantec Capital
                            13th Floor, lllovo Point, 68 Melville Road, lllovo, 2196.

Date: 13-12-2023 10:40:00
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