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HOLDSPORT LIMITED - Trading statement

Release Date: 18/09/2015 09:00
Code(s): HSP     PDF:  
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Trading statement

Registration number: 2006/022252/06
Share code: HSP
ISIN: ZAE000157046

("Holdsport" or "the company")


Holdsport is in the process of finalising its unaudited interim results for the six months ended 31
August 2015, which are expected to be released on SENS on or about 9 October 2015.

In terms of paragraph 3.4(b)(i) of the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited, listed companies
are required to publish a trading statement as soon as they are reasonably certain that the
financial results for the current reporting period will be more than 20% different than that of the
previous corresponding period.

Accordingly, shareholders are advised that the company expects earnings per share (“EPS”) for
the six months ended 31 August 2015 to be between 25% and 29% higher than the previous
corresponding six months to 31 August 2014 (“the previous corresponding period”), within the
ranges shown below:

   -   Basic EPS of 199.3 cents per share to 205.7 cents per share (2014: 159.4 cents);
   -   Headline EPS of 199.0 cents per share to 205.4 cents per share (2014: 159.2 cents); and
   -   Core headline EPS of 217.5 cents per share to 224.5 cents per share (2014: 174.0 cents).

During the current period the aggregate foreign exchange adjustment was a profit of R5.7 million
compared to an aggregate loss of R0.8 million in the previous corresponding period. The group
takes out forward exchange contracts ("FEC`s") to cover imported merchandise commitments.
The foreign exchange profit in the period is predominantly due to unrealised gains on open foreign
exchange forward contracts when marked-to-market at the end of the reporting period.

Core headline earnings per share excluding the effect of foreign exchange adjustments, is
expected to be between 18% and 22% higher than the previous corresponding period, in a range
between 207.0 cents per share and 214.0 cents per share (2014: 175.4 cents per share).

The financial information, on which this trading statement is based, has not been
reviewed or reported on by the company’s auditors.

Cape Town
18 September 2015
Sponsor: UBS South Africa (Pty) Ltd

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