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TUHF URBAN FINANCE (RF) LIMITED - TUHF Urban - Notification of Interest and Principal Payment

Release Date: 26/07/2024 08:30
Code(s): TU1A11 TU1B11 TU1D11     PDF:  
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TUHF Urban - Notification of Interest and Principal Payment

TUHF Urban Finance (RF) Limited
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
(Registration number 2018/563485/06)
("TUHF Urban Finance")

Instrument Code: TU1A11                            ISIN Code: ZAG000156167
Instrument Code: TU1B11                            ISIN Code: ZAG000156175
Instrument Code: TU1D11                            ISIN Code: ZAG000156183


Noteholders are, in terms of TUHF Urban Finance's ZAR2,000,000,000 Mortgage Loan Backed
Securitisation Programme, advised of the following interest and principal payments due on
31 July 2024:

Instrument Code:                                  TU1A11
ISIN:                                             ZAG000156167
Interest Rate:                                    10.570%
Interest Period:                                  30 April 2024 – 30 July 2024
Interest Amount Due:                              ZAR5 413 288.84
Outstanding Principal Amount before redemption:   ZAR203 184 816.13
Principal redemption:                             ZAR13 195 050.64
Outstanding Principal Amount after redemption:    ZAR189 989 765.49
Payment Date:                                     31 July 2024
Date Convention:                                  Following Business Day

Instrument Code:                                  TU1B11
ISIN:                                             ZAG000156175
Interest Rate:                                    12.350%
Interest Period:                                  30 April 2024 – 30 July 2024
Interest Amount Due:                              ZAR733 687.57
Outstanding Principal Amount before redemption:   ZAR23 569 438.66
Principal redemption:                             ZAR1 530 625.87
Outstanding Principal Amount after redemption:    ZAR22 038 812.79
Payment Date:                                     31 July 2024
Date Convention:                                  Following Business Day

Instrument Code:                                  TU1D11
ISIN:                                             ZAG000156183
Interest Rate:                                    13.100%
Interest Period:                                  30 April 2024 – 30 July 2024
Interest Amount Due:                              ZAR362 285.76
Outstanding Principal Amount before redemption:   ZAR10 971 980.06
Principal redemption:                             ZAR712 532.73
Outstanding Principal Amount after redemption:    ZAR10 259 447.33
Payment Date:                                     31 July 2024
Date Convention:                                  Following Business Day

26 July 2024

Debt Sponsor
Merchantec Capital

Date: 26-07-2024 08:30:00
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