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INVICTA HOLDINGS LIMITED - Preference Share Cash Dividend

Release Date: 14/06/2024 10:00
Code(s): IVT IVTP     PDF:  
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Preference Share Cash Dividend

Invicta Holdings Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 1966/002182/06)
Ordinary share code: IVT Ordinary share ISIN: ZAE000029773
Preference share code: IVTP Preference share ISIN: ZAE000173399
("Invicta" or the "Company")


Preference shareholders are referred to the announcement released on SENS on Thursday,
13 June 2024, with regards to the redemption by the Company of all of the preference shares
("Redemption Announcement"). Unless such definition is specifically repeated in this
announcement, terms used in this announcement shall bear the meaning assigned thereto in the
Redemption Announcement.

Scheduled Dividend for the Dividend Period

Notice is hereby given that the directors of the Company have declared a gross cash dividend of
771.02132 cents per Preference Share for the period from Tuesday, 7 November 2023 to Friday,
14 June 2024. Dividends are to be paid out of distributable reserves.

Dividends tax ("DT") of 20% will be withheld in terms of the Income Tax Act, 58 of 1962 ("Income
Tax Act") for those Preference Shareholders who are not exempt from DT. Accordingly, Preference
Shareholders who are not exempt from DT will receive a net dividend of 616.81706 cents per
Preference Share.

Scheduled Dividend for the period to Redemption Date

Notice is hereby given that the directors of the Company have declared a further gross cash
dividend of 83.73082 cents per Preference Share for the period from Saturday, 15 June 2024 to
Monday, 8 July 2024, being the Redemption Date. Dividends are to be paid out of distributable

DT of 20% will be withheld in terms of the Income Tax Act for those Preference Shareholders who
are not exempt from DT. Accordingly, Preference Shareholders who are not exempt from DT will
receive a net dividend of 66.98466 cents per Preference Share.
Redemption Amount

Preference Shareholders are referred to paragraph 4 of the Redemption Announcement, which
contains details of the Redemption Amount. The Redemption Amount per Preference Share is
defined in clause 32.1.34 of the MOI and, without double counting, is the aggregate of:

                                      Cents per       Gross dividend          Net dividend
                               Preference Share           amount, if            amount, if
                                                          applicable     applicable, after
                                                          (cents per          deducting DT
                                                   Preference Share)            (cents per
                                                                         Preference Share)
 The Subscription Price              10 000.00                   n/a                   n/a
 Plus 2.5% of the                       250.00                250.00                200.00
 Subscription Price
 Scheduled Dividend for the          771.02132             771.02132             616.81706
 Dividend Period
 Scheduled Dividend for the           83.73082              83.73082              66.98466
 period to Redemption Date
 Total                            11 104.75214           1 104.75214             883.80172

Invicta has 6 857 757 Preference Shares in issue.

Invicta's income tax reference number is 9400/012/03/6.

The Scheduled Dividends, together with the balance of the Redemption Amount, will be paid by
the Company to Preference Shareholders as one lump sum.

The salient dates for the Scheduled Dividends to the Redemption Date (which will be included in
the payment of the Redemption Amount) will be as follows:

Last day of trade to receive a Scheduled Dividend                Tuesday, 2 July 2024
Preference Shares commence trading "ex" Scheduled Dividend     Wednesday, 3 July 2024
Record date                                                       Friday, 5 July 2024
Payment date                                                      Monday, 8 July 2024

Preference Share certificates may not be dematerialised or rematerialised between Wednesday, 
3 July 2024 and Friday, 5 July 2024, both days inclusive.

14 June 2024

Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking, a division of Nedbank Limited

Date: 14-06-2024 10:00:00
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