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THARISA PLC - Production Report for the third quarter FY2024 ended 30 June 2024

Release Date: 10/07/2024 07:05
Code(s): THA     PDF:  
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Production Report for the third quarter FY2024 ended 30 June 2024

Tharisa plc
(Incorporated in the Republic of Cyprus with limited liability)
(Registration number HE223412)
JSE share code: THA
LSE share code: THS
A2X share code: THA
ISIN: CY0103562118
('Tharisa' or the 'Company')


Tharisa, the mining, metals, and innovation company dual-listed on the Johannesburg and London stock
exchanges, announces its production results for Q3 FY2024(1) and cash balance as at quarter end.

Quarter highlights

   -  Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate ('LTIFR') per 200 000 man hours worked of
           -   0.03 at Tharisa Minerals
           -   0.10 at Karo Platinum
   -  PGM production increased to 36.9 koz (Q2 FY2024: 35.3 koz)
   -  PGM basket price steady at US$1 391/oz (6E basis) (Q2 FY2024: US$1 343/oz)
   -  Chrome production increased to 410.2 kt (Q2 FY2024: 402.7 kt)
   -  Continued strong average metallurgical grade chrome concentrate prices, up 8% to US$309/t
      (Q2 FY2024: US$286/t)
   -  Group cash on hand of US$189.9 million (31 March 2024: US$184.6 million), and debt reduced
      to US$97.7 million (31 March 2024: US$114.0 million), resulting in an increased net cash
      position of US$92.2 million (31 March 2024: US$70.6 million)
   -  US$5 million share repurchase well on track with 1 600 058 shares repurchased to end June
   -  Production guidance for FY2024 remains between 145 koz and 155 koz PGMs (6E basis) and 1.7
      Mt to 1.8 Mt of chrome concentrates

(1) Tharisa's financial year is from 01 October to 30 September

Key Operating Numbers

                                                               Quarter                     Nine      Nine
                                       Quarter     Quarter          on      Quarter      months    months
                                         ended       ended     quarter        ended       ended     ended
                                        30 Jun      31 Mar    movement       30 Jun      30 Jun    30 Jun
                                          2024        2024           %         2023        2024      2023

Reef mined                   kt        1 261.9     1 035.0        21.9        908.8     3 355.4   3 018.4

Reef milled                  kt        1 396.1     1 378.5         1.3      1 302.2     4 198.9   4 099.5

6E PGMs produced (6E)        koz          36.9        35.3         4.5         37.0       107.9     114.0

Average PGM contained        US$/oz      1 391       1 343         3.6        1 695       1 359     2 049
metal basket price           

Chrome concentrates          kt          410.2       402.7         1.9        378.8     1 275.7   1 166.7
produced (excluding third

Average metallurgical        US$/t         309         286         8.0          290         295       258
grade chrome concentrate     CIF
contract price – 42% basis   China

Phoevos Pouroulis, CEO of Tharisa, commented:

"This third quarter marks nine months since we last recorded a lost time injury, something that we can
all be proud of, as our systems and continuous focus on safe production and zero harm keep our people

Operationally we delivered as planned, with improved mining and plant recoveries resulting in overall
PGM and chrome concentrate production increases. The focus on sustainable mining and the structural
improvements achieved in this year to date positions us for a strong last quarter, with further
improvements in the mining performance, providing the sustainable foundation for the medium to long
term plans for the mine.

Positive progress has been made with our plans for transitioning to underground development in the
west pit in parallel with the continued optimisation of open-pit mining.

The Karo Platinum project is      progressing safely and well, with construction aligned with capital
availability and the various funding solutions progressing according to plan.

Our vision for Tharisa remains firmly intact, with sustainable mining complemented by maximising the
output from our ore bodies, coupled through our various beneficiation initiatives for both chrome and
PGMs together with the continued progress we are making in the renewable energy field with Redox
One, and the 40MW solar project."

Health & Safety

   -   The health and safety of our stakeholders remains a core value to the Group and Tharisa
       continues to strive for zero harm at its operations
   -   LTIFR per 200 000 man hours worked of
           -   0.03 at Tharisa Minerals with no LTIs recorded to date in the financial year under review
           -   0.10 at Karo Platinum with no accidents on site in the financial year under review

Market Update

   -   PGM prices for the quarter were at slightly higher levels than in the previous quarter supporting
       the market view that the 'bottom of the market' has passed. Prices, however, continue to be
       influenced and rangebound by continued inventory de-stocking, the pace of which is dependent
       on economic activity, which has not reached previous heights yet. The narrative for PGM's is
       changing with the realisation that the internal combustion engine will remain around much
       longer, with hybrid drivetrains the natural progression in the longer term.
   -   Chrome prices have continued to trend upwards on strong fundamental demand for product
       coupled with port inventories at the lower end, supporting prices. Logistics remain complex but

Operational Update

   -   Total reef mined up 21.9% as the benefits of increased stripping provides the necessary in-pit
       flexibility, with tonnage at 1 261.9 kt (Q2 FY2024: 1 035.0 kt)
   -   Another strong milling performance at 1 396.1 kt (Q2 FY2024: 1 378.5kt) with throughput
       supplemented by strategic ROM purchases
   -   Quarterly PGM production at 36.9 koz (Q2 FY2024: 35.3 koz)
           -   Rougher feed grade of 1.57 g/t (Q2 FY2024: 1.66 g/t)
           -   Recovery of 68.5% (Q2 FY2024: 62.9%)
   -   Quarterly chrome production of 410.2 kt (Q2 FY2024: 402.7 kt)
           -   Grade of 18.0% Cr2O3 (Q2 FY2024: 18.1%)
           -   Recovery at 67.3% (Q2 FY2024: 66.4%)

Cash Balance and Debt Position

   -   Group cash on hand of US$189.9 million (31 March 2024: US$184.6 million), and debt reduced
       to US$97.7 million (31 March 2024: US$114.0 million), resulting in an increased net cash
       position of US$92.2 million (31 March 2024: US$70.6 million).


Production guidance for FY2024 remains between 145 koz and 155 koz PGMs (6E basis) and 1.7 Mt to
1.8 Mt of chrome concentrates.

The above forward looking statements have not been reported on or reviewed by Tharisa's auditors and
is the responsibility of the directors.

Production Numbers

                                                                 Quarter                 Nine       Nine
                                           Quarter    Quarter         on    Quarter    months     months
                                             ended      ended    quarter      ended     ended      ended
                                            30 Jun     31 Mar   movement     30 Jun    30 Jun     30 Jun
                                              2024       2024          %       2023      2024       2023

Reef mined                     kt          1 261.9    1 035.0       21.9      908.8   3 355.4    3 018.4

Stripping ratio                m3 : m3        12.7       14.0       (9.3)      14.2      12.8       12.3

Reef milled                    kt          1 396.1    1 378.5        1.3    1 302.2   4 198.9    4 099.5

PGM flotation feed             kt          1 064.9    1 055.6        0.9      996.5   3 168.5    3 151.4

PGM rougher feed grade         g/t            1.57       1.66       (5.4)      1.67      1.61       1.66

PGM recovery                   %              68.5       62.9        8.9       69.0      65.8       67.6

6E PGMs produced               koz            36.9       35.3        4.5       37.0     107.9      114.0

   Platinum                    koz            19.4       19.2        1.0       20.9      59.1       63.8

   Palladium                   koz             5.8        6.4       (9.4)       6.6      17.4       20.1

   Rhodium                     koz             3.3        3.2        3.1        3.4       9.8       10.6

Average PGM contained          US$/oz        1 391      1 343        3.6      1 695     1 359      2 049
metal basket price             

   Platinum                    US$/oz          981        910        7.8      1 034       935        994

   Palladium                   US$/oz          973        978       (0.5)     1 441     1 013      1 664

   Rhodium                     US$/oz        4 638      4 399        5.4      6 959     4 417     10 467

Cr2O3 ROM grade                %              18.0       18.1       (0.6)      17.8      18.4       17.7

Chrome recovery                %              67.3       66.4        1.4       67.9      68.1       66.7

Chrome yield                   %              29.4       29.2        0.6       29.1      30.4       28.5

Chrome concentrates            kt            410.2      402.7        1.9      378.8   1 275.7    1 166.7
produced (excluding third

Metallurgical grade            kt            336.0      339.5       (1.0)     306.0   1 065.3    1 018.5

Specialty grades               kt             74.2       63.2       17.4       72.8     210.4      148.2

Third party chrome             kt             49.6       45.0       10.2       56.2     140.1      143.0

Average metallurgical          US$/t           309        286        8.0        290       295        258
grade chrome concentrate       CIF
contract price – 42% basis     China

Average exchange rate          ZAR:US$        18.6       18.9       (1.6)      18.7      18.7       18.0

Paphos, Cyprus
10 July 2024

JSE Sponsor
Investec Bank Limited

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Investor Relations Contacts:

Ilja Graulich (Head of Investor Relations and Communications)
+27 11 996 3500
+27 83 604 0820

Broker Contacts:

Peel Hunt LLP (UK Joint Broker)
Ross Allister / Georgia Langoulant
+44 207 418 8900

BMO Capital Markets Limited (UK Joint Broker)
Thomas Rider / Nick Macann
+44 207 236 1010

Berenberg (UK Joint Broker)
Matthew Armitt / Jennifer Lee / Detlir Elezi
+44 203 207 7800

About Tharisa

Tharisa is an integrated resource group critical to the energy transition and decarbonisation of
economies. It incorporates exploration, mining, processing and the beneficiation, marketing, sales, and
logistics of PGMs and chrome concentrates, using innovation and technology as enablers. Its principal
operating asset is the Tharisa Mine, located in the south-western limb of the Bushveld Complex, South
Africa. The mine has a 13-year open pit life and is strategically accelerating access to the vast
underground resource which extends for over 60 years. Tharisa is developing the Karo Platinum Project,
a low-cost, open-pit PGM asset located on the Great Dyke in Zimbabwe. The Company is committed to
reducing its carbon emissions by 30% by 2030 and the development of a roadmap to become net carbon
neutral by 2050. As part of this energy transition, the 40 MW solar project adjacent to the Tharisa Mine
is well advanced. Redox One is accelerating the development of a proprietary iron chromium redox flow
long duration battery utilising the commodities we mine. Tharisa plc is listed on the Johannesburg Stock
Exchange (JSE: THA) and the Main Board of the London Stock Exchange (LSE: THS).

Date: 10-07-2024 07:05:00
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