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FERRUM CRESCENT LIMITED - US$13.5m Investment Agreement with Anvwar Asian Investment of Oman

Release Date: 25/09/2013 07:05
Code(s): FCR     PDF:  
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US$13.5m Investment Agreement with Anvwar Asian Investment of Oman

Ferrum Crescent Limited

(Incorporated and registered in Australia and registered as an external company in the
Republic of South Africa)

(Registration number A.C.N. 097 532 137)

(External company registration number 2011/116305/10)

Share code on the ASX: FCR

Share code on AIM: FCR

Share code on the JSE: FCR         ISIN: AU000000FCR2

("Ferrum Crescent" or the "Company" )

US$13.5m Investment Agreement with Anvwar Asian Investment of Oman


 -    Ferrum Crescent signs conditional, legally binding letter of intent with Anvwar Asian Investment
      (“AAI”) to progress Moonlight BFS Development
 -    US$10m to acquire 35% shareholding in Ferrum Iron Ore (Pty) Ltd, which holds the mining right
      over the three farms that contain the Moonlight Deposit
 -    US$3.5 additional funds to contribute to BFS costs
 -    First BFS payments scheduled by end of year
 -    AAI representative Anvwar Al Balushi will be invited to join the Ferrum Iron Ore board and
      Moonlight Iron Ore Project steering committee

Ferrum Crescent, the ASX, AIM and JSE quoted iron ore developer, today announces it has signed a
legally binding letter of intent (“Agreement”) with Anvwar Asian Investment (“AAI”) to facilitate the
completion of the Company’s bankable feasibility study (“BFS”) at the Moonlight Iron Ore Project in
Northern South Africa. Under the Agreement, AAI will pay US$10m to Ferrum Crescent in return for a
35% shareholding in Ferrum Iron Ore, which holds the mining right over the three farms that contain the
Moonlight Deposit. AAI will also contribute US$3.5m to the on-going costs of the BFS. The Agreement is
subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions precedent regarding confirmation due diligence and the
receipt of applicable regulatory approvals.

The Ferrum Crescent interest in the Moonlight Iron Ore Project is held through the Group’s direct and
indirect shareholding in Ferrum Iron Ore (formerly named Turquoise Moon Trading), the shares of which
are currently held as to 74% by Ferrum South Africa (Pty) Ltd (formerly named Nelesco) and as to 26%
by Mkhombi Investments (Pty) Ltd. Subject to the conditionals precedent and following the investment,
the shares of Ferrum Iron Ore will be held 39% by Ferrum South Africa (Pty) Ltd, 26% by Mkhombi
Investments (Pty) Ltd and 35% by AAI.

AAI is an Oman based investment Company chaired by Mr Anvwar Al Balushi, who will be invited to join
the Ferrum Iron Ore board and Moonlight Project steering committee upon completion of the
agreement. The Moonlight Project provides AAI with potential exposure to an iron ore project capable
of producing high-grade pellet product, located within 200km of established rail hubs. Ferrum Crescent
has already undertaken extensive metallurgical testwork as part of the Moonlight BFS and earlier this
year appointed DANIELI C. Officine MeccanicheS. p.A. (“Danieli”), a global leader in engineering services
and equipment supply, as the process engineer for the BFS.

Under the Agreement, subject to the satisfaction or waiver of the conditions precedent, an initial
acquisition payment of US$1 million will be made to Ferrum Crescent by the end of November 2013,
with the remaining US$9 million to be paid to the Company during Q1 2014. Funds received under the
Agreement will be used by the Company to progress the Moonlight BFS and for working capital
requirements. The additional US$3.5m AAI contributions to the BFS costs will be made in prearranged
tranches as work progresses.

Commenting today Ed Nealon, Chairman, of Ferrum Crescent said: “AAI is an important strategic
partner for Ferrum Crescent as we look to move the Moonlight Iron Ore Project towards construction.
Moonlight is a unique project with metallurgy that shows a very high grade iron product can be
produced and shipped using existing infrastructure.”

For more information, please visit or contact:

Australia and Company enquiries:                     UK enquiries:
Ferrum Crescent Limited                              Ocean Equities Limited (Broker)
Ed Nealon T: +61 8 9380 9653                         Guy Wilkes T: +44 (0) 20 7786 4370
Executive Chairman
                                                     RFC Ambrian Limited (Nominated Adviser)
Bob Hair T: +61 414 926 302                          Jen Boorer/Sarah Wharry T: +44 (0) 20 3440 6800
Managing Director
                                                     Ferrum Crescent Limited
                                                     Laurence Read (UK representative)
                                                     T: +44 7557672432

South Africa enquiries:                              Sasfin Capital
                                                     Leonard Eiser T: +27 11 809 7500

25 September 2013
Sasfin Capital, a division of Sasfin Bank Limited

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