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BRAIT INVESTMENT HOLDINGS LIMITED - BIHLEB - Notification of a Partial Capital Reduction in the Nominal Value of the Exchangeable Bonds

Release Date: 16/07/2024 11:00
Code(s): BIHLEB     PDF:  
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BIHLEB - Notification of a Partial Capital Reduction in the Nominal Value of the Exchangeable Bonds

Brait Investment Holdings Limited
(Registered in Mauritius as a Public Limited Company)
(Registration number: 183308 GBC)
JSE Alpha code: BIHLEB
ISIN: MU0707E00002
LEI: 8755004E9YEXF8GHCY56
("BIH" or the "Issuer")


BIH Bondholders ("Bondholders") are referred to the announcement released on Stock Exchange
News Service ("SENS") of the JSE Limited ("JSE") on Friday, 5 July 2024 in terms of which Bondholders
were advised of the Issuer obtaining the requisite approval of the amendments to the Terms and
Conditions of R 3 000 000 000 5% Senior Unsecured Exchangeable Bonds with a principal amount of
R1 000 each due 2024, issued pursuant to the Prospectus dated 23 November 2021 (the
"Exchangeable Bonds"). Bondholders are herewith advised, in accordance with the amended Terms
and Conditions of the Exchangeable Bonds, of the partial capital reduction of the Exchangeable Bonds
by way of a reduction in the nominal value of each Exchangeable Bond from R1 000 each to R750
each, together with accrued but unpaid interest.

JSE Alpha code:                                          BIHLEB
ISIN:                                                    MU0707E00002
Current nominal value:                                   R1 000 each
Reduction in nominal value:                              R250 each
Nominal value after the reduction:                       R750 each
Number of bonds:                                         2 998 604 bonds
Number of bonds after the nominal value reduction:       2 998 604 bonds


The salient dates surrounding the reduction in the nominal value are as follows:

 Events                                                                                        2024

 Declaration date                                                                  Tuesday, 16 July
 Finalisation date (announced released by 11h00)                                   Tuesday, 23 July
 Last day to trade                                                                 Tuesday, 30 July
 Ex date                                                                         Wednesday, 31 July
 Record date                                                                      Friday, 02 August
 Partial reduction of the nominal value of the Exchangeable Bond and
 payment of accrued but unpaid interest                                           Monday, 05 August

The implementation date, nominal value payment and accrued but unpaid interest amounts will be
announced on SENS on or before the Finalisation Date.

Port Louis, Mauritius

16 July 2024

The Issuer is a wholly owned subsidiary of Brait P.L.C., an investment holding company. BIH's Bonds
are dual listed on the Main Board of the exchange operated by the JSE as well as the
Official Market of the Stock Exchange of Mauritius ("SEM").

JSE Debt sponsor:
Rand Merchant Bank (a division of FirstRand Bank Limited)

SEM Authorised Representative and Sponsor:
Perigeum Capital Ltd

Date: 16-07-2024 11:00:00
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