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HAMMERSON PLC - Hammerson completes refinancing transactions to underpin growth strategy

Release Date: 09/10/2024 08:00
Code(s): HMN     PDF:  
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Hammerson completes refinancing transactions to underpin growth strategy

Hammerson plc
(Incorporated in England and Wales)
(Company number 360632)
LSE and Euronext Dublin share code: HMSO JSE share code: HMN
("Hammerson" or the "Company")

Hammerson completes refinancing transactions to underpin growth strategy

9 October 2024

Hammerson plc

("Hammerson" or the "Company/Group")

Following the successful issuance of its 12-year £400m bond, Hammerson sets out the final
outcome of the new issuance and accompanying tender of the Company's outstanding
bonds maturing in 2026 and 2028:

-  12-year £400m bond pricing confirmed on 3 October at a coupon of 5.875% 
   representing a spread of 183 basis points over the reference gilt rate
-  Strong demand led to peak order book in excess of £2.6bn (over 7x subscribed)
-  The repurchase of a total of £411.6m bonds, comprising £168.4m of 6% 2026s and
   £243.2m of 7.25% 2028s
-  An annualised net interest benefit to Hammerson of £3.6m(1) per year (approximately
   £0.8m for the financial year ending 2024)
-  This reduces weighted average gross interest from 3.8%(2) to 3.6% and extends
   Hammerson's weighted average debt maturity from 2.9 years(3) to 5.2 years
-  The refinancing is largely leverage neutral; pro forma(4) LTV at 30 June 2024 is 25.5% 
   and net debt:EBITDA is 5.4x

Himanshu Raja, CFO of Hammerson plc, commented:

"The combined effect of our new £400m 5.875% bond maturing in 2036 and the tender of
our existing short-dated sterling maturities reduces our ongoing interest costs and extends
our weighted average debt maturity. The strong demand and competitive pricing are a clear
recognition from investors of the strength of our portfolio, the robust balance sheet and the
opportunity ahead of us."

1 Annualised interest benefit arises due to the weighted average interest cost on the bonds tendered (6% on 2026s and 7.87% on 2028s) being 7.1% and
  higher than the 5.875% coupon on the new issue, offset by the impact of new issue discounts and the reduction to interest receivable due to net cash
2 Weighted average gross interest rate at 30 June 2024 of 3.4% and pro forma for the refinancing of Dundrum in August 2024 of 3.8%.
3 Weighted average debt maturity at 30 June 2024 of 2.2 years and pro forma for the refinancing of Dundrum in August 2024 of 2.9 years.
4 Pro forma for the tender and new issuance financing transactions and the disposal of the Group's interest in Value Retail generating net proceeds of £583m.
  Pro forma at 30 June 2024 reflecting only the disposal of the Group's interest in Value Retail; LTV was 24.7% and net debt:EBITDA was 5.3x.

Hammerson plc

Investor Contact

Josh Warren, Hammerson, Director of Strategy, Commercial                                              +44 (0)20 7887 1053
Finance and Investor Relations

MHP for Hammerson Media

Oliver Hughes                                                                                         +44 (0)7885 224 532

Ollie Hoare                                                                                           +44 (0)7817 458 804

Hammerson has its primary listing on the London Stock Exchange and secondary inward
listings on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and Euronext Dublin.

Sponsor: Investec Bank Limited

Date: 09-10-2024 08:00:00
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