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BRIKOR LIMITED - Announcement Unconditional Mandatory Offer

Release Date: 04/12/2023 08:43
Code(s): BIK     PDF:  
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Announcement – Unconditional Mandatory Offer

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 1998/013247/06)
(Share Code: BIK ISIN Code: ZAE000101945)
("Brikor" or "the Company")

Announcement – Unconditional Mandatory Offer


   Shareholders are referred to the Firm Intention Announcement released on SENS on
   12 September 2023 ("Firm Intention Announcement") and the further announcements
   dated 16 October 2023 and 10 October 2023 in which it was advised that Nikkel Trading 392
   (Pty) Limited ("Nikkel Trading") had acquired additional Brikor shares at a price of 17 cents
   per Brikor share so that Nikkel Trading now owns 68.01% of the entire issued share capital of

   In the Firm Attention Announcement shareholders were advised that as Nikkel Trading
   acquired more than 35% of the entire issued share capital of the Company, Nikkel Trading is
   required to make a mandatory offer to all the remaining shareholders of the Company
   ("Mandatory Offer") pursuant to section 123 of the Companies Act, No.71 of 2008 , for a cash
   offer consideration of 17 cents per Brikor ordinary share .

  Shareholders are referred to the SENS announcement dated 1 December 2023 advising
  shareholders that the offer circular in relation to the Mandatory Offer has been distributed to

  The Mandatory Offer is now unconditional.


The timetable relating to the Mandatory Offer is set out below:

 Opening Date of the Offer at 09:00 on                                   Monday, 4 December

 Announcement declaring the Offer unconditional (including the           Monday, 4 December
 timetable in respect of the Offer and Closing Date) published on

 Earliest Payment Date from                                            Tuesday, 12 December

 TRP compliance certificate expected on                                    Tuesday, 9 January

 Finalisation date announcement (including the timetable in
 respect of the Offer and Closing Date) published on SENS
                                                                           Tuesday, 9 January
 Last Day to Trade for Shareholders wishing to accept the Offer
                                                                          Tuesday, 16 January

 Shares trade "ex" the Offer                                          Wednesday, 17 January
    Record Date for Shareholders to accept the offer                             Friday, 19 January

    Closing Date of Offer at 12:00 on                                            Friday, 19 January

    Results of Offer to be announced on SENS                                  Monday, 22 January

    Last Payment Date                                                         Monday, 22 January


•       Certificated Shareholders are required to complete and return the attached Form of
        Acceptance (pink) in accordance with the instructions contained therein to be received by
        the Transfer Secretaries by no later than 12:00 on the Closing Date.

•       Any change to the above dates and times will be agreed upon by Brikor and Nikkel Trading,
        approved by the JSE and the TRP (as required), and announced on SENS, provided that
        any extension of the Closing Date shall be at Nikkel Trading's sole discretion.

•       No Dematerialisation or rematerialisation of Shares will take place between the trading ex-
        date, Wednesday, 17 January 2024 and the Record Date for the Offer, Friday, 19 January
        2024 (both days inclusive).

•       Offerees should note that acceptance of the Offer will be irrevocable.

•       Although the above important dates and times are stated to be subject to change, such
        statement shall not be regarded as consent or dispensation for any change to time periods
        which may be required in terms of the Companies Act, the Takeover Regulations, and the
        Listings Requirements, where applicable, and any such consents or dispensations must be
        specifically applied for and granted.

•       All times referred to in this Circular are references to South African Standard Time.

•       In accordance with regulation 102(12) of the Takeover Regulations, the Offer Consideration
        must be settled within six Business Days after the later of: (i) the Finalisation Date; and
        (ii) acceptance thereof by a holder. Accordingly, the latest Payment Date will be by no later
        than Monday, 22 January 2024.

  3.1 Nikkel Trading, insofar as the information in this Announcement relates to Nikkel Trading:
              • accepts full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this
              • confirms that, to the best of its knowledge and belief, the information in this
                  Announcement is true and correct; and
              • confirms that this Announcement does not omit anything likely to affect the
                  importance of the information disclosed.

  3.2 The Brikor Independent Board, insofar as the information in this Announcement relates to
              • accepts full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this
              • confirms that, to the best of its knowledge and belief, the information contained
                  in this Announcement is true and correct; and
              • confirms that this Announcement does not omit anything likely to affect the
                  importance of the information disclosed.

4 December 2023

Designated Advisor
Exchange Sponsors

Date: 04-12-2023 08:43:00
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