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NAMPAK LIMITED - Announcement relating to amendments to MOI, restructure of Nampak's share capital and posting of circular

Release Date: 31/05/2023 08:00
Code(s): NPK NPKP NPP1     PDF:  
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Announcement relating to amendments to MOI, restructure of Nampak's share capital and posting of circular

Registration number 1968/008070/06
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
Share Code: NPK         ISIN: ZAE000071676
Share Code: NPP1        ISIN: ZAE000004966
Share Code: NPKP        ISIN: ZAE000004958
LEI: 3789003820EC27C76729
(“Nampak” or the “Company” or the “group”)

Announcement relating to, inter alia:

•   amendments to the Company’s Memorandum of Incorporation to facilitate the proposed
    rights offer;
•   the restructuring of Nampak’s share capital by the consolidation of every 250 shares into 1
    share; and
•   the posting of a circular, including a notice of general meeting, to shareholders in respect
    of, inter alia, the authorisations required to enable Nampak to proceed with the proposed
    rights offer.

Words and expressions used in this announcement shall, unless expressly defined herein or indicated
otherwise by the context, bear the meanings given to them in the circular posted to shareholders today
Wednesday, 31 May 2023.

1. Introduction and background
    On Thursday, 1 December 2022 Nampak announced its intention to convene a general meeting of
    Nampak shareholders on Wednesday, 18 January 2023 to seek certain authorisations from
    Nampak shareholders (“Shareholders”) that would enable the Company to proceed with a
    renounceable rights offer to recapitalise the Company’s balance sheet. This meeting was adjourned
    and subsequently cancelled on Monday, 6 March 2023, to allow the Company sufficient time to
    agree a new funding package and determine the required size of the rights offer.

    In its interim results for the six months ended 31 March 2023, released on SENS on Wednesday,
    24 May 2023, the Company announced that it would convene a general meeting of Shareholders
    in respect of which a circular to Shareholders will be issued on or about Wednesday,31 May 2023,
    seeking all relevant authorisations required to enable the Company to proceed with a l rights offer
    to raise gross proceeds of up to R1.0 billion during the course of 3Q23 which, if successful, will
    enable management to further reduce the Company’s debt, resulting in a more appropriate capital
    structure and thereby providing management the opportunity to focus on delivering its strategy.

    Shareholders are reminded that negotiations to conclude credit-approved term sheets for the
    refinancing package for the next five years will continue over the next two months. These
    negotiations, together with the group’s progress in terms of the implementation of the restructuring
    plan will determine the size of the required rights offer, which will be announced in due course as
    part of Nampak’s ongoing shareholder updates.
    To give effect to the proposed rights offer, the Company requires its shareholders to approve, inter
   •   the proposed conversion of all of the Nampak shares from par value to no par value shares;
   •   the restructure of its share capital by consolidating and reducing the authorised ordinary shares
       from 776 857 200 shares to 3 107 428 shares by the consolidation of every 250 shares into 1
       share (the “consolidation”);
   •   the proposed increase in the Company’s authorised but unissued share capital (post conversion
       and consolidation) from 3 107 428 Nampak shares to 600 000 000 Nampak shares; and
   •   the issue of new Nampak shares required for the implementation of the proposed rights offer
       which new shares will have voting power in excess of 30% of the voting power of the entire
       issued ordinary share capital as exists at the time of launch of the proposed rights offer.

2. The consolidation
   Given (i) the anticipated size of the proposed rights offer relative to Nampak’s current market
   capitalisation, (ii) the need to price the proposed rights offer shares at a discount to the prevailing
   Nampak share price at the time of launch, and (iii) Nampak’s current share price, the consolidation
   is being sought to ensure that the proposed rights offer price is fixed at a practical level and the
   share price upon completion of the proposed rights offer is at a sufficiently high level to enable it to
   trade at market-related prices and become more attractive to institutional investors.

   Subject to the approval and implementation of the consolidation:
       •   fractions of consolidated shares will not be issued. In the case of fractional entitlements, all
           allocations of shares will be cash settled with reference to the volume weighted average
           price on the first day of trading of the consolidated shares, less 10%; and
       •   the consolidation is expected to be effective on Wednesday, 26 July 2023.

3. Notice of general meeting
   Notice is hereby given that the general meeting of Nampak shareholders will be held entirely
   virtually at 09:00 on Friday, 30 June 2023. The electronic communication platform utilised by the
   Company will enable all persons participating in the general meeting to vote electronically during
   the general meeting and to communicate and to participate effectively in the general meeting. It will
   be possible to vote electronically on resolutions during the general meeting. The full details of the
   electronic participation are set out in the circular.

   Copies of the circular may be obtained from the Company secretary by emailing, from the registered office of Nampak or the offices of the joint
   transaction sponsors, whose addresses are set out in the “Corporate information and advisors”
   section of the circular, during normal business hours from Wednesday, 31 May 2023 to Friday, 30
   June 2023 (both days inclusive). The circular will also be available in electronic form from the
   Company’s website ( from Wednesday, 31 May 2023.

4. Salient dates and times


     Record date to be eligible to receive the circular                           Friday, 19 May

     Date of issue of the circular (incorporating the notice of general
     meeting, form of proxy (blue) and form or surrender (yellow))             Wednesday, 31 May

     Issue of circular, notice of general meeting and consolidation
     declaration announcement (including new ISIN: ZAE000322095)
     released on SENS                                                          Wednesday, 31 May

     Last day to trade to be eligible to participate in and vote at the
     general meeting                                                            Tuesday, 20 June

     Voting record date to participate in and vote at the general
     meeting                                                                     Friday, 23 June

     Registration to participate in and vote electronically at the general
     meeting as set out in the notes to the notice of general meeting by
     09:00 on                                                                 Wednesday, 28 June

     Proxy forms to be lodged with the share registrar as soon as
     possible for administrative purposes only, (preferably by 09:00),
     but in any event before the proxy exercises any rights of the
     Nampak shareholder appointing the proxy at the general meeting           Wednesday, 28 June

     General meeting to be held at 09:00 on                                      Friday, 30 June

     Results of general meeting released on SENS                                 Friday, 30 June

     Expected date to receive confirmation of filing and acceptance by
     CIPC of the special resolutions                                             Friday, 14 July

     Effective date for the increase in authorised share capital and
     conversion from par value to no par value shares                            Monday, 17 July


     Release of finalisation information in respect of the consolidation
     on SENS                                                                    Tuesday, 18 July

     Last day to trade under the present share capital in order to be
     recorded as a shareholder by the record date for the consolidation         Tuesday, 25 July

     Trading in consolidated shares under the new consolidated share
     capital commences on the new ISIN:ZAE000322095 and
     suspension of trading in shares on the old ISIN: ZAE000071676            Wednesday, 26 July

     Announcement released on SENS in respect of the cash payment
     applicable to fractional entitlements as a result of the
     consolidation, based on the volume weighted average price of
     consolidated shares traded on Wednesday, 26 July 2023, less
     10%, by 11:00                                                              Thursday, 27 July

     Record date to determine those shareholders whose shares will
     be subject to the consolidation                                              Friday, 28 July

     Forms of surrender (yellow) to be received by the transfer
     secretaries in order for certificated shareholders to have their
     entitlements credited to their accounts at their CSDP or broker in
     dematerialised form on Monday, 31 July 2023, by 12:00                        Friday, 28 July

     Dematerialised shareholders will have their accounts at their
     CSDP or broker updated to reflect the consolidation                          Monday, 31 July

     Certificated shareholders who have surrendered their documents
     of title and given valid details of their CSDP or broker will have
     their accounts at their CSDP or broker credited with their
     entitlement                                                                  Monday, 31 July

     Certificated shareholders who have not surrendered their
     documents of title will have their entitlements credited to
     Computershare Nominees pending the surrender of their
     documents of title                                                           Monday, 31 July
     1. The above dates and times are subject to amendment. Any such material amendment will be released
         on SENS and published in the South African press.
     2. All times quoted in the circular are local times in South Africa on a 24-hour basis, unless specified
     3. No orders to dematerialise or rematerialise shares will be processed from the business day following
         the last day to trade to be eligible to participate in and vote at the general meeting up to and including
         the voting record date, but such orders will again be processed from the first business day after the
         voting record date.
     4. The certificated register will be closed between the last day to trade to be eligible to participate in and
         vote at the general meeting and the voting record date.
     5. If the general meeting is adjourned or postponed, forms of proxy submitted for the general meeting will
         remain valid in respect of any adjournment or postponement of the general meeting unless the contrary
         is stated on such form of proxy (blue).
     6. Shares in the pre-consolidated form may not be dematerialised after the last day to trade prior to the
         consolidation, expected to be Tuesday, 25 July 2023.
     7. Shares in the consolidated form may be dematerialised or rematerialised as from Monday, 31 July 2023.

5. Updates to funding arrangements post the release of the FY2023 interim results
   Shareholders should note that the date by which credit approved term sheets for the refinancing of
   the group debt is required to be finalised has been extended from 15 June 2023 to 15 July 2023,
   and the minimum liquidity required to be maintained by the group at all times has been reduced
   from R1 billion to R450 million.

31 May 2023
Joint transaction sponsors: Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking, a division of Nedbank Limited
and The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited
Legal advisor: Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs Inc.

Date: 31-05-2023 08:00:00
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