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BHP GROUP LIMITED - Director / PDMR Shareholding

Release Date: 13/12/2023 10:20
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Director / PDMR Shareholding

BHP Group Limited
BHP Group Limited ABN 49 004 028 077
Registered in Australia
Registered Office: Level 18, 171 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000
Share code: BHG
ISIN: AU000000BHP4
13 December 2023

                                           BHP GROUP LIMITED
                          Notification and public disclosure of transactions by
                            Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibilities

•        This notification relates to changes in the interests in ordinary shares in BHP Group Limited of
         Mike Henry, Chief Executive Officer of BHP Group Limited and a person discharging managerial
         responsibilities, in connection with a marital divorce.
•        The transactions include:
             o   an on-market sale of 394,760 ordinary shares in BHP Group Limited at AUD $47.55
                 per ordinary share;
             o   a re-organisation of Mr Henry's remaining holdings by transferring 325,330 to HSBC
                 Bank Australia in a shareholder account of which Mike Henry is the sole beneficiary
                 and transferring 84,671 to HSBC Security Services Asia Pac in a shareholder account
                 of which Mike Henry is the sole beneficiary.

    1        Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / persons
             closely associated

    a)       Name                         Mike Henry

    2        Reason for the notification

    a)       Position/status              PDMR (Chief Executive Officer)

    b)       Initial                Initial notification

    3        Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction
             platform, auctioneer or auction monitor

    a)       Name                         BHP Group Limited

    b)       LEI                          WZE1WSENV6JSZFK0JC28

    4        Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type of
             instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each place
             where transactions have been conducted.

a)   Description of the        BHP Group Limited ordinary shares
     financial instrument,
     type of instrument

                               ISIN: AU000000BHP4
     Identification code

b)   Nature of the             Sale of 394,760 ordinary shares in BHP Group Limited

c)   Price(s) and volume(s)

                                Price(s)               Volume(s)

                                AUD $47.55             394,760

d)   Aggregated information    Volume: 394,760
           -   Aggregated      Price: AUD $47.55
           -   Price

e)   Date of the transaction   2023-12-08

f)   Place of the transaction Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)

1    Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / persons
     closely associated

a)   Name                      Mike Henry

2    Reason for the notification

a)   Position/status           PDMR (Chief Executive Officer)

b)   Initial                Initial notification

3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction
     platform, auctioneer or auction monitor

a)   Name                      BHP Group Limited

b)   LEI                       WZE1WSENV6JSZFK0JC28

4    Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type of
     instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each place
     where transactions have been conducted.

a)   Description of the        BHP Group Limited ordinary shares
     financial instrument,
     type of instrument

                               ISIN: AU000000BHP4
     Identification code

b)   Nature of the             Transfer of 325,330 ordinary shares in BHP Group
     transaction               Limited to HSBC Bank Australia in a shareholder
                               account of which Mike Henry is the sole beneficiary

c)   Price(s) and volume(s)

                                Price(s)                Volume(s)

                                nil                     325,330

d)   Aggregated information
           -   Aggregated      Volume: 325,330
               volume          Price: nil
           -   Price

e)   Date of the transaction   2023-12-12

f)   Place of the transaction Outside a trading venue

1    Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / persons
     closely associated

a)   Name                      Mike Henry

2    Reason for the notification

a)   Position/status           PDMR (Chief Executive Officer)

b)   Initial                Initial notification

3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction
     platform, auctioneer or auction monitor

a)   Name                      BHP Group Limited

b)   LEI                       WZE1WSENV6JSZFK0JC28

4    Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type of
     instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each place
     where transactions have been conducted.

 a)     Description of the         Depositary interests each representing one ordinary
        financial instrument,      share in BHP Group Limited
        type of instrument

                                   ISIN: AU000000BHP4
        Identification code

 b)     Nature of the              Transfer of 84,671 depositary interests each
        transaction                representing one ordinary share in BHP Group Limited
                                   to HSBC Security Services Asia Pac in a shareholder
                                   account of which Mike Henry is the sole beneficiary

 c)     Price(s) and volume(s)

                                     Price(s)                    Volume(s)

                                     nil                         84,671

 d)     Aggregated information
            -   Aggregated         Volume: 84,671
                volume             Price: nil
            -   Price

 e)     Date of the transaction    2023-12-12

 f)     Place of the transaction Outside a trading venue

Sponsor: J.P. Morgan Equities South Africa Proprietary Limited


Date: 13-12-2023 10:20:00
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