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THE STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA LIMITED - The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited - New Listing - AMC011

Release Date: 27/09/2023 08:45
Code(s): AMC011     PDF:  
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The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited - New Listing - AMC011

The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited
New Financial Instrument Listing Announcement - “AMC011”

Stock Code: AMC011
ISIN Code: ZAE000327623

The JSE Limited has granted a listing to The Standard Bank of
South Africa Limited – AMC011 Actively Managed Certificates due
27 September 2033 - sponsored by The Standard Bank of South
Africa Limited (“the Issuer”) under its Structured Note
Programme (“the Programme”) dated 26 January 2021 which can be
found on the Issuer’s website.

Authorised Programme size           ZAR120 000 000 000
Total notes issued                  ZAR76 501 853 379.52

Full Note details are as follows:
Issue Date:                         27 September 2023
Nominal Issued:                     ZAR100 000 000
Redemption Basis:                   Linked to the actively
                                    managed Standard
                                    Stockbroking Global Equity
                                    ETF AMC Reference Portfolio
                                    which may at any time
                                    comprise long positions in
                                    exchange traded funds
                                    (ETFs) which are listed on
                                    any Recognised Exchange
                                    located in (i) the United
                                    States of America, (ii)
                                    Canada, (iii) The
                                    Netherlands, (iv) Federal
                                    Republic of Germany (v)
                                    Switzerland (Swiss
                                    Confederation, (vi) the
                                    London Stock Exchange,
                                    (vii) the Australian Stock
                                    Exchange, (viii) the
                                    Johannesburg Stock
                                    Exchange, and any other
                                    Recognised Exchange on
                                    which the Issuer may in
                                    future establish Hedge
                                    Positions in respect of
                                    Reference Components. The
                                    investment strategy of the
                                    Reference Portfolio
                                    Manager, Standard
                                    Stockbroking, a division of
                                    SBG Securities Proprietary
                      Limited, is to identify and
                      select well-diversified
                      selected ETFs to target
                      attractive segments of
                      global equity markets.
                      While the investment theme
                      and strategy of the
                      Reference Portfolio Manager
                      benefits from its house
                      view in terms of
                      identification of market
                      opportunities, the risk
                      appetite within this theme
                      and strategy is calibrated
                      to be closer to benchmark
                      levels of volatility.
                      Standard Stockbroking
                      Global Equity ETF AMC is
                      suitable for long term
                      investors, targeting
                      capital growth through
                      investment in global equity
                      assets, but wish to invest
                      and retain the investment
                      denominated in South Africa
                      Rand. Holders of this set
                      of AMCs must be willing to
                      tolerate a potentially
                      higher level of volatility
                      and must have an investment
                      time horizon of five years
                      or longer. The Reference
                      Components of this set of
                      AMCs typically exhibit more
                      volatility given their high
                      exposure to the equity
                      markets, which may result
                      in capital losses.
Issue Price:          100 000 ZA cents per AMC
Number of AMCs:       100 000 AMCs
Declaration Date:     07 September 2033, subject
                      to Preceding Business Day
Last Date to Trade:   21 September 2033, subject
                      to Preceding Business Day
Suspension Date:      22 September 2033
Record Date:          26 September 2033
Maturity Date:        27 September 2033, subject
                      to adjustments as detailed
                      in the Pricing Supplement.
De-Listing Date:                   28 September 2033
Business Day Convention:           Preceding Business Day
Placement Agent:                   The Standard Bank of South
                                   Africa Limited

These Notes will be cash settled to holders of the AMCs on the
Maturity Date specified above.

Additional Terms and Conditions: Prospective holders of these
AMCs must read the Pricing Supplement for full details of the
specific terms and conditions applicable to this specific set
of AMCs.

The AMCs will be deposited in the Central Securities
Depository (“CSD”) and settlement will take place
electronically in terms of JSE Rules.

Dated: 27 September 2023
Sponsor – The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited
For further information on the Notes issued please contact:
Johann Erasmus           SBSA (Sponsor)

Date: 27-09-2023 08:45:00
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