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WE BUY CARS HOLDINGS LIMITED - Trading Statement and Publication Date of the Financial Results for the six months ended 31 March 2024

Release Date: 30/04/2024 07:05
Code(s): WBC     PDF:  
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Trading Statement and Publication Date of the Financial Results for the six months ended 31 March 2024

(previously WBC Holdings Proprietary Limited)
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
Registration number 2020/632225/06
JSE Share code: WBC
ISIN: ZAE000332789
("WeBuyCars" or "the Company")


In terms of paragraph 3.4(b) of the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited, a listed company is required
to publish a trading statement as soon as a reasonable degree of certainty exists that the financial results
for the next period to be reported on will differ by 20% or more from the financial results for the previous
corresponding period.

WeBuyCars utilises core headline earnings to measure and benchmark the underlying performance of the
business. Core headline earnings represents headline earnings adjusted for certain non-recurring or non-
cash items that, in the view of the Company's board of directors ("the Board"), may distort the financial
results from period to period.

Accordingly, the Board advises shareholders that it is reasonably certain that the financial results for the six
months ended 31 March 2024, when compared with the results for the six months ended 31 March 2023
("previous corresponding period"), are expected to be as follows:

     Total Earnings                        Six months ended 31 March 2024                     Six months ended 31
                                                                                                  March 2023
                                   Expected number range          Expected percentage            Actual reported
     Core headline earnings i        R394 million to R410         24% to 29% increase              R318 million

     Core headline earnings          117,5 to 122,3 cents         24% to 29% increase               95,1 cents
     per share i, ii

     Basic Earnings               -R66 million to -R73 million      decrease by more                R69 million
                                                                        than 100%

     Basic earnings per               -19,7 to -21,7 cents          decrease by more                20,7 cents
     share ii                                                          than 100%

     Headline earnings            -R66 million to -R73 million      decrease by more                R67 million
                                                                       than 100%

     Headline earnings per            -19,7 to -21,7 cents          decrease by more                20,0 cents
     share ii                                                          than 100%

     i.   Core headline earnings is a non-IFRS measure which excludes gains/losses, costs and adjustments relating to
          acquisitions and disposals of investments; once-off transaction costs which are directly attributable to corporate
          activity; and non-cash accounting adjustments to the call option derivative asset relating to non-controlling
     ii.  Weighted average number of ordinary shares ("Shares") in issue at 31 March 2024: 335 281 661. Actual number
          of Shares in issue at 31 March 2024: 377 181 120. An additional 40 000 000 Shares were issued on 11 April 2024
          increasing the total number of Shares in issue post the listing to 417 181 120.

WeBuyCars has resumed its core earnings growth trajectory during the six months ended 31 March 2024.
The growth in earnings was driven by higher volumes, higher average selling prices, improved margins,
and cost efficiencies as a result of economies of scale.

Basic earnings per share and headline earnings per share for the six months ended 31 March 2024 were
impacted by the following non-core, once-off transaction costs and non-cash call option derivative
accounting adjustments:

     1. For the six month period ended 31 March 2024, pursuant to the successful listing on the Main Board
        of the JSE, the Company incurred once-off professional, legal and JSE listing fees totalling R45,0

     2. As set out in the WeBuyCars Pre-Listing Statement, dated 12 March 2024, the Company held various
        call options which gave it the right to purchase the 25.1% shareholding in the Company from I VDW
        Holdings Proprietary Limited, for which a call option derivative asset was raised in prior periods. Upon
        adoption of the new Memorandum of Incorporation (on 25 March 2024) the shareholders' agreement
        was cancelled which led to the cancellation of the call options. The call option derivative asset of
        R426,5 million (as at 30 September 2023) was consequently derecognised on 25 March 2024. This
        fair value loss on derecognition of the call option derivative is once-off in nature, non-core and has
        no cashflow impact.

The financial information on which this trading statement is based, has not been reviewed or reported
on by the Company's external auditors. The interim reviewed financial results for the six months ended
31 March 2024 are expected to be published on SENS on or about Monday, 13 May 2024 and a webcast
of the results presentation is scheduled for 09:00 on Monday, 13 May 2024.

30 April 2024

Joint Sponsors to WeBuyCars

PSG Capital                Pallidus Exchange Services

Date: 30-04-2024 07:05:00
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